Part 11

A faster read:


Getting up before his ladies, Harry carefully climbed out of Natasha and Hela's embrace, leaving the two naked beauties lying on the bed with their faces pressed into the pillow. After admiring the naked butts of the red-haired spy and the black-haired goddess of death for a while, Potter headed for the bathroom to wash up and clean himself up not only after a long sleep, but also after his lovemaking sessions with the two sexy beasts. When Harry remembered all the things the three of them had done during the night, the black-haired clawed man couldn't hold back a smile. However, the boy quickly pulled himself together and continued to wash his face.

Finished tidying up, Potter returned to the bedroom, where Hela and Natasha were still lying on his bed. The girls had already woken up. But they were in no hurry to leave the bed, preferring to stay in bed.

- As much as I'd like to admire your charms, you'd better leave now. - Harry addressed the ladies.

- Of course, master, we understand," the redhead and the brunette replied at the same time. Then the girls quickly got out of bed and without thinking to cover themselves in any way, disappeared in a bluish glow, going into the virtual world. As soon as Hela and Natasha were gone, Harry used his spells to clean up the room, getting rid of all traces of the bedlam he had spent last night with the red-haired spy and the dark-haired goddess of death.

Finished tidying up, the clawed man packed his school bag with the necessary supplies and headed off to class. However, before leaving the room, Harry once again carefully checked that his magic notebook was well hidden. And only after making sure of that, the boy could go to class with a clear conscience.


As he left the classroom, the black-haired clawed man was in a state of extreme irritation. And it was all the fault of one brown-haired Gryffindor girl, who, as usual, was being overly clever and flaunting her knowledge when she wasn't asked. Groaning in disgust at such inconsideration, Harry hurried away as far away from the class as possible. Especially since the boy had no more classes for the day. And Potter did it just in time. Quickening his step, the clawed man could only catch a glimpse of Granger once again addressing his classmates in an arrogant and even overly patronising manner. Of course no one could like that attitude.

- If you studied hard instead of slacking off and gossiping, you could be successful students," Granger's voice was heard. The brown haired girl was speaking in that tone of voice to Patil and Brown, who had earned a few penalty points for Gryffindor during class.

- 'You know what Granger, we're not interested in your opinion. Cramming all the time isn't going to make you a great wizard. It takes not only brains, but magical power, which you don't have much of," the pure-blooded Indian wizard said, glaring at the brown-haired Gryffindor who was sulking like a mouse on grits.

- It's all made up pureblood snobbery," Granger said stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest.

- Parvati, don't waste your time with that stubborn snob. Let's go better," Lavender said. After that the two girls did not listen to Granger's remarks and walked away towards one of the courtyards. Leaving the disgruntled know-it-all behind.

However, in the evening all Hogwarts students were in for a little surprise. As it turned out, there had been a change in the timetable.

- Before we all get to the gala dinner, let me make a small announcement. Starting tomorrow all students from the fifth year onwards will have new classes related to the practice of magical duelling. It will be taught by Professor Bellatrix Black. Please love and welcome - said the Headmaster of Hogwarts, then stepped aside and allowed the black-haired wizard dressed in dark robes to make a welcoming speech.

Sitting at the Ravenclaw table, in his traditional seat, Harry did not show his strong surprise at Black's decision. The wizardess only glanced in his direction a couple of times, smiling slightly.

The Ravenclaws, the Slytherins, most of the Puffenduys, and the more adequate and reasonable Gryffindors, of which there weren't very many, took to the introduction of the new subject with understanding, and only individuals like Weasley and Granger were displeased. For the lazy redhead, he didn't like the new subject, not only because he had to study hard, but because it would be taught by a pure-blooded sorceress from a dark family, a hereditary Slytherin. And Ronald hated snake faculty and dark wizards. As for Granger, she hated successful purebloods who had access to knowledge that an ambitious muggleborn could never have. Glaring at her new tutor, the brown-haired brown haired girl scowled angrily. However, none of the Hogwarts students tried to pay attention to these two individuals. As soon as the gala dinner was over, Harry did not approach Bellatrix, deciding to talk to her later. Along with the rest of the students in his faculty, Potter retired to the faculty lounge.

Once inside his room, Harry closed the door behind him, as he was no longer planning on going down to the common room. Sitting down at his desk, the clawed man pulled out a hidden notebook and after a brief hesitation opened it.

