Red Riot & Shoto pt 1

Kirishima's POV

I hate being alone but here I am, alone. Everyone else had gone home for the summer holidays and I'm stuck here. By myself. With no one to even talk to. Life really sucks sometimes. I mean at least I'm not homeless or anything it's just my parents took a trip... Without me... Wait am I homeless?

I let out a groan before getting up, I can't stay in bed all day! I go down to the dorm kitchen, maybe I'll find a piece of fruit or something? An apple sounds heavenly. Oh right, Bakubro made a bunch of food to last while I'm here alone, honestly it was enough for 4 or 5 people easily. But he claimed that he needed to practice his cooking anyway and that I better not fuck up his kitchen while he is gone.

Bakubro really is a good friend, he just has a hard time showing it all. It's so weird how different Bakubro and Midobro are, how did they actually grow up together? They are nothing alike!

As much as he likes to pick fights particularly with Midobro I'm pretty sure that he is crushing hard on him. I mean he only gets nastier everytime Todobro or anyone else gets anywhere near the green bean.

I chuckle at my thoughts of Bakubro being jealous before humming a tune as I walk to the fridge and pull out dinner for tonight. Spaghetti, and a lot of it. Seriously, how did he expect me to eat all of this?

I'm still humming a tune when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I froze. Wasn't I the only one here?

I slowly turn around and see Todoroki standing in the doorway; he was wearing a tight black tank top and a pair of loose joggers that hung low on his hips, the v clearly showing through the shirt and when he raised a hand to run his fingers through his hair his shirt lifted up showing off his smooth toned abs. All Might help me.

I shake the thought from my head; so not manly. "Bro, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I put a hand to my chest as if I were wounded before laughing. Yeah I have a crush on the fire and ice user but so do all of the girls that ever meet him.

"Sorry that was not my intention. Are you alright?" He looked back at me, his eyes still sleepy as he did. Just how can he wake up this sexy?

"No worries dude. I didn't know anyone else was staying over break. Now I understand why Bakubro made so much food. Is anyone else here?" I ask hopefully, as much as I like Todoroki I don't know if I can actually stay alone with him without spilling my secret.

"Hmm, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it's just us." He seemed to look behind me and I followed his gaze to see the freezer still open.

"Why don't you pick dinner tonight? I just grabbed something," I offered before seeing him look down at the bag I pulled out.

"Spaghetti sounds good," he gave me a small tired smile making my heart jump. I'm so screwed. I haven't told anyone and I mean ANYONE that I'm gay and I really don't plan to.

I nod and put it in the sink to thaw, closing the freezer and pulling out some instant oatmeal. I offer some to Todoroki and he nods slowly as if unsure what I was doing.

"Oatmeal is great plus these packets come flavored, I love the fruit and cream kinds but there are all kinds. Huh?" This is the most ridiculous conversation I could start but it was better than awkward silence. I made a couple bowls of the flavors we picked out two each and ate in silence. I barely even notice the blueberry and cream flavored food I was eating.

"Do you have any plans?" I finally asked when I couldn't take the silence any more.

"Other than not going home? No not really. What about you?" He stood up going to the sink taking my now empty bowl with him. Wait when did I finish? I stood up and stood next to him and dried and put them away as he handed me the now clean dishes.

"Well I honestly thought that I was going to be alone for break so I was thinking of video games and junk food," I rub my neck embarrassed. "But I was going to try and get Bakubro and maybe Midobro to go to the fair with me when they opened tomorrow. It would be cool if you came though. Maybe it would get them both to agree or if they don't then at least I'm not going alone?" I looked back at him and saw him staring at me expressionless. Damn it did I screw something up? I invited him to come and hang out so it's not like it should have made him uncomfortable or anything.

"Hmm, I'll think about it but I heard there was an arcade close by. Would you go with me? I've never been before," I stare at him for a minute. Wait is he? No what am I thinking of course not.

"Yeah sure," I smile back at him relaxing now that I know I didn't make him uncomfortable.

"How about in an hour? Give us time to get ready?" He looked back at me after turning towards the door. I nod happily and he leaves.

When the door shuts behind him I can't help jumping up in excitement but I bite my lip to prevent myself from yelling out loud. It's not like it's a date or anything but the fact remained that HE asked me! I run upstairs and quickly get dressed putting on a nice short sleeves button up over a plain t-shirt paired with nice jeans. I know it's not much but it's still pretty decent looking and it's not like it's a date or anything right? Right!

