48 - The Way Of The Sandler

"Ah... How vexing," Varlog muttered under his breath as he awoke, still in the wagon en route to the royal capital. He sensed a disturbance nearby, a ripple of unease stirring the air.

"Elder? Are you alright?" The spokesman's voice cut through his thoughts, concern etched into his expression.

"Ah, yes, good lad. My house is nearby in these woods, so I shall get off here," Varlog responded, masking his growing unease with a calm demeanor.

The lad quickly relayed the message to the wagon driver, signaling him to stop.

"Watch yourself out there, alright elder!? I like you, so I'd rather we meet again under joyous circumstances!" the spokesman exclaimed, his voice carrying warmth as he and the others waved goodbye. Varlog offered a gracious smile and returned the gesture before vanishing into the dense woods.

'Demonic presence... here? This pressure... Could it really be...?' Varlog pondered, feeling the weight of the dark energy intensifying. With a swift motion, he extended his thick leather wings from beneath his robes, soaring upwards and then darting toward the source of the disturbance.

As he flew, a bone-dragon with a demonic rider streaked past him at an unfathomable speed, heading straight for the Royal Capital.

'Hmm... This might prove troublesome,' Varlog thought, his eyes narrowing as he watched the creature slice through the clouds.

---------A WHILE EARLIER----------

Alicia sat upon her throne, the light and joy that once sparkled in her eyes now dimmed.

Suddenly, a leather envelope appeared on the floor, materializing within a burst of flames.

'A letter...? From Varlog...!?' Alicia thought, her curiosity piqued as she flicked the envelope toward her with a gesture of telekinesis.

She opened it meticulously, her eyes scanning the contents.

Just then, a maid entered the throne room, ready to deliver news regarding the kingdom in Varlog's absence.

"My Lord... Liliac has—" the maid began with a respectful bow.

"Ah..." Alicia gasped softly, her attention snapped back to the note, her hands trembling with the weight of its words.

"Van is... in the Royal Capital... I'm..." she murmured, clutching the letter tightly.

"So... So happy that he's okay..." Tears welled up as she pressed the note against her forehead, a sob escaping her lips.

'Master Varlog has found Master Van...!!!' the maid thought, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"MY LORD, I SHALL PREPARE LILAC, LET US RIDE TO THE CAPITAL AND—" the maid burst out enthusiastically, stepping forward.

Alicia raised her palm, signaling her to halt.

"I know... I know Liliac misses Van, and that he has grown restless with no one to play with him..." Alicia spoke softly, wiping away her tears and straightening her posture as she faced the eager maid.

"But I must not leave. I cannot abandon my kingdom," she declared, her voice firm.

"...But... My Lord, it is Van! We now know where he is! Allow me to manage your throne while you—"

Flames flickered in Alicia's eyes as her gaze narrowed.

"Do you covet my throne, servant..?" she asked, her voice cold and sharp.

The maid's eyes widened, fear gripping her heart as she dropped to her knees, bowing her head low.

"I WOULD NOT DARE, MY LORD!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with the fervor of her loyalty.

"..." Alicia took a deep breath, her muscles relaxing along with the fiery intensity of her gaze.

"...I am aware you have also grown attached to Van. But we must be patient and steadfast. I have a kingdom to manage. And while said kingdom stands more securely on its feet than it did two years ago, I must not take that for granted. I shall wait here and trust in Varlog," she stated firmly, her resolve clear.

The maid's hand, pinned to the ground, trembled slightly.

"Why...?" Her voice quavered, filled with confusion and sorrow.

"...?" Alicia raised an eyebrow, prompting further explanation with a soft hum.

"You... You love him, do you not, my lord?! Wouldn't it then be preferable to go to him, as he once came to you?" The maid's words spilled out in a rush, her eyes still downcast, her lips trembling.

Alicia remained silent for a moment, her gaze softening as she regarded the maid calmly.

"I.. I just don't understand, my lord! I... I apologize if this sounds treacherous...!!! But should you not be more loyal to your heart rather than to a castle, to servants who come and go, and to villages full of strangers you hardly know...!?" She pleaded, her voice shaking.

Alicia sighed deeply.

"...Those words," Alicia began as she rose from her throne and walked down to the kneeling maiden, who closed her eyes, bracing for a harsh reprimand... or worse.

"Before, I would have scorched you on the spot for such treacherous ideals," Alicia continued, now standing inches from the maid, who flinched slightly. Alicia knelt before her, gently caressing her head.

"But the more I endlessly scorched a certain someone for uttering such foolishness, the more I opened my mind to such notions," she confessed, gently lifting the maid's chin to meet her eyes.

