Part 10

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However, as much as Tonks tried to lead a normal life, she soon realised that she was a complete nymphomaniac. Metamorphini constantly wanted sex and the girl became addicted to it. Although she was working hard, in her free time from her service in the Aurorat she was dating several guys at the same time. At first no one knew about it, Tonks skilfully hid her shameful nature from her parents and close people, including Remus Lupin. But being a nymphomaniac, Tonks didn't want to depend on just one man for her sexual pleasures. And while the gullible Lupin was dealing with his own problems, Nymphadora was actively having fun on the side. But no matter how the girl did not hide, the truth still had to come out. And it happened during one of the Tonks family gatherings.

Andromeda and Ted were sitting on a sofa by the fireplace, having a leisurely conversation with Remus, who had come to the house of Nymphadora's parents, at their invitation, as an old friend. The girl herself was not present. Those gathered were already used to the fact that the metamorphine could stay late at work. But this was clearly not the case. Holding mugs with strong coffee, the three wizards were talking on various topics, as suddenly the door to the house opened and with a loud rumble, Nymphadora fell into the corridor. Deciding to find out what was wrong, Andromeda got up from the couch and headed for the door. What the woman saw, however, made her very annoyed. The violet-haired girl had piled into the house wearing badly wrinkled clothes. Tonks reeked of strong alcohol and her hair was badly dishevelled.

- What kind of look is that? - Andromeda crossed her arms over her chest, glaring angrily at her daughter. However, she did not think of answering in any way. Tonks took a couple of steps and stumbled on the carpet, falling to the floor.

- Yes, you're drunk, and drunk as a skunk! Nymphadora Tonks, I demand an explanation immediately! - Andromeda said firmly, looking at her daughter as she tried to get up.

- Andi what's the matter? - Ted and Remus soon entered the corridor. However, seeing drunken Nymphadora, the two men stopped and abruptly stopped talking.

- Daughter, what is it? - Ted lowered himself down beside the girl lying on the floor. Remus, who was standing a little away, thanks to his wolf instincts caught not only the smell of alcohol, but sex at the same time. The man frowned sharply.

- I think we should go into the living room and check with Dora," the werewolf said after a short silence.

-Yes, I suppose so. But first we need Nymphadora to sober up a bit," Andromeda said, heading towards the study, where she kept several flasks of potions in a special cabinet. While the woman went there, two men lifted the drunk Tonks in their arms and dragged her into the living room, sitting her in an armchair. Once back Andromeda made her daughter drink an anti-drinking potion. It took a few moments for Tonks to sober up. While the girl came to her senses, the others gathered in the living room had settled into their seats and were staring intently at the purple-haired metamorphine.

- Fuh, it's good - Nymphadora said after a few minutes of silence, having finally recovered from the consequences of her drunkenness. The girl smiled slightly.

- Nymphadora, maybe you will deign to explain to us why you got drunk like a pig? - Andromeda looked reproachfully at her daughter.

- Mum, I'm a grown-up girl and I spend my time outside of work as I please," the metamorphine said.

- Hmm. Dora, maybe you shouldn't lie. I can smell sex as well as alcohol. Why would you lie? - Remus spoke up.

- What?" Andromeda and Ted exclaimed simultaneously, looking at their daughter with disapproval.

- All right, one man isn't enough for me. Are you satisfied? I want more and I can't stop. Yeah, I'm a nymphomaniac. Thank you mum for giving me that notebook then," Tonks almost shouted.

- Nymphadora, you seem to have overused my gift. I may be guilty, but I'm not going to let my daughter be a sex-crazed slut," Andromeda said.

- Oh, fuck you mum, I'll do as I see fit. And if I like to fuck several men in a row, I'll do it and no one will tell me what to do," Tonks said, jumping up from her chair. However, soon the girl fell back down, Ted used soporific charms against his daughter.

-What are we going to do? - Andromeda sighed heavily, worried about her daughter.

- I can talk to Hippocrates Smethwick, maybe he can tell us how to cure our daughter," Ted suggested.

- Andi, what was that notebook Nymphadora mentioned? - Remus asked.

- It was my birthday present to her. It's an artefact related to the game's multiverse. But I didn't realise that Nymphadora would develop nymphomania because of it," said the brown-haired woman.

- Hmm. I think Ted's right. Hippocrates will probably tell you what to do - supported Andromeda's husband, Remus.

Having contacted the head healer at St Mungo's, Ted asked Smethwick to come to their house. Since the healer didn't have many patients today, he was able to arrive at the Tonks' house.

Walking around the sleeping metamorphini, the man carefully examined the girl's condition with his analysing charms.

- Hippocrates, is it bad already? - Andromeda said worriedly, listening to the man sighing heavily.

- Yes, your daughter has a pronounced nymphomania, which has arisen due to the prolonged use of the artefact. The girl should be urgently sent to a special clinic, which deals with the cure of psychological diseases in sorceresses. The only clinic of its kind in Europe is in Bavaria. I can contact my friend Franz Muller, the head of this clinic. When I speak to him, I'll let you know. In the meantime, your daughter should be kept at home.

- We understand," Andromeda and Ted said, before seeing the healer off.

- I'll talk to Kingsley myself and tell him Tonks needs a holiday," Remus said after Hippocrates Smethwick had left.

- Yes, that would be best," Andromeda agreed with Lupin. Once the werewolf had left to negotiate with Kingsley, the woman took her sleeping daughter to her room.


Meanwhile at Hogwarts.

Harry was lying on his bed, in his private room shut away from his classmates. Next to him, on either side of him, lay two naked beauties, a redhead and a brunette. Natasha and Hela were set for round two and Harry didn't really argue with them, giving the two girls everything they wanted. And now they were snuggling up tightly to the boy on both sides, not hiding their happy smiles.

- Master? - purred the black-haired beauty, rising slightly and looking intently at the boy.

- What," Harry asked, continuing to lie on the bed, turning towards the girl.

- I was thinking that maybe we should have a change of scenery after all.

- What do you suggest?

- Well, we could visit my realm - Helheim. I can open a portal and show you my personal castle... - said the black-haired goddess of death.

- Really? Natasha replied snidely, running her foot gently down Harry's leg.

- I didn't ask you, you redheaded Midgard girl," Hela snapped back, glaring at her companion.

It looked as if another scandal was about to break out. But Harry stopped the two ladies just in time.

- Hela, Natasha, stop it. Your arguments are unnecessary. Maybe later I'll accept your invitation, but I don't think it's timely now," the clawed man said. After that the girls calmed down and put their heads on the guy's shoulders and quietly fell asleep, smiling sweetly in their sleep.