Part 2

A quicker read:


When they were a few dozen metres away from the Gryffindor Tower, just down the long corridor on the seventh floor, a green flash suddenly appeared in front of the twins and a few moments later the two Gryffindors were paralysed and staring in horror at the black-haired girl in dark green robes and whose eyes burned with a bright dead green flame. Moving closer to the two redheaded underdogs, Hela scrutinised the twins. Only the clatter of the black-haired goddess of death's heels echoed down the corridor.

- I never thought I'd meet such an abomination one day," Hela said, looking at the two degenerate teenagers with disgust. The Goddess of Death immediately realised from the twins' magical aura that they were blood traitors. For a few moments there was silence in the corridor. Which was soon broken by an Asgardian woman.

- I would gladly slit your two throats and watch you bleed to death. But that's too light a punishment for you. I'll do something more interesting," Hela smirked, snapped her fingers, and together with Weasley, disappeared in a greenish glow. Soon the trio found themselves in a huge black castle located in the centre of Helheim. Hela did not bother with the prisoners and while Fred and George were hanging above the floor, wriggling in violent convulsions and screaming loudly, the goddess of death activated the illusion room. Before they could move away from the torture, the red-haired Gryffindors were thrown into a large room where a pale green mist enveloped them and the Weasleys entered a trance during which they experienced everything they had doomed the other first years to. The cries of horror that echoed from the room were a delight to Hela's ears.

The news that the Weasley twins were missing soon spread throughout Hogwarts. And if the Claw, Slytherins and some of the Puffenduys, led by Nymphadora Tonks, were happy about this turn of events, for the two redheads had really got to them. So the news of the disappearance of the two half-wits, this part of the students of Hogwarts met with great joy, and only the brothers' Gryffindor sidekicks were saddened by what had happened. After the news of her sons' disappearance had reached Molly, the fat red-haired woman had rushed to the castle at once. The first thing she did was hurl insults at the pureblood Slytherin and Ravenclaw students, blaming them for Fred and George's disappearance. The deans of the two faculties soon came to the defence of their wards. The professors quickly pacified the woman, who was immediately taken away by the Headmaster of Hogwarts for a conversation in his office. So when Mrs Weasley left with Dumbledore the students in the Great Hall breathed a sigh of relief. It was unbearable to listen to the red-haired matriarch yelling at the family. While the Weasley twins were being investigated at Hogwarts, the aforementioned teenagers were experiencing the hospitality of the Lady of Helheim. After their visit to the illusion room, in which they felt themselves in the shoes of the victims of their pranks, Fred and George left the room completely grey.

However, that was only the beginning. Hela then threw them into the lowest levels of her castle. The cries of the two Weasleys announced Hela's citadel. While in the mortal world, only two days had passed since the twins had gone missing, in the realm of the dead, the Gryffindors had been gone for two hundred years. Hela wouldn't keep them in her world any longer. Watching the two redheaded fools whimpering in great pain, the goddess of death could not contain her gloating.

- Before I let you go, I'll give you a parting gift. I'll block all your magic and my mark will torture you for the rest of your worthless lives," Hela said. Then a dead green glow enveloped the redheads and they shrieked even louder.

As Dumbledore and Mrs Weasley entered the Headmaster's office, the missing students fell out of the green portal. Only the twins looked exhausted, and their premature grey hair made Molly's heart race. Dumbledore immediately summoned the school's medical officer, Madam Pomfrey.

As soon as the woman arrived, she immediately took a cursory look at the victims and was horrified. Quickly dealing with it, the woman whisked the Gryffindors off to the infirmary. Dumbledore and Molly Weasley hurried after the sorceress.

It took Madam Pomfrey about thirty minutes to give the twins a physical examination.

- Poppy, what can you tell me about Mr Weasley's health? - After a short silence, the Headmaster of Hogwarts turned to the healer.

- The boys show signs of multiple torture, of a very high level. However, that is not all. Mr Weasley's magic is blocked, meaning they are squibs and Albus you know the rule, they must be expelled from Hogwarts.

- What a stupid rule!!! We just need to find the thing that tortured my boys and make her give magic back to Fred and George - Molly shrieked.

- Well, well. Good luck with such a suicidal venture - said the school witch.

- What do you mean, Poppy? -questioned the woman, Dumbledore. Madam Pomfrey whispered a spell and two greenish marks in the form of burning skulls appeared on the twins' hands.

- As you can see, these are the marks of Death. I can only guess what Mr Weasley has done to anger the Great One. The marks cannot be removed. So I can't help you," Madam Pomfrey said.

- Albus, is there nothing that can be done? - Molly Weasley said, unwilling to accept the obvious.

- Unfortunately, Poppy is right. It's impossible to remove these marks," Dumbledore said, scrutinising the images with his magical vision.

- Nasty dark brat," Molly said. As soon as the words were out of the full-figured, red-haired woman's mouth, the room went dark. A green funnel appeared in the corner and Hela, clad in dark green armour, stepped out of it. The black-haired girl's eyes burned with a deadly pale light.

- What did you just say?! You vile blood traitor!!! Your degenerate sons are to blame for what happened to them," Hela said, overwhelming the people in the infirmary with her powerful magical aura. As the black-haired goddess of death approached Harry's bed, however, her face became more peaceful. After standing by her summoner's bed for a moment, the goddess of death stepped away from it. Once more she looked around at the crowd.

