Part 3

A quicker read:


A slender black-haired girl dressed in dark green clothes stood a few steps away from the bed where the green-eyed clawed man was sleeping peacefully. Standing in the moonlight reflected through the window of the Hogwarts freshman dormitory, Hela kept her gaze fixed on the sleeping Summoner. The Goddess of Death looked at him with a very devoted gaze. After all, champions or champions summoned by any Summoner, according to the laws of the game's multiverse, were completely loyal to the one who summoned them. The only thing the black-haired goddess of death regretted was that her master was too young for her to prove her loyalty in a very anticipatory way. But alas, the time had not yet come, so Hela had no choice but to sigh and fantasise about how she would prove her worth to her lord in the future, not only as a warrior but also as a beautiful girl. Sighing heavily Hela continued to watch the sleeping clawed man.

- Sweet dreams to you my lord. It's a shame you're too young to realise that I can be useful not only as a warrior, but in other roles as well. But I am patient and I can wait," the black-haired goddess of death whispered, before quietly leaving Harry's bedroom in a dark green haze, leaving no trace of her presence behind.

The peacefully sleeping freshman was unaware that one of his champions was in his room at that moment, watching him sleep. Harry slept as if he had no back legs, resting from a hard day's work at England's premier magical school.


A blue-haired girl was walking down the corridor of the castle, holding a stack of books taken from the school library. The seventh year student was going to her faculty lounge to study in peace and quiet. There was no annoying Granger in the Hufflepuff drawing room, who had been annoying Tonks with her nerdiness and her desire to teach everyone and everything, as well as her hard-headedness and stubbornness. And to be honest, not just the metamorphine. When Nymphadora arrived at the library after lunch, when she had some free time, she decided to prepare a report on combat spells, presenting the school librarian with a pass to the Forbidden Section, signed by the Dean of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout. She went to the Forbidden Section and picked up a few books on combat spells and sat down at a free table to start studying, but a Gryffindor nerd and know-it-all entered the library. After a quick glance around the room, the freshman took a few thick folios and headed for a free table, and unfortunately for Tonks, it was hers. Sitting down across from the Puffenduya metamorphini, the insufferable brunette began to read her books, but glanced at Tonks' books from time to time. The girl had a feeling that this Gryffindor would start voicing her opinion sooner or later.

- Are those books from the Forbidden Section? - Granger's tone had a distinct tone of arrogance to it.

- I suppose so. What do you care about them? I'm allowed to borrow them as a senior," Nymphadora replied in a cold tone, turning another page without looking at the frowning, disgruntled brown-haired first-year Gryffindor.

- These books clearly contain information on the Dark Arts and are clearly not suitable for self-preparation. I think you should get other books, like..." Granger started to say, but was interrupted by Tonks.

- Look, girl, who are you? My dean to advise me on how to prepare for projects? Or my mum? No, you're neither one nor the other. Then why the hell do you keep coming at me with your advice? I can handle my own self-preparation without the opinion of a Gryffindor nerd," the blue-haired metamorphine said firmly, glaring at Granger with a rather eloquent glare. Unfortunately, the Gryffindor was too stubborn and started saying that studying books from the Forbidden Section was the first step on the dark path. In the end Tonks couldn't take it anymore and said what she thought about one insolent Muggleborn sticking her nose in her own business, but the metamorphine tried not to swear too much, trying to stay on edge. The Gryffindor nerd had really pissed off the Puffendoor Head Girl. Granger, being a very stubborn person, had her own opinion, so she proudly stuck up her nose and walked away, obviously going to report Nymphadora Tonks' offensive remarks to one of the professors, except Snape.

- Hard-headed nerd," the metamorphine hissed quietly, then continued on with her self-preparation.


Back in his room, after his last class, Harry was in a rather foul mood. Six had once again tried to impose himself on the clawed man's company. And having been turned away again, he began, in his favourite manner, to spew such verbal filth that most normal people would have wilted their ears. But the redhead had picked up such verbal baggage from his parents, and used it constantly when he became irritated and when insulting Slytherins. Walking into his room, Harry quickly bolted the door behind him. Taking out the required notebook, the young wizard summoned one of his champions. The boy's choice this time fell to Emma Frost. The blonde beauty was better at giving massages. And the clawed man was in desperate need of relaxation.