- WARNING TODAY YOU HAVE A RARE CRYSTAL WITH A CHAMPION - the inscription on the first page glowed with a golden light. Not one to put it off, Harry touched the glowing crystal with his finger. It immediately spun and a few moments later shattered into several shards. As soon as the smoke melted, a beautiful brown-haired girl in dark scarlet robes appeared before the boy's eyes.


After some thought, Harry chose the familiarisation option. After a few moments, he began to read the following text:

Real name: Wanda Maximoff

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 60kg

Daughter of an evil mutant father, filled with magical potential by a demon imprisoned in Mount Wundagore, raised by gypsy foster parents: Wanda Maximoff's life was not easy even before she discovered the possibilities of reality distortion.

Scarlet Witch got her start fighting the X-Men as a member of her father's Brotherhood of Mutants, Magneto. However, she later gave up her villainous ways and joined the Avengers after some of their founders left.

Basic Characteristics

Starting Parameters:

Fortitude (2): normal

Strength (2): Normal

Combat Skills (2): Normal

Speed (2): normal

Energy (3): excellent

Intelligence (2): ordinary


1st level - normal, no bonuses or negative effects

Level 10 - Excellent -5% incoming physical damage


Level 1 - normal, no bonuses or negative effects

Level 34 - Excellent, +5% to physical damage

Combat Skills

Level 1 - normal - no bonuses or negative effects

Level 42 - excellent - +10% damage to combat abilities (

-10% incoming damage to combat abilities


Level 1 - normal - no bonuses or negative effects

Level 42 - Excellent - +5% to movement speed


Level 1 - Excellent - +5% energy damage

+5% mental damage

Level 13 - Excellent +10% energy damage

+10% mental damage

Level 33 - incredible - +15% energy damage

+15% mental damage

Level 49 - amazing - +20% energy damage

+20% mental damage

+1 to spirit regeneration per second


Level 1 - ordinary - no bonuses or negative effects

Level 21 - Excellent - +5% to experience gained

Skills: The Scarlet Witch uses two resources: spirit and chaos fluxes. You gain chaos flux points every time an enemy near you dies. If the chaos flux reaches its maximum value, reality can be altered. The Scarlet Witch develops her skills in three areas: Execution, Denial, and Destruction.

A brief description of the main skills:

Spell Arrow Level 1

Strike an enemy with an explosive spell

Sphere of Spell Level 1

Launch a sphere of chaos that stuns all enemies in its path.

Searing Spell Level 6

Use a spell that will set enemies in a selected area on fire

Destructive Storm level 16

Causes a storm of chaos magic that affects the minds of enemies around you.

Activating another storm will interrupt this skill.

Enchanting Spell level 20

Strike an enemy with a spell that leaves them vulnerable to mental and energy attacks while restoring your spirit at the same time

Reality Blast level 24

Creates a short-term reality warp that pulls all enemies in a specified area.

Chaos Storm level 30

Causes a storm of reality-warping chaos that pushes enemies away, dealing damage and slowing them around you. Activating another storm will interrupt the effects of this skill.


Debilitating Spell Level 2

Use this spell to strip opponents of their advantages

and make them susceptible to attacks.

Weakening Veil Level 4

Shroud yourself in a veil of bad luck that weakens enemy attacks. Activating another veil will interrupt this effect.

Exhausting Spell level 12

Create a mystical area that weakens enemies.

Level 18 Field of Uncertainty

Channel the power of chaos magic to slow nearby enemies.

and distort the direction of enemy projectiles.

Disintegrating Spell Level 20

Create a mystical area that makes enemies vulnerable to attack.

Protective Storm level 26

Summons a storm of good fortune that removes negative effects around you. Activating another storm will interrupt this skill.


Chaos Magic Level 1

Passive Ability

Your connection to chaos magic allows your skills to cast a random negative effect on enemies.

random negative effects on enemies

Sorcerous Daze Level 3

This spell immobilises enemies in a specified area,

damaging them for a specified amount of time.

Chthonic Darkness level 8

Summons the terrifying power of ancient gods, causing enemies to flee in fear.