- This will be a lesson to you, you vile blood traitors. If you try to harm my summoner in any way, you won't get off with a simple loss of magic and my mark. I will destroy your entire family," Hela said as she left the hospital wing of Hogwarts and disappeared into a green haze. With the goddess of death gone, Madam Pomfrey went back to treating Harry for the consequences of the two red-headed morons' banter, no longer paying any attention to Dumbledore and Weasley. Once the twins had regained consciousness, they left the hospital wing with their mother and the Headmaster. Of course, the whole of Hogwarts knew that Fred and George had become squibs and were expelled according to the charter of the magic school. Many students rejoiced at this. Trying to stand up for his brothers, the Head Girl of Gryffindor, Percy Weasley was beaten by his colleague, the Head Girl of Hufflepuff, Nymphadora Tonks. After all, the metamorphine girl had been bullied more than any other by the two red-haired cretins. Of course, she had been reprimanded for breaking her colleague's nose, but that didn't dampen the joy that Hogwarts would no longer have two red-haired bullies. In addition to Percy, Sixth tried to yell as well. However, Ronald was just as quickly silenced by his fellow students. While the students were discussing the news, thanks to Madam Pomfrey's efforts, Harry was able to come to his senses and returned to his studies. As soon as Potter came out of the infirmary, the Sixth Claw tried to attack him, believing that thanks to Harry his brothers had become squibs and had been expelled from Hogwarts. The redhead even tried to spread rumours about it, but no one believed him. Brushing Weasley off, Harry quickly got back into the school rhythm, trying to catch up with his fellow students. After Molly had taken her injured sons away from Hogwarts, the woman, mediated by Dumbledore, attempted to seek help from healers. However, the Weasleys were kicked out of St. Mungo's because the witch doctors honoured tradition and did not want to incur the wrath of the Great Goddess, who had marked the two wicked men with her markings. And messing with a family of blood traitors was a bit of a hassle. So the Weasleys soon had to put up with it. As time went on, however, another consequence of Hela's curse became apparent. Fred and George began to experience severe pain between the hours of 12 and 16. During this time, the twins would lie on the floor and wriggle in painful spasms. However, despite this punishment of her sons, Molly was determined to marry the last Potter to her only daughter, Ginny.


Unknown location. A lone tall figure dressed in white robes stood beside a huge glowing orb. Fatum was watching one of the Hogwarts students. Soon her solitude was broken. The Collector appeared in a bright green haze. Taking a few steps forward, the man stopped and was silent for a few moments.

- Oh Great One, I have arrived as you commanded.

- Very good, Collector. I have a command for you. Although the one I have marked has a good defence in the form of the goddess of death, I think it is not enough. There are many skilled mental wizards among Earth's mages, so the boy needs his own skilled mentalist who can train the last of the Potter family accordingly.

- But, Great One, the boy will not be able to summon new champions until he finishes his first year, and besides, I told the young wizard myself that he will not receive any bonuses yet," the Collector said.

- This will be my bonus and gift to the last Potter, so you won't break your word - Fatum said without turning round. After that the girl took the snow-white sphere in her right hand and for a while just considered it, and then vaporised the crystal.


While the rest of his fellow students were walking around the courtyards of Hogwarts, Harry was sitting in his room reading a book on charms, when suddenly that very same notebook suddenly lit up slightly. Putting the textbook aside, the clawed man hurriedly took the notebook and barely opening it, the boy saw the following inscription:



After this text, an icon with a white sphere appeared. As soon as Harry clicked on it, the sphere split open and an image of a tall blonde girl in white robes and with lush size four breasts appeared in front of the boy. As it followed there was a description of the character:

Emma Frost is an incredibly powerful mutant, she possesses an exceptionally sharp mind, impressive telepathic abilities, and can also transform her body into an organic diamond, making her almost indestructible. From white queen of the Hellfire Club to leader of the X-Men, she passes every test with the grace and finesse and hardness of a diamond.

Key Stats and Abilities

Health: 14,596

Attack: 1,216

Maximum Strength Index:

Without Crown Ability: 3821

With crown ability (99): 4662

Health: 29,264

Attack: 2,437

Maximum Strength Index:

Without crown ability: 7698

With crown ability (200): 10 430

Character Class: Mutations

Basic abilities: immunity to bleeding, resistance to physical damage, prowess, taunt, powerful bite, concussion.


Emma Frost begins combat in diamond form.

If Emma has at least one level more energy than her opponent, she disables her diamond form and activates her telepathic form.

If an opponent has at least one level more energy than Emma, she disables the Telepath Form and activates the Diamond Form.

If an opponent uses Armour Piercing while Emma is in Diamond Form, she switches to Telepath Form and cannot change to Diamond Form for the duration of Armour Piercing.

Diamond form is passive

Organic diamond makes Emma Frost immune to stun, bleed, poison, fume, shock, cold, frost strike, fatigue, concussion, and exhaustion.

Timely blocks give a boost to removal.

When Emma Frost changes to diamond form, she replaces all temporary Dexterity boosts with new unspecified Dexterity boosts that increase damage from special attacks by +10%. In diamond form, no more than 5 series of hits are possible.

10% chance she takes no damage when blocking.

+1636.36 to armour

+352.94 to block skill

+1636.36 to physical damage resistance

+2000 to critical hit resistance.

Critical damage of the enemy is reduced to -181.82.

Developer's Note: Diamond Form is Emma Frost's defence form. She is immune to most weaknesses in the game, including stun, meaning that parry mastery will not stop her. Additionally, her defensive abilities are enhanced.

