The Man In Blue.(2)

Miguel immediately rushed at Jin and engaged in close quarters combat with him, seeking to gauge his level of skill.


In an almost rhythmic fashion, Miguel threw blow after blow at Jin. The latter didn't back down though, he stepped forward while dodging the punches and threw out lightning fast attacks of his own, each one a complete blur to the untrained eye.

Miguel dodged the first few punches but Jin's speed became so overwhelming that all be could do was block as he was thrown back through multiple walls, rupturing the structural integrity of the temple.

Miguel's entire body trembled as he struggled to get up. It trembled not from fright, but his bones and organs shaking within his body.

'His physical strength is crazy! I have never met anyone with that level of cursed technique reinforcement in my life!'

But the battle wasn't over yet.

As if he had teleported, Jin suddenly appeared like a phantom in front of Miguel with his thumb, middle and index finger put together, forming a hand sign.


A large ball of raw cursed energy formed over the hand sign as Jin mumbled a few words of warning to Miguel.

"Defend yourself."

But how could he do so? By the time Jin had finished talking, the ball was already about to explode. Miguel couldn't even move.


Just as Jin was about to attack, a figure suddenly arrived at his side and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"That's enough. You know what's going to happen if you let that off."

The ball of cursed energy quickly disappeared as a small smile formed across Jin's face.

"Right. I was just a little excited, Geto. You're strong, Miguel. If it was the me from 10 years ago, you might have given me some problems."

Jin turned around and walked back through the holes in the walls,heading to a nearby couch.

He leisurely sat down and closed his eyes as he said, "Tell me when you're done explaining the plan to the others, Geto."

Watching as Jin closed his eyes in boredom after their anticlimactic battle, Miguel felt a bit disheartened. The gap was too big.

Even though Jin said he was strong, the way he was quickly defeated made him think otherwise.

Geto could tell what he was thinking. Miguel got up and looked at Geto as the latter let out a slight chuckle.

"Don't compare yourself to oddities like that, my friend. He is a monster that even I would be hard pressed to stand against."

Miguel took off his glasses and laughed as he walked back to the room with Geto.

"You're right. But man, that guy is something! I haven't been hit that hard in my life!"

The two walked back and joined the rest of the family, causing Geto to start telling him about the first and the most important part of his grand plan. It was called the Night Parade Of 100 Demons.

By this time, Jin didn't have to listen to what Geto was saying. After all, Geto and him came up with the plan together.

In the plan, Geto only had one purpose for Jin.

To let him loose on the sorcerers. From there, he was sure that he would be a distraction big enough that even Gojo would be unable to ignore him, or even stop him without considerable effort.

By that time, Geto would be able to achieve his real goal quite easily.

Isolating Yuta Okkotsu so he could kill him and capture Rika Orimoto, the vengeful spirit that was bonded to him.

With powerful allies like Jin and Miguel, his plan was sure to succeed.

There was another part of the plan that Miguel played in the plan.

"Miguel, my friend, remember that cursed tool you have? Since he will be the one holding off Satoru, may I kindly ask you to lend it to him?"

Miguel was a little taken aback by what Geto asked at first, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

And as a plus, the cursed tool his people back in his homeland spent an enormous amount of time creating would gain a lot of notoriety if used against someone like Gojo.

Miguel turned to Jin, who now had one eye open, and untied a mysterious black rope from his belt.

"Jin, this black rope was made by the people of my clan over several decades. It has a special curse imbued into it."

Miguel chuckled as he watched Jin slowly open both eyes and lean forward with great interest, his gaze stuck on the black rope.

"It has the power to disrupt and cancel out the effects of other cursed techniques. But every time the technique within the rope is used, a bit of it is burnt away."

Miguel laid the black rope within the palm of Jin's hand and watched as the man inspected it with much curiosity.

'What a strange cursed tool. Does it really cancel out other cursed techniques?'

With his left hand, Jin formed a small ball of crimson energy and tossed it up in air.


Immediately after, Jin hit the ball with the rope, causing it immediately dissipate upon impact.

"Whewww! Miguel, how come you didn't use this against me?"

Miguel laughed as he leisurely responded, "Why would I use something so important in a little spar? Besides, I doubt the result would have been different. "

He was right. Jin was just feeling like he hadn't seen what Miguel could really do if he was hiding something like this the entire time.

"Heh. Then, I'll make sure that I make the most out of this gift."

Jin grasped the rope tightly and bound it around his right arm, from the middle of his palm, way up to his shoulder.

When he was done, his entire arm was covered in black.

Seeing that part go well, Geto continued relaying the rest of the plan to the family.

Jin had leaned back in his chair and watched as Geto did so, a small smile erupting on his face.

'Ah, Geto. If I didn't consider you somewhat of a friend after this past decade, I would've killed you myself. Hunting a guy like you would have been quite the experience.'

In about an hour, Geto had finally finished explaining every part of the plan and now, was ready to put the first part of it into action.

"Jin, Mimiko, Nanako. Come with me. Let's pay a visit to my old friends in Jujutsu High."

Jin got up with great excitement as he heard these words. Finally, the real action was about to start.

The group left the rest of the family inside of the half destroyed temple and went to the backyard.


A sizeable black portal appeared under Geto's feet and a large white cursed spirit in the form of a bird appeared from it.

"Hurry up and get on, I could barely hold in my excitement."

After Geto urged them to get on, the bird immediately took off, flying into the clouds towards the esteemed jujutsu high.

[Several minutes later]

The alarm signaling intruders suddenly went off within Jujutsu High, causing the sorcerers within to mobilize immediately.

The moment that the bird landed down on the ground, a group of sorcerers were already there, ready to face it.

But they underestimated the intruders.

Before they could even react, Geto was already within the group, face to face with Yuta Okkotsu, the target of his plans.

Just like Jin, even he could barely contain his excitement for a battle.

No, it was more than that.

Geto wanted a war.

Jin followed suit and jumped off of the bird, hands in his pockets as he slowly waltzed towards the group.

Suddenly, he stopped. He felt several energy signatures rushing towards their location. One of them was especially familiar.

"Hm? Is that..."

A figure appeared abruptly between Geto and Yuta, causing the curse user to jump away from his target.

Several other new figures then appeared around the first group, bolstering their manpower immensely.

"Get away from my student, Suguru."

The voice of Satoru Gojo emerged as he stood between Yuta and Geto. The appearance of this anomaly immediately caused a sense of ease to wash over the rest of the students.

With him here, nothing could happen.

Even Jin could see their expressions relax, the grip on their weapons loosen.

A feeling of disgust for these so-called sorcerers welled up within him.

The enemy was right in front of them and they relaxed their guard just because of one man?

A lesson would need to be taught.

With the slightest step, Jin disappeared and reappeared like a ghost.

He was so quiet and fast and most of the sorcerers there didn't realize he moved.

But when they saw him holding one of their budding sorcerers in the air by the neck, one who was just standing nearby, the feeling of unease came right back.


Yuta, a teenage girl with glasses and what seemed to be a panda, screamed their friends name as they saw him within the enemies grasp.

Gojo, especially, was taken aback. He should have been able to stop him, but he was only able to see him move, he wasn't fast enough to react.

"You sorcerers are too complacent."


The boy called inumaki struggled to breathe as Jin tightened his grip upon his neck.

Gojo was hesitant to make a move, but now that he was completely focused on Jin, his face started to jog his memory.

That was when he pulled down his bandages, revealing one of his eyes.

After all, he thought the man standing in front of him should have been dead over a decade ago.

"...Toji Zenin?"