Chaotic Winds Level 14

Hold down a key to soar over enemies and obstacles

Baffling Spell Level 22

Unleash a spell that forces your enemies to fight each other

Sinister Veil level 28

Wrap yourself in a cloak of terror that can make enemies attacking you flee in fear. Activating another cloak will interrupt this effect.

Vampiric Daze level 30

Slow down your enemies by draining their life force,

while restoring your health.

Ultimate Reality Shift ability level 30

Tear reality around you with a wave of uncontrollable chaos magic, incinerating nearby common enemies and briefly banishing powerful enemies from reality. Enemies killed by this skill leave no loot behind.

Having finished reading, Harry closed the icon with the text. Then he clicked on the image of the girl and summoned her.

- Master. I am glad to serve you! - The brown-haired girl bowed her head respectfully, looking at her new master with a very devoted gaze.

A few moments later, Harry summoned the rest of his champions as well.

- Ladies, meet Wanda. She'll be with you now," Potter said, pointing to the brown-haired girl as Emma, Natasha and Hela scrutinised the brown-haired beauty. For a while his champions remained silent.

- Well, welcome, sister," the blonde telepath spoke first. Then Natasha greeted Wanda. Hela, on the other hand, preferred to remain silent for a while. The black-haired Asgardian frowned at the new champion. And that displeased Harry greatly.

- Emma, Natasha, tell Wanda what she needs to know - ordered them, Potter.

- Of course, master - replied the girls, and then together with the Scarlet Witch went back into virtual reality, leaving Harry and Hela alone.

- So what was that all about now? - Harry stood up from his chair and started pacing from side to side, addressing the black-haired beauty. But she remained silent, drooping her head.

- Master, you do not need me - finally deigned to speak out the goddess of death.

- Don't be silly. You are all equally important to me. And where did such a stupid assumption come from? - Harry moved closer to Hela and gently lifted her head, looking intently into the Asgardian's eyes. There was silence for a while.

- But you'll be spending more time with Wanda than with us..." the black-haired goddess began to say, but Harry didn't let her finish her thought, interrupting her with a kiss.

Kissing passionately, the couple quickly rid themselves of all the extra clothing. Falling back on the bed, Hela gazed languidly at her lord.

- 'Take me, master,' she whispered erotically as she spread her legs apart, looking up at Harry invitingly. Climbing onto the bed, the clawed man did not disappoint the Asgardian, entering with his cock, into Hela's warm bosom.

- Ah!!! My lord!!! More!!! - that hour she began to moan passionately and actively wiggle her hips in time with Harry's movements.....


Waking up early in the morning, the clawed man carefully climbed out of Hela's embrace, who was sleeping with a satisfied smile on her face. After admiring the brunette for a bit, Harry hurried off to the bathroom. Returning back to the bedroom a few minutes later, Potter found that Hela had already returned to virtual reality. The black-haired Asgardian didn't plan on letting her master down. Finishing making the bed, Harry quickly got ready and hurried to the Great Hall. Magical dueling classes were supposed to start today.

As it turned out, the lessons were common for all the faculties, which was logical. Standing next to the rest of the Claw students, Harry waited for the teacher to arrive. It was decided to hold the class outside. Special training dummies had been set up in advance on a large area. The Gryffindors were talking the loudest, discussing the upcoming class. The students of the other faculties were more quiet. Soon a black-haired sorceress dressed in a dark robe appeared.

- Good afternoon, students. From today you and I will be studying magical duelling in more detail. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bellatrix Black and I will be teaching this course. So let's get started. Today we will have an introductory lecture and a little practice so I can determine your skills. Let's get started.

A duel is a contest that a man of honour cannot refuse. It is a safe event, the point of which is to kill boredom or to demonstrate one's abilities to a large circle of spectators, the purpose of such a duel is fame. A peculiarity is an unmotivated or weakly motivated challenge in front of witnesses.

In this type of fight there is no question of insult or satisfaction. It is more about spectacle or competition and the subsequent laurels of the winner. It has never been outlawed on the grounds of promoting the perfection of charms.

To this end, a special Learning Arena was erected at Hogwarts in 1453, the likes of which are found in similar Schools in neighbouring states.

Rare cases of fatalities have been known to occur. However, so far it is rather an exception to the rule. Nowadays, a non-fatal outcome is universally regarded as a good custom, and it is the duty of the opposing sides' seconds to ensure this. For this purpose, the number of seconds may be increased to 3 on each side.

