34 - The Woman

"Thanks, the clothes fit well," Van commented as he emerged from the bathroom dressed in the casual clothes Amoria had given him.

Amoria gave him a quiet smile. "Glad you like them," she replied softly.

"Were these Magus's?" Van inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice as he adjusted the fit slightly.

'I swear that guy wore bigger sizes,' he thought to himself.

Amoria paused, her smile faltering slightly. "I suppose you could say that," she responded with a forced laugh.


"Come on, follow me," she said, leading Van down the hallway of her apartment.

"You look exhausted. Even though it's still early noon, why don't you take a nap?" she suggested as she opened a door to a spare room. The room was simple, with a single spacious bed and clean sheets.

"This room isn't anyone's then?" Van asked as he stepped inside.

"No, it's all yours," Amoria confirmed after a brief hesitation.

"Thanks... I might just lie down for a bit then. I won't impose for long; just need to catch a bit of rest, and I'll be out of your hair." Van said, his tone casual.

'Once I'm up, I'll head to the guild, take up a quest for some cash, and maybe find a place of my own. Don't want to overstay my welcome,' he planned silently as he walked inside and sat on the bed.

Amoria looked down, a subtle blush tinting her cheeks as Van explored the room. "You can stay if you want... For more than just a day, I mean," she murmured quietly.

"Huh?" Van looked up, puzzled by her offer.

"Don't be ridiculous, you live here with your daughter, right? What's going to happen when she sees me here and feels uncomfortable?" Van asked, his tone serious.

"If she feels uncomfortable, you mean..." Amoria corrected him gently.

"No, listen... I told you about my dad back in my previous world, right? How him nonchalantly inviting a woman into the house made me feel displaced, and then It's like I started to feel like a stranger in my own home. Neither I, or you, would want that for your daughter," Van explained, his frustration evident.

"I remember you telling me that story. But Van, you're not that woman. If you decide to stay, my daughter and I would welcome you," Amoria assured him with a soft sincerity.

Van sighed, conflicted. 'She's trying to be kind because she's a priest, but this is her family's space. I'm just a guest.'

"Look, I appreciate your offer, but I don't want to impose. It's your family's home. I'll find a way to manage on my own. Maybe I'll even get a place nearby," he reasoned, trying to keep the situation light.

Amoria shook her head, her expression firm. "I'm not offering this out of courtesy, Van. I genuinely want you here. And I'm sure once my daughter gets to know you, she'll feel the same," she insisted, locking eyes with him.

"Amoria..." Van whispered, taken aback by the intensity of her gaze.

She took a deep breath and turned toward the door.

"Anyway, make yourself comfortable and rest up. Again... Take all the time you need," she said, her voice softer now as she closed the door gently behind her.

'...All the time, huh?' He mused as he looked at the closed door.

With a sigh, Van went to lay on the soft bed, the mattress yielding beneath his weight with a comfort that made his muscles relax instantly. He exhaled deeply, a contented sigh escaping him as he felt the tension melt away.

'Feels like sinking into a cloud...' he thought, a faint moan of relief escaping him. He glanced toward the closed door, ensuring it is closed tight.

'Just this much is okay... Right?' With a final nod to himself, he removed his shirt, folded it neatly, and placed it on the wooden nightstand beside the bed.

'Now I can really unwind...!' He stretched out again, his body sinking back into the bed's embrace.

As he stared at the ceiling, Amoria's offer replayed in his mind.

'...Whatever... I'll think about everything... After... Af—ter... A... Nap...' His thoughts trailed off as sleep quickly claimed him.