19 - Dukeling

"Alright," Van began, leaning against a lamppost with a heavy sigh.

"I haven't the slightest clue where I am, or where to find that harem bastard," he muttered to himself, frustration evident after racing through the streets in a futile attempt to find a familiar landmark.


His self-criticism didn't stop there. 'Oh, my hands are not clean either. Nothing's improved with my strategic planning in the 20 or so years I've lived in this world!! I could've just rented a place to stay until I sorted myself out, but I'm flat broke!! Wait, that wouldn't work either way!! I bet my helmet's already featured on the upcoming wanted posters...! Why did I tell them my name!!? That Hicks guy swayed my feelings with his charisma and caused me to actually trust him.. Grrr!! Even if I went to the guild right now, I'd be surrounded by elite knights and arrested, no questions asked!! They'd take a week to realize I was a part of Magus's party!'

'Eh, eh!? Why did I even come here broke!!? I should've hunted some monsters and made some money after the demonic realm, but I just ran straight here, eating every monster I hunted... AHHHH WHAT AN IDIOT!!!' Van internally berated himself as he slammed his helmet against the lamppost repeatedly.

Eventually, mentally exhausted and defeated, he let his body slump to the cobblestone ground near the lamppost, gazing up at the sky.

"Ugh... Even without his passives, I bet he would've charmed them all either way with his strategic planning and problem-solving skills. Whenever I was sleeping, he was either mastering arcane arts or banging them. The only reason he didn't win over the demon lord was because we were enemies..."

Van's mouth twitched slightly as an unwanted image of the demon lord in Magus's embrace flashed through his mind.

'...I've conjured up something unnecessary,' he chastised himself.

'Funny... How I've been thinking about Alicia more than the others these past few days,' he reflected internally, his thoughts drifting back to his time in the demon realm.

'Her eyes always held mine so intently. She never looked at me with pity... except that time I told her about my so-called 'wife crusade'. But honestly, even I would pity myself hearing that...'

'Wait, so why can't I stop thinking about her if it isn't pity...?'

'Odd... It's not as if she had anything extraordinary to offer, other than being immune to Magus's influence or probably living the longest out of everyone... Sure, being immune to his passives was why I was there to begin with, and the longevity was a perk, but... That's not what I remember when I think of Alicia...'

'Why do I even consider her still?' He pondered, as memories of her smiles and laughter surfaced, overshadowing the image of her with another.

'...No clue. Whatever. It will pass, surely... Just like her interest in me, if she ever had any.'

Once more, Van felt his mouth twitch at the thought.

'...Damn... Why don't I want her to move on from me? Why can't I seem to move on from her...?' He mused, his hand absently brushing against his helmet as he felt his chest beginning to tighten in discomfort.

'Screw this feeling... I wish I had never met her to begin with... It just complicated everything,' Van concluded, pressing his iron-gloved hands against his helmet, as if trying to physically block out the persistent images of Alicia.

Just then, the night air was pierced by a cry.

"Ahh!! Leave me alone, you jerk!!" A feminine voice echoed nearby.

Van slowly rose to a sitting position, a frown etching across his face.

'This voice... A woman screaming..?' he muttered to himself, his solitude pierced by the unexpected disturbance.

'...Whatever. Once more, I find myself with nothing better to do. Guess it's time to play the hero. Maybe I'll ask for some coin and direction afterward,' he thought resignedly as he stood and walked toward the source of the commotion.

"Come on... Mel! I could really use some comfort right now~... I really thought I was going to die from that dragon attack...!" a guy whined, his tone lecherous as he tugged at a young girl's shirt.

"Then, hug a pillow or something!" She argued as she pulled back.

"What..? But we're on a date~... You should do at least this much on a date with a guy..!" He leered, sneaking a touch on the girl's bottom unexpectedly.

"Kya!!" She shrieked, her mind racing with a desperate plan.

'I'll just conjure my ice magic and blast this bastard away!' she resolved, her determination flaring.

Yet, as she focused her energy, no magic materialized.

"Heh... Tried to use some magic on me just now, didn't you?" the young man taunted, flashing a triumphant grin as he revealed a ring on his finger, glinting with the dull sheen of a magic-absorbing stone.

"T-that!!! A magic absorption ring...!! You BASTARD..!!!" She gasped, horror mixing with panic as she scrambled away from him. Her efforts were clumsy, and she stumbled, falling hard onto the concrete walkway.

"Hehe, lucky me, my dad the Duke loves me so much he wants to keep me safe in case I get attacked, so he gave me this ring!" he boasted with a twisted grin.

"But tonight, as your date, I wanted you to let loose... So I held your hand and drained all of your magic power throughout the evening. You have quite the reserve, so it took a while... I am so disappointed that you tried to attack me, your honored date, Mel... Now, I have to teach you some manners," he sneered, looming over her with a manic smile, his hands ominously reaching towards her as she lay defenseless on the ground.