- My lord, you called for me? - A tall, blonde-haired girl dressed in white robes and with magnificent breasts of size five, bowed respectfully before the young mage.

- Yes, I need to relax a little. Give me a massage," Harry said, sprawling on the bed.

- Of course, my lord. Let me ask you who is the cause of your bad mood? - Emma asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and slowly massaging the black-haired clawed man's shoulders.

- Well, it was like this..." Harry began to tell her, enjoying the White Queen's skilful massage.


As soon as the bell sounded announcing the end of the class, Harry, along with the rest of the first year claw students, left the classroom. The transfiguration class was the last one for the day, and so the young wizards hurried off to their faculty lounges. But there was one individual who wanted to try to gain the confidence of the last Potter again. Quickly gathering his supplies and throwing them into his bag, the red-haired Gryffindor ran to the front of the class.

- Harry!!! - Weasley loudly addressed the clawed man. Quickening his step Ronald tried to catch up with his classmate.

- What do you want from me, Weasley? - Without stopping or turning towards the red-haired Gryffindor, the black-haired claw asked.

- How about we play a game of magic chess or spit stones? -catching up with Harry, the red-haired Gryffindor said.

- I'm not interested in that. I didn't come to Hogwarts to mess around, I came to study. How you spend your time is of no interest to me. Now, would you please leave me alone?" said Harry, quickening his pace.

- Yeah, fuck you, dickhead, that's a lot of honour for some nerd..... -started hurling insults at Potter, the red-haired Gryffindor. The red-haired Gryffindor was so out of control that he didn't notice anyone or anything around him. The insults were pouring out of the freshman's mouth. Ronald would have kept it up if Harry hadn't used a silencing spell on him.

- That's better," the clawed man whispered quietly, a spell Potter had learnt on his own from reading the spell books in the school library.

Despite the fact that Sixth wasn't yelling in his ear anymore, Harry's mood was ruined and the clawed man walked to his faculty lounge in a sullen state.

 End of flashback

Gently massaging her summoner, the blonde girl listening to the clawed man's story was determined to teach one red-haired Gryffindor a lesson. After making sure Harry was asleep, Emma decided to have a word with Hela. It was worth noting that the champions summoned by the boy were able to communicate with each other while inside the notebook. A few moments later, Frost left the real world in white smoke, returning to the magical notebook. There was a special space for summoned champions inside the notebook where they waited to be summoned again by their summoner.

Hela sat valiantly on her black throne as Emma walked back in. Shaking herself off slightly, the blonde-haired mutant walked forward and sat on the snow-white throne opposite Hela. The two girls remained silent for a while.

- I can see that you are not happy with someone - soon spoke the black-haired goddess of death.

- Yes, you're right. A certain redheaded fool has been bothering our lord again," Emma replied, and then recounted Harry's speech about what had happened. The brunette listened attentively and never once interrupted the blonde. Clenching her fists, Hela contemplated how to put the red-haired Gryffindork who had dared to pester her summoner in his place. As soon as Emma finished her speech, Hela stood up from her throne and began to pace from side to side.

- I think this redhead deserves his punishment. However, it's not a good idea to mutilate him. You're the master of reason, so you're in charge. Give the bastard some attitude that'll embarrass him in front of the whole school. And if he doesn't get it, I'll take care of him myself.

- Okay. Yeah, that's better," Emma said.

- I'd better go with you, you need to keep a low profile, your diamond uniform stands out too much," Hela said and Frost left the waiting area for the summoning.

Back in the real world, the two girls admired their sleeping master for a few moments, and then hiding with the help of Hela's magic, headed towards the Gryffindor living room.