The telepath form is passive

When Emma Frost enters Telepath Form, she replaces all unspecified Deleth enhancements with a new Deleth enhancement that increases damage from special attacks by +10% and lasts for 7s. A maximum of 10 series of strikes is possible in telepath form.

Critical strikes grant a Deleterious Reinforcement and renew the duration of all active Deleterious Reinforcements.

Emma Frost can read her opponent's mind, causing her attacks to ignore evasion.

+222.22 to Critical Hit Chance for each active Deleterious Effect.

+40.82 to critical damage for each active remove effect.

Developer's Note: The telepath form is the most aggressive form possible. The damage boosts accumulated in both forms increase the critical hit chance and critical damage, and each critical hit gives additional damage. The easiest way to build up kicks is to gain kicks in diamond form, then switch to telepath form and use kicks and critical hits to build up to 10 boosts.

Heavy Attack - Diamond Form

Gives 50% extra energy.

Opponents receive 80% less energy from this attack.

Heavy Attack - Telepathic Form

60% chance to cause a taunt for 5s.

Opponents under the effect of the taunt lose 40% of their attack score and can activate a special attack with a 70% increased chance.

These weaknesses are removed if Emma Frost transforms into Diamond Form.

Developer's Note: Emma Frost's heavy attacks allow her to shift into her telepath form and stay in it. In diamond form, she will receive more energy than the opponent. In telepath form, the opponent gets taunted and will use special attacks. In both cases, Emma Frost will have more energy, which will activate her telepath form.

Special Attacks

Emma Frost switches into telepath form for the duration of the attack.

As soon as Emma Frost finishes a special attack, she loses all Fortitude boosts.

This attack deals precise damage that ignores enemy armour.

Developer's Note: Some of Emma Frost's special attack hits are psychic projectiles. Unlike normal projectiles, they cannot be dodged or dodged by characters such as Daredevil, Hood, or Ghost.

Special Attack 1: Mental Onslaught - Emma Frost directly attacks her opponent's mind with a pair of telepathic blows.

100% chance to cause a powerful bite for 8s. The opponent under the effect of the powerful bite takes 1094.4 direct damage while activating the special attack.

Special Attack 2: Seizure of Madness - Emma directs a blast of mental energy at the opponent, followed by a direct mental attack.

100% chance to cause a concussion for 8s, reducing the accuracy of the opponent's abilities by 50%.

Special Attack 3: Mind Control - Emma takes complete control of the opponent's mind, inflicting a brutal mental trauma on the opponent and then bringing them back to reality.

100% chance to reduce the opponent's energy increase from all sources by 75% for 8s.

Crowning Ability: White Queen

When Telepath Form is active and Emma can lose more than 15% of her maximum health from a single source, she activates Diamond Form for 3s, which reduces damage. This ability activates before armour and resistance checks.

When Emma uses a special attack, the opponent's control is disabled until the end of the attack.

Brutality, Accuracy

In her Telepath form, Emma Frost gains an increased Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage, depending on her distance. If you increase these further with the Cruelty and Accuracy skill types, she will hit more often, get more damage, and hit harder.

Block skill, the perfect block

Emma Frost needs to block her opponent's blows to build up her diamond-shaped kicks. If you choose the skill types Block Skill and Perfect Block, this will reduce the damage she receives.


Resists bleeding, poisoning, and stun.

In Diamond Form, Emma Frost is immune to Bleed, Poison, Stun, and other debilitations. If opponents rely on these effects, they will have a hard time dealing with Emma Frost, especially since she starts the fight in diamond form.

Energy Siphoning

Drawing energy from Emma Frost is quite difficult. Lowering her energy puts her into diamond form. This means that she will lose access to powerful critical hits, but her defensive abilities will increase. This can be good or bad, depending on the opponent.


Armour Piercing

When Emma Frost gets armour piercing in diamond form, she changes into her telepath form for the duration of the weakening. This reduces her defence and disables her immunity to stun and bleed, generally making her more vulnerable. Additionally, Emma Frost has a harder time getting hit in her Telepath form, so those champions who can activate armour piercing at all times will have an advantage in combat against Emma Frost.

Countering Critical Damage

Emma Frost's main damage potential comes from the increased Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage in Telepath form. Champions that reduce the effectiveness of critical hits or prevent them from working will cause Emma Frost a lot of trouble.

As soon as the boy finished reading the information, the girl appeared in reality. Noticing her summoner, Emma sat down on her knees and with her soft, enchanting voice said:

- Greetings, Convocationist. I am ready to fulfil any of your orders.

Looking at the beautiful, blonde-haired girl sitting on his lap before him, Harry remained silent for a while. While the clawed man remained silent, Emma kept her beautiful blue eyes on him. Harry then reread the information about his new champion once more, before standing up and beginning to strut from side to side, pondering such a bonus from Destiny.

- Well it makes sense, if Hela is focused on death magic and the dark arts, then I should have caught a mental specialist sooner or later," the boy whispered quietly. When Harry finished walking from side to side, he turned around and looked at the kneeling blonde-haired girl with bright blue eyes and a lush bust, but the boy didn't pay attention to the latter, as he wasn't ripe for such activity.

- I think I could use some knowledge of the mental sciences (note to the author, in this alternate universe, the telepathy Emma possesses is the highest form of occlumency and legilimency)," Harry said after a short silence.