The rules of a competitive duel (Gloria bellum) are as follows

1. The challenge shall be made in the presence of at least 2 witnesses.

2. Each party is entitled to 2 or 3 seconds. The number of seconds shall be equal on each side.

3. The opposing parties have the right to participate in discussing the terms of the duel. But in the course of the duel, the seconds shall have the final say.

4. The seconds have the right to participate in the duel on an equal footing with the instigators or, in certain cases, to act in place of the instigators.

5. Cases in which a second replaces the instigator shall be agreed upon before the start of the duel. As a rule, these are:

- replacement in case of loss of capacity, but retaining the excitement to harm the opponent's glory (duel until both of them fall into a puddle).

- sudden death or loss of magical power one of the instigators for reasons unrelated to the duel (old curse, heart attack, inability to fight duels by virtue of prediction, etc.)

- simple mutual agreement to fight to the last man standing.

6. The winner of such a duel is obliged to wash his victory with the crowd in a place of public entertainment (pub, club, etc.).

7. The number of spectators of such a duel is not limited, unless it is not part of the specially negotiated conditions.

The second type of magic duel is a magical duel of honour (Satisfactia bellum)

This is a type of jousting duel that is designed to restore the tarnished honour of one of the opposing parties, either in the eyes of the public or in the eyes of the victim himself. It varies in degree of offence, has blood restrictions and strict rules of conduct.

1. The challenge is addressed, either orally or in writing, to any of the parties involved.

2 For the insult inflicted, satisfaction can be demanded only once;

3. The duel shall be between two persons only;

4. Seconds (1 on each side) must take part in working out the terms of the duel and ensure that they are strictly observed;

5. The choice of weapon (see "type of duel by type of weapon") shall be made by the offended party.

6. To settle the matter, both opponents go before the Court of Honour. The Court of Honour is the usual and traditional procedure for such duels. The Court of Honour consists of two seconds and an independent Examiner, usually a disinterested person of good reputation, in whom both sides have placed their trust. The same Expert shall give the signal for the start of the duel.

7. A duel for which one of the opponents fails to appear may not be re-scheduled. In such a case, the one who shows up is given the right of 007 (killing the offender at the first opportunity without special warning).

8. The right of the first blow belongs to the offended person or is determined by lot. (the latter is always the case for a Pureblood Duel).

9. In the duel itself, the opponents are not allowed to talk to each other,

10. The clothes must be dark, the collar of the shirt must be white. Both duelists must empty their pockets, remove cufflinks and clasps, and headgear.

Pure Blood Magic Duel. (Satisfactia Pure Sangina).

Subtype Satisfactia bellum/.

Proceeds without seconds under the Arbiter (a residual legacy of the Court of Honour). The draw decides everything. Very dangerous. For honest men only. Dress code is black and white (black clothing, white collar, white gloves). No survivors - no claims. This type of dueling is rarely practised nowadays. Was common among purebloods - Black confidently led her lecture.

- Any questions before we get into the practice? - she turned to the students.

- Why couldn't you find a normal teacher? We don't need a blackmagic cunt as a teacher - Weasley exclaimed loudly.

"Oh, you fool," Harry said mentally, covering his face with his hand. The Gryffindor had absolutely no idea who he was bumping into.

- For your information, Mr Weasley, I have a Master of Combat Magic degree. And I will not tolerate insults directed at me. Now step forward. Now! - the black-haired wizard spoke up.

The red-haired Gryffindor grinned contemptuously and took a couple of steps forward.

- Pfft, I'm not afraid," he said in a high-pitched voice.

- Well, we'll see about that. Now bow

- No way! I won't bow in front of a pureblood..." Weasley started to argue, but Bellatrix wouldn't listen to him. With a wave of her wand, the woman forced the redhead to bow.

- Bowing is a traditional attribute of any duel. You must all realise that. And please don't be as uncultured as Mr Weasley," Black turned to the other students.

- Now, let's begin. Mr Weasley, begin," the teacher turned to the redhead.

- Slagulus Eructo! - The sixth decided to use his favourite spell. A greenish beam flew towards the black-haired sorceress. However, Black silently deflected it, creating a strong shield around herself.

