The Book

A weight of uneasiness parched her throat. The dinner with the duke made her sour. It was almost midnight, and she was on her bed, gazing at the picture of the goddess Diana. She was about to depart in the next few hours, but her mind was elsewhere. 

Her thoughts kept drifting to the path she had discovered a few days ago. It was creepy and eerie, but it intrigued her. After six years, did she feel alive enough to even make a hasty decision? 

"It's either now or I might regret it forever," she mumbled. 

Luiza got out of bed and changed a fire spell, which allowed her to have a small floating ball of fire. She walked barefoot on the floor and entered the grim library. It was a hauntingly beautiful sight. The moonlight was directly cast on the books, and the red jewel on the book's spine reflected the light. 

Luiza took a deep breath as she gently took the book off the shelf. A minimal route appeared. She took deep breaths as she stepped onto the unknown path. 

Her green eyes swayed back and forth as she carefully studied every detail etched on the path's walls. In the beginning, carvings of human bodies, a few skulls, and then the heads of bears, tigers, wild buffalo, and more hung on each side of the wall. At the very end were written inscriptions in a language she barely knew. 

She staggered. The path reeked of alcohol and blood.

"Um?" She looked at the words. Her finger touched the texts inscribed on the textured partition, while the other hand brought the candle closer. She could not read them, but the alphabet was very familiar. The uncanny room stopped before a casket that reeked a very foul and pungent smell of a rotten body. 

"Wha-" She was flabbergasted. Her lips were covered by shaking hands, and she turned around swiftly and gulped. She felt that she had seen something she should not have.

Her free hand pinched the hem of her dress, and she darted. Her eyes concentrated on the very end of the path, which let in light.

Something on the path struck her. "Ouch!" she whined, releasing a breath she had been holding. Her back lowered, and she brought the fire near her foot.

"Phew! No injuries," she said, and she was almost about to get up when a book caught her attention. It was small, strange, and heavy. The outer cover was harder than metal, and yet when she took hold of it and turned its page, it was written in the language inscribed on the walls.

She closed the book, took it in her free hand, and started to run. The instant she reached out, her hand felt numb, and immediately the book fell to the floor. 

She gasped for breath. Her knees gave out, causing her to sit on the cold floor. Her blood turned cold, her breath shortened, and she got goosebumps down her spine. But she had discovered something extremely vital.

She tiptoed out of the library. She gradually tried to close the large mahogany door, but alas, it let out a loud sound when it closed. 

"Milady?" Butler Edward suddenly appeared in front of Luiza, which startled her. 

Her body jolted in surprise, and her heart almost flew out of her chest. 

"Oh, it's you, Edward." 

"You should sleep, milady. The next would be very hectic for you," the old butler said in concern. 

"Indeed. I shall go to sleep now. Good night, Edward." She slightly bowed and walked downstairs. 

The butler peculiarly gazed at the book in Luiza's hand, which he had never seen in the library's collection.