- Caller, I'll try to teach you everything I know about mental techniques," the blonde girl said, rising from her knees.

Emma disappeared in a white glow, returning to the Caller's notebook.

Harry decided that he would study mental science on weekends, as he didn't have time for it now.

After finishing his homework, Harry left the school library, heading back to the Ravenclaw faculty lounge. The first year student wanted to be alone and get some rest. During this school day, Harry had become quite exhausted, not so much physically, but emotionally. In transfiguration class, the boy had once again witnessed a constant round of smart-assery from a brown-haired Gryffindor girl. The constant memorisation of the textbook, the lack of improvisation on Granger's part, and the obvious favouritism of the Dean of the Alosnamen Faculty, did not please the freshman. But then when classes in other subjects began, Granger similarly tried to jump to the forefront, even though she wasn't asked by her professors. Despite the fact that the other students, not counting Sixth and a couple of other dullards like him, answered all the teachers' questions quite successfully, the hard-headed Gryffindor still tried to stand out in terms of her studies, and for this attitude, she received a very eloquent nickname - 'upstart'. Not only the pure-blooded Slytherins, for the Gryffindor's lowly origins and complete lack of tact and manners, but also the clawed Gryffindors, who did not want to adapt to the traditions of the magical world, were particularly hard on Granger. Candida's students didn't like the Gryffindor's stubbornness in dividing the world into black and white. Everything that did not fall under the concept of her ideal world order, Granger a priori considered dark and harmful. And excessive faith in authorities and books, without critical analysis, was clearly not in favour of the girl. And her commanding tendencies also repelled all her fellow students.

In one of the practical spellcasting classes, Harry had been drawn into a debate with the Gryffindor girl, as they had been paired together. Since they had completed their assignment quickly, they waited for the class to end. As soon as Potter opened the textbook to the page on spell typology, Granger, noticing the clawed Gryffindor's interest in the conditionally forbidden spells described in the paragraph, began to express her opinion indignantly. Harry argued his position as best he could, but then after a few minutes, realising the brown-haired Gryffindor's hard-headedness and excessive light fanaticism, tried to distance himself from her. However, Granger was not going to lag behind, continuing to impose her opinion on the boy, which Potter was not interested in at all. When the bell sounded, announcing the end of the class, the clawed man happily hurried out of the classroom. It was only in the library that Harry was able to come to his senses for a while, after the moralising speeches of the stubborn Gryffindor nerd and upstart. But a slight resentment still lingered in the boy's mind.

After returning to the faculty lounge and going up to his room, Harry closed the door behind him and carefully placed his rucksack on a chair and flopped down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. And after a few moments, the boy dozed off lightly. After sleeping for about an hour, Harry soon woke up and headed to the bathroom. When he came out of there, the clawed man noticed that the summoning notebook lying on his desk was glowing strangely. Deciding to find out what was wrong, Harry sat down in his chair and opened the notebook. As soon as the boy did so, he was pulled into virtual reality and the notebook slammed shut.

Finding himself in an unfamiliar space, Harry saw three glowing doors in front of him that flickered slightly. After a few moments, a text appeared in front of Potter:

- Greetings, you Convocation! Welcome to the Battle of Champions mode. You have been selected to participate in the beta test of this mode. In order to return to reality you must score three victories with your champions. You will be able to enter this mode at any time. The first entrance is strictly regulated. These three doors lead to the respective arenas according to the level of your champions.

Door 1 is the arena for champions with levels 1-10.

Door 2 is the arena for champions with levels 10 - 25.

3 door - arena for champions with levels 25 - 50.

It is recommended to choose the first door. Good luck in your battles, Summoner!!!

As soon as the text disappeared, Harry approached the first door, which was flashing brighter than the others, and there was no image of a lock on it. As soon as the boy touched it, a line appeared in front of him:

- To enter, please enter your nickname.

For a while, Harry thought about what kind of game nickname to come up with and after a few minutes, the clawed boy typed the following phrase into the line:

- Shadow Raven.

- Nick accepted and registered. Welcome to the arena, Shadow Raven.

As soon as that inscription was gone, the door opened and Harry stepped inside. Walking through a long corridor, the boy soon found himself in a huge circular arena. The place where he needed to stand was lit up with a green marker. Then a stand emerged from the floor, the touch panel displaying images of the champions Harry had at the moment, namely Hela and Emma Frost. Nothing happened for a while until a message appeared on the display in the right window.

- The summoner under the nickname 'Lady Meta' is offering you a fight. Do you accept the fight?


After thinking for a bit, Harry clicked on the yes icon. A similar stand with a summoner appeared on the opposite side of the arena, but the opponents could not see each other.

- Callers, choose your champions for the first battle of the two," came a computer voice over the speakers.

Without choosing for too long, Harry clicked on the Hela icon. A few moments later, the goddess of death appeared in the arena of dark green smoke, already dressed in her battle clothes. The opponent of Harry's champion was Thor, who appeared a few seconds after the goddess of death had appeared. In his right hand, the thunderer clutched his hammer Mjolnir tightly.

- The choice has been made, summoners. Yes, the battle will begin! - said a metallic voice. Whereupon Hela and Thor threw themselves at each other. The black-haired goddess of death was pinned to the floor and then jumped over her opponent, striking Thor's body with her black sword, removing about a third of his HP and throwing the son of Odin a few metres away. Thor was knocked back against the wall, but quickly got to his feet and counterattacked his opponent. Hela successfully held back the onslaught of Thor, who like her was a six-star character. However, this fact could not help Odin's son in any way. The goddess of death constantly regenerated, so the damage to her was not significant, which could not be said about Thor, who had no such ability, and by the middle of the battle, the health index of the thunderer fell to the middle.