- Ugh, what an abomination," Emma grimaced as she saw Six sleeping. The redhead was lying on his stomach and snoring loudly, snuffling lightly. Saliva from the slightly open mouth of the freshman was dripping onto the pillow, forming a small puddle.

- Chicken? Of course I do," Six whispered in his sleep, sniffling lightly.

Hela, who was standing nearby, was also looking at the redhead with disdain, whose magical aura was quite disgusting.

Standing in front of Weasley's face, Frost began to telepathically install a mental tab into the redhead's mind. It took the girl about five minutes to do the whole thing. After that, the brunette and blonde left the Gryffindor freshman dormitory, disappearing in a greenish haze.


Breakfast in the Great Hall went on as usual. Harry sat at his faculty table and ate his meal neatly. The boy did not speak to anyone during the meal. Taking a goblet of apple juice, Potter was about to take a sip when suddenly there was a commotion at the Gryffindor table. Ronald Weasley jumped up sharply from his seat and looked around the room with a completely mad look.

- What are dark mages doing here? I'm asking you!!! They belong in prisons! - The red-haired first year shrieked loudly, glaring angrily at the Slytherin faculty table.

- Mr Weasley, what do you think you're doing?! - Professor McGonagall tried to calm her student down.

- Shut up, you old hag!!! Me, Merlin, and my mission is to fight Morgana's adepts, of which there are quite a few in this room," said the completely out of control redhead. Most of the students started laughing at Weasley, who left the table and started pacing from side to side, shouting different phrases. The professors were unable to immobilise Ronald, who was dodging spells with unprecedented agility.

- Guinevere, what are you doing in a horde of Morgana's vile servants? Well, I'll set you free," Greengrass turned to Daphne, a completely inadequate redhead. The Gryffindor flung himself towards the girl, who clearly hadn't expected this turn of events.

- Go away, you damned Mordred - punching Draco Malfoy, who was sitting next to Daphne, in the face, shrieked Sixth. Weasley then tried to kiss Greengrass, who was trying to sit away, but the redhead was moving towards the Slytherin, according to the mental tab he had set. But Six couldn't do anything further. Once at the Slytherin table, the redhead could not manoeuvre and received a paralysing spell to the chest from the Dean of the snake faculty. That hour Ronald's mind cleared and Sixth started yelling insults at all the Slytherins again, shouting that they had put something in his food. No one believed the redhead, however. The deans of the two warring faculties personally dragged Weasley away from the Great Hall, to the loud laughter of the Gryffindors, Claws and Puffendoos. Only the Slytherins and especially Daphne Greengrass didn't laugh at that. The girl cringed in disgust, for she had almost been kissed by the Sixth, who was known for his 'manners'.

No one saw the redhead in most classes. The Deans of Slytherin and Gryffindor, along with the Headmaster of Hogwarts, were trying to get to the bottom of what had happened. Being an experienced mental wizard, Dumbledore immediately realised that Weasley's behaviour was caused by a mental tab. However, the question was who had planted it in the redheaded Gryffindor's head. It was a mystery that Dumbledore would have to give serious thought to. But Sixth was still being punished for his debauchery in the Great Hall.

After the breakfast debauch by the red-haired Gryffindor, Harry was in high spirits, as were all the other students except Daphne Greengrass. And not even Snape could spoil it for the clawed Gryffindor. However, Harry knew for sure who was behind this embarrassment of a Sixth.

"We'll have to thank Emma for that," the black-haired clawed man thought mentally as he headed towards the faculty lounge after the last class was over.

With his homework done, Harry decided to check on his magic notebook. Opening it, the clawed man saw the following inscription:

- Update 7.02 is available.To start it tap the first page with your wand. As a reward for the update, you will have access to an orb with a three-star champion.

Harry started the update, and while it was running, he picked up a book on charms and sat down in the chair opposite the fireplace to study the folio.

The update ran for about twenty minutes and when it finished, the notebook glowed a light red. Putting the textbook aside, Harry walked over to the table where the notebook lay. Opening it up, the clawed man made sure the update was complete. Soon a scarlet orb appeared in front of Harry. Clicking on it, the young wizard waited for it to stop spinning to see which character would fall out randomly. After a few moments, the sphere stopped spinning and shattered into several shards. As soon as the glow disappeared, Harry saw a tall girl with bright red hair, dressed in a white suit.

