In the palace

A cold drop of tears landed on his numb wrist. Elijah opened his eyes, and his deep green eyes landed on the girl who made the comfiest pillow out of his wrist and the pile blanket upon him. She had a peaceful face, reminding him of the past days when Loretto and Gaia would sleep out under the tree, under the hot summer days. 

"Um," he grumbled, finding the resemblance uncanny. 

He tore his gaze from her and tried to lift his feet at least so he could stand, but something was holding him down. He raised his neck slightly and looked forward. 


He was trapped in a thick pile of blankets. About four blankets were covering him while his toes dangled out in the air. What a sight! he cursed. 

"Luiza," he called her out as the last grain of hope, but she continued to sleep like a log. Her warm, rhythmic breath continued to flow through his arms, and he tried calling her again.