Standing at his vantage point, Harry watched with admiration as Hela deftly dodged Thor's attacks and launched a multitude of dark green daggers created with magic at his opponent. However, that was not all. The goddess of death defended herself with a green skull-shaped dome, this energy barrier absorbed all the lightning Thor unleashed from his hammer. Then having accumulated enough energy, Hela threw a lot of quick blows at Thor, the thunderer couldn't fight back and a few moments later went flying to the wall. Having lost all XP, the son of Odin fell to the ground unconscious.

- The first battle was won by the summoner with the nickname Shadow Raven. Let the second round begin.

Seeing from the indicators that Hela wasn't tired at all, Harry didn't bother to take her out. Now the opponent of the goddess of death was the Star Lord. A guy in a metal mask and leather jacket, appeared in the arena overly pathos, dancing slightly. After which the fight began. Unlike Thor, Star Lord couldn't last long against Hela and a couple of minutes after the start of the round, he was knocked out and lay in front of the goddess of death in an unconscious state with zero in the health scale. While the "baby" was being beaten, Harry had time to note that during the battle Hela's level had risen from first to seventh. There were only a few experience points left to move up to eighth. And the last opponent, or rather Hela's opponent, was Captain Marvel in a classic battle suit. The blonde-haired superheroine had an arrogance that was reflected on her beautiful face.

"Arrogance never made anyone strong," Harry mentally thought to himself before he gave Hela the order to attack his opponent through the Invocation panel. Despite the fact that she was using photon beams, Captain Marvel, there was no way she could overpower Hela. No matter how much XP the blonde took off the goddess of death with her accurate shots, the goddess of death was unstoppable. Hela's regeneration was higher than that of Wolverine, so her health level did not drop a bit. Enclosing her opponent in a green dome in which Carol was constantly being pinned by strong magic beams, Hela smiled gloatingly. And when the captain's health was at its lowest, the goddess of death struck a final blow, summoning a dark green spear, which she used to knock Carol out.

That was the end of the battle and Harry could finally leave the virtual reality and return to the real world. Flying out of the notebook, the clawed man landed successfully in a chair. Shaking himself off slightly, Harry checked his watch and making sure he had missed dinner, he called the school housekeeper and asked him to bring him some food. This was an option available to students in three of the four faculties, but the Gryffindors were completely unaware of it.

Placing a tray of snacks on the freshman's desk, the House elf soon disappeared. Carefully eating his dinner, Harry sat in a soft armchair, admiring the beautiful view from the window. The Ravenclaw tower offered a magnificent panorama of the area around Hogwarts. After finishing his meal, Potter got up from the table and hurried to the bath. By the time the boy returned, the tray with plates and cutlery had already disappeared, the houseboy having quickly done his job. Without dwelling on it, Harry changed into his pyjamas and climbed under a warm blanket, soon falling asleep. Before drifting off into the realm of Morpheus, however, the clawed first year had time to think about his opponent in the arena.

"I wonder who this mysterious Lady Meta is? It seems to me that she's a wizard.Though I'm not sure about that," Harry mentally pondered before finally falling asleep.

The clawed man had no way of knowing that his hunch was generally correct and that there was a girl besides him in possession of the Champion's summoning notebook. The truth about the identity of this 'Lady Meta', Harry would not know for a while yet. And this information would be a complete surprise to the clawed man.

Meanwhile, in a completely different wing of the majestic castle, in her room, a pink-haired seventh year girl, whose summoning notebook was one of the few artefacts that Andromeda Black had taken with her before she jumped out to marry Theodore Tonks, was getting ready for bed. This notebook, Nymphadora had received for her sixteenth birthday and would occasionally hang out in the game, collecting battle champions.

- Well, Shadow Raven. I will look forward to our next encounter in the game. I owe you a rematch," the seventh year whispered with a slight smile as she prepared for bed.

Neither Harry nor Tonks knew yet that their fight in the arena was not just a random choice, it was Fatum's own decision, who was interested in watching the clawed and the Puffindu fight each other using their champions. And smiling at her thoughts, Fate decided to bring these two together in the future by all means.

- I won't even consider that mumbling werewolf. That cheerful metamorphine deserves a different fate than to be tied to a pathetic loser, an ardent supporter of one grey-bearded manipulator," Fatum said, looking into the magic mirror as she continued to watch Nymphadora Tonks.

Leaving the dungeons, where the potions class was traditionally held, Nymphadora Tonks, a seventh year Puffendu girl with bright purple hair, hurried to leave the Slytherin dungeons as soon as possible. Today's class, as always for the rather clumsy girl, had ended extremely unsuccessfully. Tonks managed to stumble to her feet and drop a few vials, breaking one of the desks in the process. The potions professor, who had rushed over, in his usual caustic, sarcastic manner, had taken fifty points off the Hufflepuff faculty for "Miss Tonks' intolerable clumsiness and sluggishness". The girl was still lucky that Snape hadn't scheduled several weeks of treatment for the metamorphini. But aside from that incident, Nymphadora was worried about her Intermediate Potions test result. The violet-haired girl hadn't changed her mind about going to work at the Aurorate, even though her mother and father had diligently discouraged their daughter from such a choice, but the stubborn Tonks hadn't listened to anyone at all, having decided everything for herself.