I rush back downstairs to see Todoroki already ready, I make sure my wallet is in my pocket and slip on my shoes.

"Ready!" I can't help the huge smile on my face. It doesn't however stop me from seeing Todoroki's small cute smile as he waits holding the door for me.

We chatted about all kinds of things on our way there and honestly I was able to relax and just enjoy myself. Even if it's not a date I really like Todoroki and I can't get enough of his smiles. We had some pizza for lunch at the arcade and then raced around a virtual reality track, no quirks, pretending to be ninjas. When I heard him laughing I nearly tripped it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard; like an angel's.

It was on our way back to the dorms that he reminded me of the fair. "I'll ask Midoriya if you want but I'm pretty sure he said he would be busy tomorrow. And Bakugo hates me so if he goes I probably shouldn't." He still had a ghost of a smile on his face but it was quickly disappearing. Crap!

"Now that you mention it I think Bakubro said something about being busy this week too. So would you want to go? With me I mean?" I had one hand rubbing the back of my neck nervously but otherwise I think I was pretty calm.

"You're not disappointed?" I tripped over my own feet at his question.

"Why would I be disappointed?" I nearly shouted but managed to control myself at the last second.

"Well I mean it's pretty obvious that you have a crush on Bakugo but I'm afraid that it's way more obvious that he has a crush on Midoriya." He looked away studying the grass as we walked advoiding my eyes at all cost.

"Wait what? I do not have a crush on Bakubro! He is my bro that is just all kinds of wrong," I shuddered at the thought of him directing his, granted well placed, anger at me after all the things he has told me in confidence because he trusted me. Yeah I would just die.

"Second I totally think he likes Midobro too. They are like yin and yang they should be together but somehow they aren't and it drives me crazy! How? Just how can those two basically orbit each other and still fight the pull after so many years? Bakubro told me they have known each other since diapers. Diapers! And they still fight all the time," I was throwing my arms around as I talked but I could see his shocked face when he turned back to face me after I said the first part about not liking Bakubro.

He looked a bit confused but I was still grumbling about Bakubro being too stubborn for his own good. "I mean don't get me wrong he is my best friend but dear All Might if he starts ranting about Deku this or that when all I was doing was asking him to pass some weights at the gym again I  just might be the one to explode!" I catch myself from yelling but only just and take a few deep breaths before turning back to Todoroki again.

"Sorry, I just haven't had anyone to talk to about any of this. Bakubro would kill me, Mina would spread it through the school and Sero just rolls his eyes whenever I start to express anything other than manly bro mode. Like I'm more than just... Just..." I couldn't figure out how to finish the thought and just blow out a long breath of air several times before finishing with, "I don't know. But I'm more than that!"

"No one believes me either. Like Midoriya is obviously All Might's secret love child but he denies it. Then All Might shows his favoritism, you know again and it's like, really? You're really doing this? But still I get ignored anyway," he sighed out.

"Oh My All Might! Really? I never thought about it before but you're totally right! I mean they look nothing alike but Midobro practically worships the ground he walks on and All Might is always giving him more leeway than anyone else! Why didn't I ever think of that?" My mind is blown. Why didn't I see it before? At this point we had made it back to the dorms and were heating up dinner as we talked about all our ideas that somehow revolved around Bakugo and Midoriya. Who knew they were hiding So many secrets?

"Thanks," I looked up confused by Todoroki's comment and he went on. "It's just everyone just makes fun of my ideas and well you're the first to take me seriously. I mean if I was offered some kind of argument as to why not I would listen but I'm only just told no and that's not an argument it's just stopping the conversation. You know?"

I nod on agreement, "Yeah I feel that. If I say anything besides 'That's so manly bro!' I pretty much get ignored."

"So you really don't have a crush on Bakugo?" He asked, raising an eyebrow that just made him look silly with spaghetti sauce around his mouth.

I laugh a little and shake my head no, "I do have a crush though. But it's not on Bakubro. Wait what makes you think I'm gay?" I look at him seriously. Am I really that obvious?

"I don't know, you just seem more... You?" He looked at me confused with his own thoughts. "I mean I'm pan so I guess I just never thought too much about it before," he shrugged his shoulders like he didn't just drop a bomb on me.

"You're pan?" I asked trying not to choke on my words.