- Flagellum invisibilia - an invisible whip struck the redhead in response, knocking the Gryffindor back a couple of metres.

- Dantisimus - rising quickly from the ground, tried to attack Weasley. But Black was unable to break through the defence.

The sorceress herself, as if not noticing the redhead's pathetic efforts, continued to duel playfully. And after a couple of moments, using her own spell, she suspended the Gryffindor in the air and then knocked him to the ground.

- What can I say, weak. I'd even say disgusting. Even a garden gnome fights better than you, Mr Weasley," Black said, reversing the effect of the spell. The woman turned her back and was about to continue the lesson when she suddenly felt a magical fluctuation behind her.

Deftly bouncing to the side, Bellatrix let the greenish beam of the spell pass by her. The redhead found nothing better to do than to attack back. Such behaviour from the Sixth greatly infuriated the pureblooded wizardess.

- Furunculus. Orbis," she responded with a couple of spells that left Ronald with sores on his face, and then the Gryffindor was dug into the ground up to his neck.

- Minus 100 points from Gryffindor, for disgusting, I'd even say disgusting behaviour. If this wasn't a training duel, it would have ended in death for you, Mr Weasley," Black said, glaring angrily at the red-haired fool, "because in a normal duel, you swear an oath to summon, certified by magic itself.

- Let him go!!! - exclaimed Granger, finally deciding to jump into the conversation. The brown-haired girl looked at the black-haired wizardess with distaste.

- He deserved it and besides, I don't think I gave you permission to speak, Miss Granger.

- Yes, how dare you, you're a pure-blooded snob, obsessed with unnecessary traditions that are detrimental to our society....

- Silence! Another minus 50 points from Gryffindor. Now, you listen to me carefully, little girl, I'm not going to let some God-knows-what, filthy, Muggle-born girl get too clever. You have no knowledge of the traditions of the magical world, nor do you seem to care to. It's because of people like you that many traditions are forgotten.

- That's not true. All your traditions are unnecessary, and besides, I'm ahead of all these purebloods in my studies - Granger stood her ground, as usual mentioning her title of "the smartest wizard".

- So now we'll see how you live up to your 'title' in practice," Black said. However, to Granger's luck, the bell soon sounded, signalling the end of the class.

- Oh you're lucky, Granger. So that means everyone is dismissed. And we'll have a separate conversation with Mr Weasley," Bellatrix turned to the redhead and grinned slightly.


That same evening Molly Weasley rushed into the Headmaster's office and caused quite a scandal. The red-haired, overweight woman was cackling so hard that the privacy charms could hardly cope. Only prepositions were censored in the speech of the matriarch of the red-haired family. Being a hater of all traditions, this lady thought that her son was not guilty of anything and tried to denigrate Black in every possible way. In the end Bellatrix couldn't hold back much longer and Molly Weasley found herself in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, next door to her inconsiderate son.

After such a scandal, the black-haired wizard needed to calm down and have some fun. So she went in search of Harry. She found the clawed wizard in one of the courtyards, reading a book on charms.

- Overlord?

- What is it, Bella? - Harry looked up at the black-haired sorceress and looked away from the book.

- I need to talk to you in private.

- Hmm, okay. Let's go. I know a place where we won't be disturbed for sure," Potter stood up from the bench. After a while, he and his companion made their way to the Room of Requirement. As soon as the door closed behind them, the clawed man turned to Black.

- So, what did you want to talk to me about, Bella? - Harry said and was surprised to find the brunette standing in front of him completely naked. She had shed all her clothes and was rubbing her curls lightly, looking at the clawed man with an expectant gaze.

- That red-haired sow got on my nerves today, so I need to relax, lord. And I think you do too," Bellatrix said, kneeling down in front of Harry and unbuttoning the young man's trousers.

- Hey, not so fast, dearie. I want to have some fun with my master too - suddenly out of the greenish glow, a completely naked Hela emerged. Treading barefoot on the stone floor, the black-haired Asgardian soon sat on her knees, next to Bellatrix.

The two black-haired beauties began to work the clawed man's cock into a battle-ready state with their tongues. Then, with redoubled vigour, they took turns sucking Potter's cock. But it didn't last long. Leaving Bella to give their master a blowjob, Hela got up from her knees and walked around Harry from behind and began to help him remove his outer clothing, while still kissing the boy passionately.

