18 - A Lie

Lalyn sighed deeply, shifting her gaze towards the frantic Marcilla. "Arlyn... She sensed that meatshield's presence on this badge and then mistook it for whatever stopped Arutol," she calmly explained, pulling the badge from her breast pocket and handing it to Marcilla for inspection.

[Master?! I am CERTAIN the presence I felt above was Van Hellix!! His badge had no influence over me whatsoever-] Arlyn argued through telepathy, but Lalyn disregarded her.

"W-what...?! Arlyn never makes mistakes like this!! If she thought it was Van, then it must be—" Marcilla began, but Lalyn quickly cut her off.

"...Marcy, I always thought you were naive... but now I realize you must be a fool too. How could that... pathetic meatshield accomplish such a feat...?" Lalyn murmured dismissively as she stepped away from Marcilla's embrace, leaving Marcilla staring after her, dumbfounded.

"He was but a grain of sand compared to Magus... If even that..." she continued. Then, Arlyn's voice interjected in her mind.

[Master, why are you lying? I agree, I had my reservations about that human, considering he had the most vile aura I have ever sensed... But, he was our ally! I had grown fond of him myself! There is no reason to lie like this!!] The dragon urgently argued.

"Ha... Arlyn... You've also grown dull over the years. See? She is now admitting she indeed sensed a vile presence above, yet one that bears no resemblance to that meatshield," Lalyn confidently declared aloud to Marcilla, who sat on the ground, her expression unreadable.

"Lalyn," Marcilla called calmly, yet her voice carried a sharp edge. "I get that Arlyn might've made a mistake, but..."

"Can you just... not talk about Van that way around me anymore?" she requested seriously.

Lalyn was slightly taken aback but retained her composure. "Hmmn..." she hummed, leaning close to Marcilla's ear. "Would you rather I whisper other things into your ear... Like we used to...?" She teased softly as she blew icy air into her ear.

"W-what!!!? Stupid, no! No way!" Marcilla exclaimed, her face flushing as she scrambled backward, only to realize her shoes were frozen to the ground.

"A-ah! Y-you damn crazy b—" Marcilla stammered, realizing she was stuck. But just as she was about to shout, Lalyn straddled Marcilla's lap, a smug smile playing on her lips.

Marcilla gasped as she felt Lalyn's sudden warmth and weight pressing down on her.

"In addition to being naive... and foolish... You are also a terrible liar..." Lalyn purred, leaning in so close that their faces were almost touching.

"I-I'm not... I just... T-told you I'm not at that age... anymore..." Marcilla argued weakly, turning her face away.

"Oh..? But in my eyes, you always appear youthful and pretty... Are you telling me I need glasses...?" Lalyn teased, her lips brushing near Marcilla's earlobe.

"D-dumbass... I... Didn't say that...!! I'm just saying... I no longer see you that way...!!" Marcilla's voice faltered, her heart racing.

"Oh... Is that so? Even though I can still feel the way you clung to me earlier as if your life depended on it... Ahh... It made me so nostalgic..." Lalyn hummed, her fingers gently tracing Marcilla's arms.

"Aah... D-Don't say it like that... It's not fair...!! O-our lives were really in danger... So, I just..."

"Just what...? Just wanted to feel me one last time as you, oh so passionately, did all those years ago...?" Lalyn whispered, her hands exploring further, eliciting a shiver from Marcilla who involuntarily arched her back, seeking closer contact with Lalyn.

"J-just... Do what you want... With my body..." Marcilla relented, her resistance fading.

"Lalyn...? Marcy...?" A gentle voice called from just outside the guild.

Lalyn coolly shifted to a sitting position, "Ahh, Amoria. Come here, please... Marcy seems to have collapsed from the stress... Can you heal her?" She called casually as Amoria stood outside, the rest of the guild members slowly filtering out of the establishment to gaze at the clear sky in awe.

Marcilla watched Lalyn stand up with a sly smirk, visible only to her. She cried tears of embarrassment, her face flushing deeply as she looked away.

"My, you poor thing! Don't worry, I'm here...!!" Amoria reassured her, noticing the tense expression on Marcilla's face.

"Just... Kill me already, will ya'..." Marcilla muttered, her voice trailing off.

"Heal you?! Of course, Marcy! I'll heal you right away!" Amoria exclaimed, mishearing her as she pulled out her golden staff. "It must have been so terrifying... Lalyn, did you know what--"

Amoria paused as she looked up while healing Marcilla, only to find that Lalyn had already disappeared.

"Huh? Where did she go...?" Amoria wondered aloud. "Hmm... Must be rushing to see her daughter!" She concluded.

Marcilla sighed in her flush of embarrassment.

"You're just so naive, Amoria..." She mumbled under her breath.

"Hm? What did you say?" Amoria inquired.

"No, nothing... Nothing at all," Marcilla replied, her tone resigning as she relaxed, her gaze lingering on the shadows into which Lalyn had vanished.


[Master is a master at distraction... Is getting to Van Hellix first the reason for your act..?] The dragon relayed, its tone tinged with resignation.

"I knew you kept your sharpness over the years, Arlyn. You know what they say... Hmm... 'The early bird catches the worm,' right? No matter..." Lalyn coolly replied to her dragon.

"Let's just say I am that early bird..." She added, her tongue subtly tracing her lips.

"...And I feel like snacking on a tasty worm right about now..." She murmured under her breath, a mischievous smile spreading across her face.

[Master is incorrigible...] Arlyn relayed, its resignation deepening.

"Alright... Now... Lead me to that meatshield, please." She muttered, her smile tinged with anticipation as she followed Arlyn's senses towards Van's location.