Pushing all extraneous thoughts aside, Tonks soon left the Slytherin dungeons, heading in a direction she alone knew. Since the Weasley twins were no longer at Hogwarts, the girl was free to walk the corridors of the magical castle without fear of any stupid jokes about her natural metamorphosis as a seventh year student. Walking leisurely through the corridors of the magical school and humming to herself various cheerful tunes, Tonks soon came to one of the courtyards, where a lonely first-year clawed wizard was sitting on a stone bench under a tall oak tree, reading something in his thick book.

Looking closely, Nymphadora immediately recognised the boy as Harry Potter, with whom she hadn't even exchanged a few words since he had entered Hogwarts, Ravenclaw.

"Well, in that case, it's about time I corrected my oversight," Nymphadora mentally decided, heading towards the lonely Potter.

As Harry continued to read the paragraph about the properties of Runes amulets, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, so he didn't immediately see the purple-haired seventh year Puffindu girl named Tonks sitting next to him.

Sitting down cheekily next to the young clawed man, the metamorphine smiled slightly, fixing her curl a little.

There was silence for a while, which neither Harry nor Nymphadora dared to break. The girl wasn't particularly eager to start this conversation right away, though, and decided to sit in silence for a while.

This was exactly what both the freshman and the seventh year girl were missing. Admittedly one red-haired Gryffindor had a different opinion. The sixth once again tried to befriend the clawed man. It was his mother's plan to get out of poverty, to gain the trust of the last Potter, and then to make the boy pay attention to the only daughter of the red-haired family of blood traitors. Molly Weasley could brew love potions to perfection, having learnt to do so since she was a schoolboy. However, the red-haired, self-serving woman had no way of knowing that all her plans would go down the drain. And even the case with the twins did not make Molly give up her selfish and greedy plans.

She was a stubborn woman, like all Gryffindor alumni and students.

When he had finished reminiscing about his mother's instructions, Ronald walked with a determined look towards the bench where Harry and Tonks were currently sitting. When he spotted the blue-haired metamorphine-puffin, the redhead grimaced in disgust and quickened his pace. Giving his face as friendly an expression as possible, though Weasley didn't have a very good one, the Gryffindor decided to try once again to strike up a conversation with the black-haired clawed man.

- Harry, mate, how about a game of chess. Oh, give up that useless book. Get away from me, you metamorphic girl from the stupid faculty. You're nothing but a pathetic mistake of nature," Weasley said with a disdainful look in the seventh year girl's direction. Harry had barely heard the redhead's obnoxious voice when he stopped reading and saw him sneer at Tonks. The claw was about to respond to the Gryffindor's rudeness, but the seventh year did just fine without him.

- The stupid faculty is not Hufflepuff, but Gryffindor, because that's where you are, Weasel. Oh, I'm well aware you're at the bottom of the class list. And I can tell from your table manners and other behaviour that you're a mistake of nature, redhead," the seventh year replied snidely. As the girl spoke, the Sixth had blushed sharply with anger and clenched his fists tightly, seemingly ready to pounce on Tonks. And by the looks of it, he was, for there were no morals or ethics for blood traitors.

- You filthy metamorphic bastard..... - The redhead started to yell back, but was quickly interrupted, for Nymphadora cast a silencing spell on the Gryffindor, as she did not want to listen to the Sixth's verbal diarrhoea.

After standing in the courtyard for a while with his mouth open like a fish, Weasley soon scurried off down the corridor to the laughter of Nymphadora Tonks.

With the red-haired Gryffindor out of sight, the clawed Gryffindor and the Puffindu were finally able to start chatting. Over the course of the conversation, which gradually turned into a smooth walk around the magical castle, Harry had developed quite a rapport with the overly cheerful girl. However, the boy was strongly alarmed by her dislike of her own name. Potter couldn't understand that. The Claw even tried to tell the girl that she should not give up her name, no matter what it was.

- I think your name is pretty enough," Harry said, walking beside the seventh year girl.

- No, it's terrible. I don't know what my mother was thinking when she decided to name me that," the girl stood her ground.

As much as Harry tried to persuade Nymphadora not to deny her name, the clawed man failed to do so, so everyone was left to their own opinions. After walking together for a few dozen minutes, the clawed man and the Puffendu girl soon parted ways, heading in the direction of their living rooms. By this point there were quite few students in the corridors of Hogwarts, as curfew was still quite short and most of the students of the magic school were already in their faculty lounges, but there were some exceptions. But since curfew had not yet come, the students who were late had a chance to avoid being penalised for their late walks.

When it was a couple of corridors away from the Ravenclaw Tower, Harry felt a powerful burst of magic behind him. Bouncing sharply to the side, Potter let a couple of spell beams pass him by. The Slytherins who had attacked the Claw were among those who still supported the Dark Lord's ideology of pureblood superiority. The leader of the group was Draco Malfoy. The blond boy tried to ignore Potter at first, but over time he changed his attitude towards him. The Slytherin didn't want to admit the fact that the half-blood orphan was superior to him, a hereditary pureblood wizard in his studies. This resentment, coupled with the weakened character of the Blacks that had been passed down from their mother, had caused Draco to start a campaign against Harry. Malfoy managed to quickly turn almost the entire first year Slytherin faculty against the Claw. Only neutrals like Daphne Greengrass were unwilling to take part in these petty squabbles with Potter, caused by the wounded pride of one blonde-haired Slytherin.

