Chapter 38: Home Drama

"Finally awake, and I feel so much better. That egg should be hatching soon, right? Let me see… Huh?" Jett examined the egg's status, his initial smile turning into a confused frown. "Huh!!!"

Eva burst into the room, followed closely by a maid and a guard. Her eyes were wide with concern as she rushed to his side. The guard's hand was on the hilt of his sword, ready for action.

"Jett, what happened? Are you okay?" Eva asked urgently, scanning the room for any threats.

The guard and maid exchanged worried glances, both on high alert. The guard's posture was tense, prepared for an intruder that might still be lurking.

"I swear I'm fine. I just woke up and thought I saw a spider over there," Jett lied, pointing to the far side of the room and waving them off with a forced smile.

They all followed his gesture, thoroughly inspecting the area. The maid moved some furniture while the guard checked the corners.