Chapter 39: To the Academy

For four long and boring years, Jett lived under the constant watch of his parents, rarely stepping beyond the confines of their home.


His every move was monitored, and his outings were limited, preventing him from engaging in many activities that other kids his age enjoyed. He felt stifled, trapped in a routine that offered little excitement or freedom.


But Jett wasn't one to let his circumstances hold him back. He devoted himself to training his Aura, Mana, and Lumix.


Day in and day out, he pushed his limits, honing his abilities far beyond what his peers and even those older than him could achieve.


As he stood shirtless in front of his mirror, flexing his newly toned muscles, Jett couldn't help but admire his progress. "So this is how those MCs in light novels feel when they know they're much stronger than others," he mused, a smirk playing on his lips.