- Congratulations, you have received a three-star Black Widow! Would you like to see the characteristics of the champion you have received?

Harry didn't bother to say no and clicked on the information icon. As soon as he did so, the icon opened revealing the following text:

Brief Biography

Natasha Alyanovna Romanoff was trained by the KGB red room from an early age and became one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. She then caught the attention of Nick Fury and he invited her to join Sh.I.T. on the recommendation of Clint Barton, she later became one of the founding members of the Avengers. Following the events of Civil War, Natasha had to face the dark past of the red room and the fact that new generations of Black Widows may be in the future.


Black Widow is a champion killer and relies on critical hits, shock, reduced accuracy defence abilities and evasion. Her Widow's Insight ability activates when an enemy opens up to attack, which in turn increases the effectiveness of her basic and special attacks. Her ability to shock and reduce the accuracy of her defensive abilities is greatly increased when Widow's Insight is active, and it also gives her the ability to increase her crit chance with each combo. Opponents should also be aware of her sabotage weakening, which deals additional damage every time a defence ability fails due to Black Widow's (Deadly) abilities.


Rarity Health Health Attack Strength Index (max crown)

3 stars - 5639 485 2000

Core Abilities: Widow's insight, shock, accuracy, evasion, sabotage, brutality


Consistently high damage

With Widow's Insight and shock debuffs, players can deal a consistently high amount of damage. This is only possible under one condition, if the player is constantly hitting an opponent while Widow's Insight is active.

Evasion after misses

Black Widow's Evasion is unique in that it activates after she misses. This is very effective against champions such as Invisible Lady and Guillotine 2099, as it allows her to quickly dodge and get out of harm's way after a miss.

Counter defence ability - Sabotage

This ability greatly increases the damage Black Widow can deal to opponents with defensive abilities, such as a series of Creature Stones and Hulk's Fury boost.


Champions with shock immunity

A significant portion of Black Widow's damage is provided by shock damage, so any champion immune to shock will take much less damage from her.

Precision Strike and Maximum Accuracy

Black Widow cannot rely on evasion if the opponent has reliable precision strike or maximum accuracy.

Effects that deal damage over time

Black Widow has no means of clearing weakening or regaining health. This makes her extremely vulnerable to effects that deal damage over time, such as bleed and sizzle.

The following stats and abilities are given for a 5th rank 5-star champion of level 65



Blows with the baton deal energy damage instead of physical damage and can, with a 40% chance, cause a weakening shock that deals 1827.75 energy damage for 3.65s.

Widow's Insight - Max. 50 episodes:

Black Widow's training allows her to strike at the most opportune moments. Gains Widow's Insight for 0.85s if the opponent leaps forward or recovers from a heavy, special, or finishing combo attack.

This ability renews on successful hits.

Widow's Insight is not affected by ability accuracy.

If Widow's Insight is active:

Light Strikes: increases the accuracy of shock abilities by 60%.

Medium blows: reduces the accuracy of defence abilities by 70%.

Heavy blows: 100% chance to cause a 1.75 c stun debuff.

Completing a combo can activate an accuracy boost with a 100% chance to increase the chance of a critical hit by 286.36 for 24 sec. Max. series: 8.

Evasion and Counterattack

When a hit misses, it activates a passive dodge that gives you a 100% chance to dodge the next basic attack for 8 seconds. Once evasion is triggered, the effect is removed. Evasion does not work while holding a block.

When evasion is activated, Black Widow performs a counterattack with a lightning grenade. This attack cannot miss and generates no energy.

When evasion is triggered by any of Black Widow's personal evasion abilities, sabotage debuff is activated, reducing the accuracy of defensive abilities by 20% for 6s. Sabotage deals 48.74 direct damage when the activation of an opponent's defensive ability fails.

