Sir Arcanum

The sky was still and blue, just like the eyes of the man she had met. It was an early morning; she was on the veranda—her nose slightly runny and her throat sore. Like every night, she dreams of the dead who cursed her.

It felt numbing, and her heartfelt grave was bitter and tired. Each morning felt burdensome, but she did not know the reason to live, and even so, desolation came up in the sky, and she knew she must continue even if she was crawling. 

But in her hollow heart was the picture of a man with an unforgettable presence. Maybe if she could meet him once again, she would like to be friends with him. 


"So, the duke agreed?" Teacher Arcanum asked. His lips were agape, but his brows were slightly furrowed, creating a subtle crease between his eyes.

"Indeed, he did." She faintly arched forward. "But I wish you would have discussed it with me before sending him the letter," she stated. 

"Well," he cleared his throat, "I did not want to get your hopes high. Moreover, losing such a bright child to social norms such as forced marriage would be tragic." 

"Since you are about to be eighteen years old in the upcoming February, I have applied for the University of Magic for you."

Luiza nodded in attention, and he continued, "It will be coherent with your studies. Moreover, they approved of your application, probably because I recommended it."

He took out a letter from his breast pocket. Her lips formed an oval shape. 

"I advise you to pack up and leave around tomorrow. For the first four months, you will need to stay at Ever Hill's, as they have stationed you there, but later, during March, you will be moved to the capital. You think you can do it?" 

"Yes," she nodded. The thought of meeting new people brought excitement as well as somewhat terrified her. 

The class began, and Teacher Arcanum taught her about the formation of magical spells. The spells were all a play on physics and mathematics. Every spell utilized a mathematical formulation, which was then executed by the mana. He then wrote the ten basic forms of magic formulation. 

Every form required a lot of precise linguistics, and only at the very end was the form written. At the end of the lesson, he advised, "It is an important topic that is the basis for university, so you should memorize it. Especially if you want to apply pure magic." 

Um? She titled her head, "What is the difference though?" 

He sighed. Disappointment raised in his voice, he answered, "Well, there are two types of magic studies. Pure magic and applied magic. In pure magic, you learn linguistics, research, and make your very own magic, but applied magic is similar to magical engineering; it is the base for innovation and engineering. You learn the application in daily life." 

Oh, she carefully listened. In truth, she did not like magic much, but since she had a higher mana capacity, she was just better at it. 

"What about you, teacher? Which one did you choose?" 

"Well, of course, I chose pure magic." He had a boisterous air around him. 

Her lips curled up into a smile. At least he had chosen the path he was proud of, she thought. 

"You know Luiza," he said, getting down from his podium and sitting next to her.

"You don't necessarily need to take magic. From my experience, although you are exceptionally brilliant at magic, you are much better at other topics. Choose your options wisely, for other people's advice and expectations aren't what run your life.

It is yours to live and explore the most you can. I have seen you since the first time you were brought here, and I am advising you as an older brother. Do not be scared of the unknown; maybe it could be much better than the path with a guaranteed prize."

He then got up from the bench, handed her the letter, and said, "Now, don't get teary, and all the best!" With that, he left. 


Luiza walked through the gloomy hallway of the mansion, about to attend her classes, muttering the butler's name as she barely had any time to prepare. 

"Good day, milady." Butler Edward appeared out of thin air and greeted her with a bow on her way to the etiquette class. 

"Milady, is there anything I can help you with?" 

Her body almost jolted in surprise. Goosebumps surrounded her arms. Calming her emotions, she commanded, "I shall be leaving for Evermore tomorrow. Prepare all my belongings appropriate to the season there. I shall now attend my classes." 

"Yes, milady," he said, bowing and leaving. Luiza too attended her classes, and soon the sky changed its golden hue to a deep blue sky with a few twinkling stars. 

Luiza entered her chambers, and the maid helped her change into the afternoon gown. A sense of relief gushed inside her as the tightening corset left her. As time passed by with no significant work done, Butler Edward invited the young woman to have dinner.

That night, the dining hall had a celebratory ambience, especially since the table was fully covered by lots of dishes. 

The Duke and Dutchess had sat down, and she was the last one to join. 

"Where will you be sent tomorrow?" the duke inquired. 

"The Ever Hills. I will be staying there for four months before going to Apathy Garden," she said nonchalantly. He was neither impressed nor complaining, but she could feel a hint of disappointment. The Dutchess slightly arched her brows but said nothing. 

"This is the first year of Ever Hill's association with Magic Academy, so do not set your expectations too high. It's a town full of peasants and merchants," he implied. 

Her lips parted, wanting to retaliate, but she quickly shut her lips. She had learned from her past actions, she told herself.