35 - Introduction

Several hours later...

"Mom... I'm back... Hehe..." Elizabeth's voice drifted through the house as she entered, her posture relaxed and tired from the day's work.

Amoria, standing in the kitchen, was surrounded by the aroma of cooking food.

"Ah, Liz... How was your day at the guild?" she asked cheerfully yet gently, not turning from her cooking as she awaited her daughter's response.

Elizabeth wearily made her way through the house and leaned against her mother in the kitchen, embracing her gently as Amoria continued to cook.

"Exhausting... Aunt Marcy is relentless..." Elizabeth murmured, her eyes half-closed, resting her head on her mother's shoulder and glancing at the simmering pots.

"...Wow... All this for me... Yay..." she added, her voice trailing off in fatigue.

Amoria chuckled softly. "I might have to scold Marcy next time I see her," she teased.

"No... As much as I want to scream from the muscle pain... I think I need to bulk up a bit before heading to the academy next week, don't you think? They're definitely going to ramp up the training now..." Liz sighed, using her mother's shoulder for support.

Amoria smiled warmly, continuing her cooking with a calm focus. "Well, they will indeed panic and make things more strenuous for the students... Especially for first years like you and Anne."

"Were you here all day? What happened that Aunt Mika had to take you so suddenly?" Liz asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"Oh, that... I met with an old friend, one I haven't seen in over a decade, actually before you were born," Amoria replied casually.

"Really? Who is it?" Liz's eyes lit up with curiosity.

"Hmhm, Van Hellix. My former party member," she stated proudly.

"Oh...?" Liz responded, a mix of curiosity and confusion in her voice.

"What a cold reaction, Liz," Amoria sighed. "This is your brave uncle we're talking about. He was summoned alongside your father, you know," she added.

"No, I know. It's just... He doesn't have the greatest reputation, that's all. Everyone says he didn't contribute much to the party and just dragged them all down..."

"Haha, if it wasn't for him, your mother wouldn't be here," Amoria chuckled.

"You always speak so highly of him... Was he stronger than father?" Liz asked, her gaze intense with curiosity.

"In every single way," Amoria responded firmly, her expression turning to a frown tinged with spite.

"I'm sorry. I... I also haven't really forgiven him for leaving us," she confessed as Liz buried her head further into her mother's shoulder.

"It's not just about that, Liz," Amoria added reluctantly.


"...No, forget about it," Amoria shook her head, dismissing the subject. "That's a story for when you're a bit more grown up."

Liz pouted, her voice a mix of protest and softness. "Stop treating me like a kid...! I'm 17!"

"You. Are. Still. A. Kid!" Amoria playfully emphasized each word, a teasing sparkle in her eye.

Liz watched the pots simmering on the stove, her thoughts stirring just like the soup that was beginning to boil.

"Hey, Mom... Do you think another dragon like Arutol might attack us?" Elizabeth asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

Amoria paused her cooking, setting aside her utensils and turning to face her daughter more directly.

"Elizabeth," she began softly, her hand gently caressing her daughter's back.

"Whatever happens, you mustn't burden yourself with such worries. I may have unfinished matters with your late father, but he did have a few words of wisdom. Remember them?"

"Yes..." Liz murmured, pressing closer to her mother.

"If you focus too much on the future, you'll miss the present," Liz recited, feeling a slight ease wash over her.

"Good girl," Amoria purred as she turned back to her cooking, picking up her utensils to focus on the meal.

"Now, go and take a seat at the table. I'll bring the food over shortly, okay?" Amoria instructed calmly.

Liz nodded and released her hold on her mother, walking clumsily to the dining room. She pulled out a chair and settled into it, waiting.

Before long, Amoria was ready with the meal. She placed it on the table along with three plates, which made Liz look up in confusion as her mother continued to set the table with utensils.

"Is someone joining us?" Liz asked, eyeing the third plate.

"Ah, yes, actually. I forgot to mention—just one second, I'll call him after I finish setting the table," Amoria replied as she hurried to place a can of water alongside the glasses and eating utensils.

"Call him? Someone's already here?" Liz inquired, her confusion growing.

After finishing setting the table, Amoria walked down the hallway to the room where Van was staying.

"Oh...? Someone so important that mom let him stay in that room...?" Liz mused aloud, her curiosity piqued as she slightly tilted her head.

Amoria opened the door to find Van still asleep. With a mischievous smile, she stepped inside and quietly closed the door behind her.

"Van...? Wake up, it's time for dinner," she whispered, as if purposely trying not to wake him up.

Seeing no response, her smirk widened. She then approached the bed, leaned down, and gently blew into his ear.

Van shivered and abruptly opened his eyes.

"If you don't wake up now, I'll have to punish you for being late... <3" she whispered teasingly into his ear.

Van immediately rolled off the bed in a panic, hitting the floor with a thud.

"W-what the...!?" He exclaimed, looking up at Amoria in disarray.

Outside, Liz heard the noise.

"Oh...! What was that thud? Did something fall over somewhere..?" she wondered, still seated at the table.

Back inside the room, Van was flustered.

"Amoria..!?!" he stammered.

Amoria giggled at his reaction.

"Van, dinner's ready. Come on out and join us," she said cheerfully before leaving the room.

"Mom! I heard a thud... Did something fall in there?" Liz called out, still puzzled.

"No, sweetie. It was probably just the neighbors," Amoria reassured her as she sat down beside her at the table.

'Ahh... That girl... She's going to be the death of me!' Van thought to himself as he got up from the floor, stretching his limbs and looking out the window.

'Wow, I slept through the entire day? That felt great...' Van mused, stretching contentedly. He turned toward the door, a thought crossing his mind.

'Man... Being called for dinner after letting me sleep the whole day... It's almost like she's my mom now... Hah, she really IS a MILF now, as I thought...' He pondered as he stepped out of the room, a hint of amusement in his thoughts. 

'Well... It's not such a bad feeling,' he conceded internally, a warmth spreading through him as he walked down the hallway.

As he strolled toward the dining room, still yawning, a realization dawned on him.

'Wait, she said 'join us'...?' His thoughts halted abruptly as he entered the dining room and saw Amoria at the table, her smile welcoming. Next to her was a younger version of herself, her face flushed red as she looked up at Van.

"Aaah...!!" Liz murmured, covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide at the sight of Van's toned, muscular and rough upper torso and arms. Overwhelmed with embarrassment and excitement, she quickly lowered her gaze, hiding her eyes beneath the table.

"Uh... Hello..." Van said, slightly bewildered as he addressed the embarrassed Elizabeth.

"Ah, could you please... put on the shirt I gave you earlier?" Amoria asked gently, still smiling.

"Um, yeah, sure. Sorry," Van responded softly, turning back to retrieve the shirt from the room he had just left.

"Don't worry about it..." Amoria reassured him softly.

Amoria then gave a quick, knowing glance at her daughter.

"Ara~...?" she murmured to herself, watching her daughter's shy behavior.

Observing Liz's reaction to Van, a mischievous, almost devious smile spread across her lips, her cheeks tinged with red as an idea began to form in her mind.