- Well, what Potter... - Malfoy began to yammer, stepping forward, leaving his assistants a little behind, as he suddenly stopped talking abruptly. For out of the black and green smoke, a slender girl in dark green robes and with a strange horned crown appeared next to the clawed man.

- What the hell is this? Attacking in a cluster and from behind. So this is how the supposedly 'noble' members of the magical aristocracy behave," Hela said in a cold tone, turning to Malfoy, who had stopped talking. For added effect, the goddess crushed the Slytherins with her powerful aura.

- You pathetic, cowardly, ferret. That's what you are. I'll teach you how to attack from behind! - The black-haired goddess said angrily, then quickly immobilised Malfoy and disappeared with him in a dark green smoke.

A few moments later, the Slytherin, in company with the Goddess of Death, found himself in a rather spacious place. While Malfoy tried to look away from the displacement, Hela created a black and green throne for herself and sat down on it valiantly. There was silence for a while, which no one was planning on breaking just yet.

- What is this place? And who are you? - In a brash, demanding tone, Draco soon began to speak.

- Don't be cheeky, boy! - Hela said angrily, who hated narcissistic and self-centred individuals, of which Draco Malfoy was one. Calming down a little she got up from her throne and walked around the Slytherin.

- The name of this place won't tell you anything. As for me, let me introduce myself. I, the goddess of death, Hela," the girl said as she slightly increased the pressure of her magical aura, smiling wryly. Which made the Slytherin begin to stagger back slightly.

- You know what I hate the most? It's back-stabbing, pathetic lowlifes with no sense of honour. But I wouldn't be focusing on you if you hadn't attacked my summoner, you little ferret. And for that you will receive the punishment you deserve," Hela said, and a few moments later, a bright greenish glow enveloped Malfoy Junior, lifting the Slytherin a few centimetres off the floor. The freshman squealed fearfully, trying to break free of the invisible shackles, but he was having no luck.

- You don't have to try, you won't get free," Hela said in a snide tone as she continued to exorcise the white-haired Slytherin. While he cried out in mild pain, the goddess of death didn't want to maim the freshman, so she used only weak forms of pain curses, while saying what she thought about the tactic of attacking from behind.

- Hmm, perhaps it's not only you who should be punished, but your parents as well. You're spoilt and selfish for a reason. Yes, I suppose I will," Hela finished her monologue as she continued to hold the bound Slytherin a few centimetres off the floor. By this point, Draco had passed out from the pain and was just hanging there like a helpless puppet. After healing all the spell marks left on the boy's body and returning his clothes to their normal shape, Hela hurried to get the freshman back to his room in the Slytherin dormitories.

"Now I think I'll have a word with his parents," Hela said in a snide tone of voice, and then set off for Malfoy Manor, the location of which the goddess had learnt about from the boy's memory.

Arriving at the place, Hela took a leisurely step into the manor, a wealthy pureblood family.

- Pfft. Too much pathos for my taste," was how the goddess of death characterised the interior of the Malfoy estate. Hela found the owners of the house in the luxurious living room, sitting in different armchairs located at a distance from each other. Without further ado, Hela paralysed Lucius and Narcissa, rendering them unable to move.

- Let me congratulate you on the fact that your son is a little shit. It was your failed upbringing that made him that way.

- Yes, who are you to lecture us pureblood wizards?" said Lucius sharply.

- Oh, I'm just a humble goddess of death, Hela," the black-haired girl smiled wryly, releasing her strong magical aura that made the bound Malfoy couple cower in fear. Stepping leisurely across the tiles, Hela scrutinised the two spouses. Standing next to her husband, Narcissa was also in great fear, struggling to keep her composure. Not even the fallen Dark Lord, along with her long dead sister, had caused the blonde-haired woman such fear as she did now.

Not waiting for a response from the man, Hela simply counted Malfoy's memory before tossing it aside. For a few moments, the goddess of death simply paced around the room, thinking about something. Finally coming to some sort of conclusion, she spoke:

- 'So, Lucius Abracas Malfoy, for your active participation in the Dark Lord's movement, you are sentenced to death. The sentence is final and will be carried out now - Having said this Hela instantly put the man to death, then stared at a trembling Narcissa.

- As for you, I will let you live. You will be the regent of the Malfoy family, raise your son properly. Further, from next summer, I will be settling in this manor with my summoner. Consider it another of your punishments. Next, when Harry grows up, you will educate him on sexual relations, plus teach him pureblood etiquette and politics. And lest you shirk your new duties, I will place my mark on you," Hela said, grabbing Narcissa's shoulder and whispering a few words in the language of death, causing the blonde wizard to cry out in pain and convulse in pain for a few moments. As soon as she regained consciousness, Hela had already left the Malfoy family estate. Rising from the floor with difficulty, Narcissa hurried towards her bedroom with a hazy look in her eyes.

The next day the magical press in England published obituaries in memory of Lucius Malfoy. It was also reported that Lucius' widow, Narcissa, had become regent of the family. Of course, among all the mages of Foggy Albion there were those who rejoiced at Lord Malfoy's death. They were mostly members of the Order of the Phoenix, especially Arthur Weasley, who hated the late pure-blooded lord. The man had even organised a small drinking party at his house. When Draco learnt of his father's death, he instantly calmed down and tried to avoid conflicts with anyone, but if the Slytherin had calmed down, the redhead didn't care. Sixth began gloating over Malfoy, hurling insults at both his fellow student and his family. But the professors quickly forced Sixth to tone down his attitude and put the Gryffindor on detention for a couple of months, but despite this punishment, the red-haired Gryffindor continued to gloat, even if he did so among his Gryffindor acolytes.