A few moments later, a giant bed appeared behind the trio. The magic of the room clearly sensed that they would need a bed.

- Ladies, let's move to the bed," Harry said as he turned around and saw the huge bed. Bella and Hela didn't object and followed their master onto the bed.

Black immediately returned to her interrupted action. Taking Harry's cock in her warm mouth, Bella began to move her head back and forth, sucking the clawed man diligently.

Hela climbed onto the guy's torso and leaned down slightly so that her soft breasts were right in front of the dark-haired claw's face. Nestling against the black-haired Asgardian's tits, Harry began to kiss and nibble them in turn, not forgetting to gently squeeze Hela's snow-white buttocks with his hands.

- Ah! Master! - voluptuously moaned the goddess of death, gladly submitting herself to Potter's new caresses.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix continued to suck her master's cock diligently, not intending to stop for a moment.

- Hey, Midgardian sorceress, let's switch - after a while Hela turned to Bella.

- All right," she replied and crawled away from the clawed man's cock. Hela began orally pleasuring her master. Bella lay down next to Harry, nestling her breasts against Harry's face.

- Oh, that's it! More!" the black-haired sorceress murmured as Harry's tongue travelled over her nipples. Covering her eyes in pleasure, Black tried to forget the unpleasant encounter with Molly Weasley.

As she continued to actively suck her master's cock, Hela didn't forget about herself. Slipping a couple of fingers into her own pussy, the Asgardian began to move them leisurely.

- Master, I have an idea. How about the steamroller pose? - Bella suddenly suggested.

- Hmm, let's give it a try. Hela, please get on all fours.

- Yes, Master," the black-haired Asgardian replied immediately.

- Okay, Hela will stand first and then Bella. So, ladies, let's stand as I told you," Harry said with a sly smile.

Snuggling up to the black-haired asgardian's ass, Bellatrix began to orally pleasure Hela with her skilful tongue while Harry inserted his cock from behind into Black's bosom. Holding the wizard's hips tightly, Potter made steady reciprocating movements with his pelvis, enjoying the moans of his two lovers.

- Ah! More!" Hela moaned voluptuously, burying her face into the pillow, her hips bucking to meet Bellatrix's. Black, for her part, was actively wiggling in time with Potter's movements.

The clawed man himself leaned back and continued to fuck the brunette, occasionally slapping Black's snow-white buttocks lightly.

After about forty minutes, as promised, the ladies switched places. Hela was now taking her master's cock inside her, licking Bellatrix's pussy.

Moans of pure pleasure completely filled the room. Black had completely forgotten about the scandal with the matriarch of the red-haired family, giving herself completely over to purest pleasure.


Lying in the arms of the two black-haired beauties, who clung to him closely on both sides, Harry gently ran his hands over Hela and Bella's backs. The ladies purred like contented cats with their eyes slightly closed. Tenderness completely covered the three lovers after a few sessions of bedtime pleasures. Hela and Bellatrix were as passionate as each other.

- Master? - one of the black-haired beauties murmured, rising slightly and resting her head on Harry's shoulder.

- Yes?

- Maybe we should have another round," Hela whispered languidly, licking her lips lustfully.

- I don't think you've had enough? - Potter said slightly snidely.

- Well, Master," the two beauties whimpered, looking at the boy pleadingly.

- All right. Just let me get some rest," Harry replied. Then the two brunettes smiled.

- While our master is resting let's distribute which of us will be the first and which of us will be the second - Hela turned to Bella. The Asgardian was no longer so adamant about the Midgardian sorceress; now, after several rounds of group sex, Hela and Bella had found common ground and were already communicating more normally with each other.

- Okay, I'll do it. But let's get out of here, let our master get some sleep," Bella whispered quietly, pointing at Harry, who had fallen asleep.

Nodding in response, Hela got off the bed and together with Bellatrix, headed for the two chairs.

The two brunettes were clearly not going to get dressed. Sitting down in the chairs, the Asgardian goddess and the Midgardian wizard began to talk quietly. They did not want to wake their sleeping master. When Bella spoke about the behaviour of a redhead in her class, as well as the remarks of a certain brown-haired Gryffindor, Hela supported Black, saying that she had done the right thing by them. The two ladies spent the rest of the time talking to each other while waiting for their master to awaken.