"Yeah, why does that bother you?" He looked genuinely curious if I'm honest.

"Well no. My family are super homophobic though so if I were to show any interest at all I would probably be homeless," I looked away before I could see his reaction. I can't. I just can't. I love my family the idea that they could become strangers over a single sentence... It hurts. It hurts so much.

"I see. So that's why you don't like Bakugo," he nodded as if that explained everything.

"What?" I looked at him so confused he looked like he was doubting himself.

"Your crush. It's Ashido because of your family right? I mean personally I think you should just love who you love but I guess to each their own." My jaw dropped at that.

"No! Oh my All Might never say that again! If she so much as thought I liked her I would never hear the end of it." I covered my face at the sheer ridiculousness of it, that and imagining how she would react to the thought.

"Then who?" We were sitting in the dorm common room relaxing in front of the TV our dishes already done and out away, the TV was muted but the news was playing with the subtitles on.

"Dude if I told you I would just die. Besides there is no way they like me back," I see him look like he was about to argue so I cut him off. "If you think it's so easy then tell me who YOUR crush is?"

"You," he blinked at me like he couldn't believe I didn't already know that. I sat there just blinking at him for several seconds.

"..." I tried to respond but I was just too shocked. My crush actually had a crush on me? What?

"Why? How? Since when?" I couldn't stop the questions from tumbling out but he just shrugged.

"I just do. You are you, what more does there need to be?" He rolled his eyes at me. Then realization seemed to hit him. "Oh don't worry I don't expect you to return my feelings. I understand."

"But..." I stopped myself, my heart hurts. It feels like I can't get enough air but at the same time like the world was spinning out from under me.

"Kirishima? Hey it's okay!" He quickly sat next to me and made me look into his eyes. When did he even get up from the chair? "It's okay. Look at me I'm not mad. I understand," suddenly I realized I had tears dripping and landing on my hands. What? Wait... No... This isn't right. Is it?

"Why?" I choked out still confused by everything I was feeling. How could you ever like me? But I couldn't say it.

"I didn't mean to upset you. It's okay I understand. You still love your family and they are important to you. It's okay," he looked so confused and concerned at the same time. He was sitting so close his eyes were sparkling.

"You," I couldn't help it. I need him to know. He seemed so confused when I didn't even try to say anything else. So I took a deep breath and said it again, "You. Todoroki, you." I just let the tears fall. I couldn't bring myself to even try to wipe them away.

"I'm nothing though. Just some nobody who cares too much about what others think. You deserve so much more. You deserve someone who would scream it from the rooftops. But I can't. I'm worthless..." I started mumbling about how terrible I was. Anything and everything I could think of from forgetting to turn in homework to forgetting what day of the week it was. Any little thing I have ever done wrong I just let it tumble out. He was just sitting there. So quiet and I can't help feeling more and more ashamed as I talked.

"Kirishima?" I froze at my name and slowly looked up to see him still watching me but I remained silent. "Please forgive me. I think you will dislike me doing this," he let out a sigh and I couldn't do anything but wipe my tears away.

"What do yo-?" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips on my own and my eyes that I hadn't even noticed were closed shot back open. He was sweet and gentle and I relaxed and started to lean into him too. He cupped my face gently, enough to allow me to break away if I chose too. But I didn't want to. I really REALLY didn't want to.

When he slowly leaned back breaking the kiss I sat there for maybe three seconds before I realized he didn't move away and taking that as permission I leaned forward again letting our lips meet again.

This time when we broke away from each other I couldn't help the smile on my face and I could see his too. I tilted my head just a little letting our noses touch again inviting him in for another kiss and thank All Might he took it. The kisses were sweet and slow, gentle and kind and I couldn't get enough.

"Todoroki can I call you Shoto?" I asked him when we pulled away again, my voice was barely a whisper but he heard it.

"I would like that very much," he answered equally softly.

"Shoto, will you be my boyfriend? I know I'm a coward but with you. I think I can handle it," I finally pull my eyes away from his lips and look into his eyes.

"Yes and we can wait to tell people, until you're ready. I don't mind," his sweet smile was a little bigger than usual but he scooted a little closer to me anyway and I leaned into his arms. My first kiss and I had to be crying. I wanted to facepalm myself but instead I leaned my head on Shoto's shoulder while he lightly wrapped an arm around me.

This is nice.