Harry tried not to pay any attention to all the fuss about Malfoy Sr.'s death, concentrating on his studies and walking with his older friend, Nymphadora Tonks. The boy didn't know that in the future he would have a personal instructor for bedding and more. Completely unaware of this, the clawed wizard continued to study hard, becoming more and more skilful every day, becoming one of the most talented and gifted students at Hogwarts, which made the envy of Weasley and Granger grow considerably.

After all, the two Gryffindors couldn't stand those who were better than them.


Sitting in his room and finishing his homework, Harry occasionally cast glances in the direction of his notebook. The freshman decided that as soon as he finished his work, he would go and do a little fighting in the arenas in the Battle of Champions world. And so when the last assignment was done, Potter opened his notebook and was soon transported to the virtual world where he would have to fight another opponent. And the clawed man was ready for it.

Finding himself in the same hall, Harry waited for his opponent to appear, standing at the control panel. Nothing happened for a while, until an image with text appeared on the display.

- Shadow Raven, a participant with the nickname 'Lord of Chaos', offers to fight. Do you accept the challenge? Yes/No?

After thinking for a moment, Harry pressed the yes button. The screen went black for a few moments, but it didn't stay black for long and soon the following text appeared.

- Choose a champion for the fight.

Harry did not think twice and decided on Hela, clicking on the icon of his character.

- The choice was made - appeared on the screen and Harry waited for his opponent in today's fight to make his choice. The clawed man didn't have to wait long. A few moments later the text appeared on the screen again.

- The Lord of Chaos has made his choice. The fight is between Hela and Thanos. The fight will begin in a few moments.

The black-haired goddess of death was the first to appear in the arena, stepping gracefully onto the battle platform. Moments later, Thanos, clad in his flying throne, emerged from the black archway of the portal, clad in sturdy armour. Rising from his throne, the titan made his way towards Hela. Standing against his opponent, the Chitauri lord clenched his hands into fists.

A scoreboard appeared above the two champions, displaying a report before the battle began. And when zero appeared on the screen, the gong sounded and the opponents threw themselves at each other.

Deftly dodging the titan's lunges, Hela tried to use her magic blades to hook her opponent. However, Thanos' armour was very strong and only a few points of HP, the goddess of death managed to remove from the titan. In return, she took far more damage. Almost half of her health and strength points were immediately drained from the asgardian. But regeneration came to her aid, so Hela continued the fight. After throwing back her opponent, the goddess of death managed to break through Thanos' defences, but he still didn't lose too many lives. The time of the fight was inexorably passing, the opponent was proving to be quite serious. Harry decided to look at the statistics of this Chaos Lord and clicked on the icon with his nickname. The Claw's current opponent had a win percentage of about 75%, and he also had many times more champions than Harry, who had a disproportionately smaller number of champions so far.

While the clawed man was analysing the statistics, of his opponent, his champion managed to mount a counterattack, throwing Hela back a few metres. Without giving the goddess of death a second thought, Thanos began to beat her thoughtfully, successfully overcoming all the defences put up by the black-haired goddess of death. Hela was no longer helped by her rapid regeneration. The health and armour stats of the goddess of death were steadily dropping and soon the bar displaying them turned bright red, indicating that the Asgardian was on the verge. A strong blow to the body, sent Hela into a knockdown. All the health and armour of the goddess of death went to zero.

- The winner of the battle, the player with the nickname Lord Chaos - on the monitor screen, an inscription appeared, with Hela's image crossed out by two red lines.

Leaving the arena, Harry found himself on his champions page. Whereas Emma was standing steady and her strength and health, along with her other stats, were at an all-time high, displayed in green, Hela's was different. The black-haired goddess of death was lying on the ground, and her stripes were bright red. And above the girl's icon was a report of the time until Hela's full recovery.

- Want to shorten your character's recovery time by using a recovery potion? You currently have 100 flasks of recovery potion in your inventory - a text icon appeared as Harry looked at Hela lying on the floor.

Without waiting for the four hours it would take for the death goddess to fully recover, the clawed man applied the three potions and moments later all of Hela's stats were fully restored.


The purple-haired seventh year strolled leisurely through the courtyard of Hogwarts, making small notes in her notebook, thinking about something. Several first year Gryffindor students rushed past Tonks. The girl paid no attention to them, however, engrossed in her own thoughts. When she reached the bench under the huge oak tree, the metamorphine sat down on her favourite spot and continued to make notes in her notebook. In it she wrote down the necessary information for her DADA project. As an upperclassman, Tonks could use books from the Forbidden Section, which some hard-headed Gryffindors were careful not to visit. As Nymphadora wrote down the necessary calculations in her notebook, she noticed a group of freshmen entering, including a brown-haired Gryffindor girl who annoyed Tonks greatly. She had the nerve to complain about a seventh year girl's inappropriate appearance. The juvenile snitch didn't like the bright purple hair of the Puffindu girl. Granger didn't think it was a good idea to stand out too much at school in terms of dress or appearance.

Tonks had had to listen to the vice-principal lecture her about the girl's distinguished appearance. But Tonks refused to change to suit anyone and was given the rest of the month off.