Grin of the Devil

She was caught in between his arms, her face dangerously close to his, and all of a sudden, she felt her throat itch, and... "ACHOO!" she coughed right at his face. 

Her eyes widened in horror, and he immediately let go of her arms, forgetting that they were on a descending route, causing her to lean more forward. She immediately tried to get a grip on the carriage's door, but she coughed again, tumbling her to somehow be in between his arms, this time sitting edition. 

She took a deep breath, trying to suppress her coughs, while Hael uncomfortably gazed towards the windows. His legs widened so she could have some more sitting space, and the carriage continued to go downhill. 

"I am sorry; I didn't mean t-ahem. Ahem," she consecutively coughed. 

"That's okay. Accidents happen," he replied.