Sir Elijah

Enticed by the lively market, Luiza bought the ingredients she needed. The sun had started to set, and the golden hue reflected upon her brown eyes. She turned to her side and said, "This should be enough; now all we need is some bone marrow. I hope it turns out well."

Hael paid close attention to examining her, almost lost in her ethereal state, while he continued to listen to her talk. 

"My son! My son is lost," a woman clamored in the middle of the town. Her back hunched and her eyes filled with grief, and she cried out. 

"They took him! My son!" 

In less than a few minutes, a large crowd gathered to watch the drama, yet no one lent a helping hand. 

Luiza, who walked obliviously, could not turn a deaf ear to the crisis, so she halted her steps. 

"We should help her," she said, speaking her thoughts out loud while biting her lip. 

"Indeed" Hael agreed.