Special Attack 1: Flight of the Arachnid - Black Widow (Deadly) delivers a series of kicks and bludgeoning blows, followed by a shocking ending combo.

The final blow causes the shock to weaken, dealing 2437 energy damage for 13s.

At the end of this special attack gains passive evasion, granting a 100% chance to dodge any basic attack for 6 c. Once the dodge is triggered, the effect is removed. Evasion does not activate when blocked.

Special Attack 2: Spider Bite Combination - Black Widow (Deadly) delivers a graceful series of blows with a charged baton.

Deals 4630.3 in instant shock damage when striking a shocked opponent.

If Widow's Clairvoyance is active: all blows reduce the accuracy of defence abilities by 70%

Special Attack 3: Black Widow's Nimble Dance - Black Widow transforms her batons into electric whips and unleashes a powerful discharge on the opponent.

Causes Sabotage to weaken, reducing the accuracy of defensive abilities by 20% for 16s and dealing 48.74 direct damage when the enemy's defences fail.

For every 5 episodes of Widow's Insight gained since the last activation of this special attack, a passive Cruelty effect is triggered, increasing Crit damage by 430.12 for 30s. The Widow's Insight is reset to 0 upon activation of this special attack.

Crown Ability - Red Room Preparation


Increases the effectiveness of sabotage weakenings, increasing by 120% the direct damage they deal when the ability fails.

Increases the duration of Sabotage Weakenings by 80%.

Successful hits while Widow's Insight is active pause the sabotage timer for 0.50s.


Family Reunion - Unique Synergy

Black Widow (Deadly): Black Widow begins combat with passive evasion, which is active until triggered.

Red Guardian: gains the passive effect of unstoppable for 0.6s when charging a heavy attack. Recharge: 10 seconds.

Remember Me - Unique Synergy

Black Widow (Deadly): each time Black Widow strikes while Widow's Insight is active, she gains 2% energy division.

Tuskmaster: Each time he reveals a weakness, Tuskmaster can, with a 30% chance, cause Sabotage to weaken for 10s, reducing the accuracy of defensive abilities by 20% for 10s and dealing 10% of the attack as direct damage when the ability fails to activate.

Memories of Budapest - Unique Synergy

Black Widow (Deadly): reduces the effectiveness of bleeding effects received by the character by 10%. Additionally reduces by 10% if Ronin or Falcon Eye is dead.

Ronin, Falcon Eye: Increases the duration of Bleed and Disorientation debuffs by 10%. Additionally increases by 30% if Black Widow (Deadly) is dead.

Undercover Expert - Unique Synergy

Allies Captain America, Iron Man, Falcon, Black Panther: When an enemy launches a dash attack or recovers from a heavy, special or finishing combo attack, gain Widow's Insight for 0.85s. Completing a combo while Widow's Insight is active grants a Cruelty boost that increases Crit damage by 450 for 12s.

Opponents Gamora, Psylocke, Elektra

All champions on a team with Black Widow gain +115 crit damage.

All champions teamed with Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok)

All champions gain +60 to armour score and 3% to energy boost.


Drunken prowess / A stick of two ends

The shock damage that Black Widow causes is very high, but it can get even higher with these skill types. If players use the synergy of Memories of Budapest, Black Widow will take much less damage from the bleed effect of Stick of Two Ends.


Since Black Widow is susceptible to effects that deal damage over time, Willpower allows you to reduce this damage.

Brutality / Accuracy

Black Widow can deal massive damage from critical hits if she manages to consistently maintain combos in combat. Adding the cruelty and accuracy masteries will increase her damage even more.

 After finishing reading this information, Harry quickly rolled up the characterisation icon of his new champion.

- Greetings, Summoner! I am ready to serve you. Your orders are law to me," the red-haired girl knelt down and said. As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately disappeared. On the page with images of the champions, Natasha's photo became active. For convenience, Harry moved it to Hela and Emma's pictures so he could see all of his champions at once.

- I'll have to try out my new champion soon," the clawed man said as he closed his notebook.