"It appears Van has influenced all of us in such a manner, hasn't he?" she said, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"My... Lord..." The maid murmured, her eyes meeting Alicia's in a mix of awe and relief.

"I came to realize a truth of my own as I softened the walls I had been forced to build around myself as the queen of darkness. There is no difference between Van and all of you," Alicia declared, pulling the maid into a gentle embrace.

"You are all home. You are all family," she whispered, her voice a tender murmur.

"I can't choose between Van and you because there's nothing to choose between; you are the same to me," she explained, releasing the maid and stepping back gracefully.

"That is why I shall wait for Varlog, trusting that he will bring Van home."

"But... what if Van chooses not to return... after hearing your message?" the maid ventured cautiously.

"There is no 'if'. I trust Varlog, and..." Alicia paused, a blush coloring her cheeks as she looked away, her voice softening.

"...I believe in the love Van felt for me, as in the love I feel and will always feel for him. He will come back home, where I shall ensure that... he forgets the pain I once selfishly caused his heart," she declared confidently, her resolve firm as she returned to her throne.

"So, if you have nothing else to report, return to your duties, Yilla. Make sure Liliac is fed," she instructed, her tone calm yet authoritative.

The maid nodded, rising to her feet with a respectful bow, then quietly exited the room, leaving Alicia to her thoughts.

'...' The maid clutched her chest as she walked towards Liliac's cage outside the castle.

---------------A LONG WHILE AGO--------------

"I wish to wed you to someone, Van. Someone who thinks very highly of you, despite your... erratic nature. I would even say, if you strip away her loyalty to the demonic realm, she would be, as you say, a 'carbon' copy of you with her overenthusiastic nature. She follows her instincts and her heart. I believe her straightforwardness would suit you perfectly," Alicia suggested as she pinned Van to the floor in the throne room, her fiery thorns piercing through each of his limbs.

Meanwhile, Yilla stood behind the door, her cheeks flushed as she gripped her chest tightly, her eyes closed in anticipation.

"She is loyal, well-endowed, and... cute, as per your preferences," Alicia continued.

"Ah, so you finally agree to marry me?" Van replied casually, despite being pinned to the ground.

"N-NO!! I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT MYSELF!!" Alicia exclaimed, her face turning a deeper shade of red.

"Odd. You just described yourself perfectly..."

"I... I DID NOT!!! I AM NOT OVERENTHUSIASTIC AND STRAIGHTFORWARD!!!" Alicia retorted, flames flaring around her as her emotions heated.

'My lord... It's as if you just admitted it...' Yilla thought, a hint of resignation in her mind.

"...Doubt it," Van said, looking up at her with a slight tilt of his head. "But that only means you admit you are everything else then."

"YOU...!!!! I MEAN MY MAID, YILLA!!!" Alicia yelled, her blush intensifying as she pressed the fiery thorns deeper into Van's flesh.

From behind the door, Yilla peeked into the throne room, catching a glimpse of the small, amused smile on her queen's lips as she faced Van. With a sigh, Yilla turned away from the room, her steps heavy.

'...I don't need to hear the rest... Van will obviously refuse...'

"I refuse." Van's voice rang out clearly, unperturbed by the pain.

"WHY!!!?! HERE I AM, OFFERING UP A MAID OF MINE ON A SILVER PLATTER FOR YOU, HUMAN!!!" Alicia shouted, her frustration evident.

"Look, I have nothing against Yilla. I actually like her. But I've had enough of setting my sights on something and not following through. And right now, you are the only one on my mind," he confessed, his voice resolute, causing Alicia to slightly jolt backwards.

"Saying something like that so casually...!!!" Alicia muttered, her temper and embarrassment rising.

He continued, "Besides, you will outlive all other demons, so you're the best choice. And let's be honest, you're also the cutest there is, so there really isn't much to debate."

Her expression hardened, a blush still coloring her cheeks, "So, in the end, I'm just an immortal doll for you to fancy? Am I supposed to amuse you until you die of old age? ME, THE DEMON LORD!?" she erupted, her rage igniting the air around them.

"Wait, I'll be the one who lives longer—!!!!" Van tried to clarify, hoping to correct her misunderstanding, but it was too late. His words were cut short as the flames enveloped him, his lungs searing in the blistering heat. Before long, his entire body evaporated.

'...Called it...' Yilla thought in frustration, her brows knitting together as she heard the fiery conclusion to their exchange as she walked away.


'...It has been over three months since Van left,' Yilla mused as she gently stroked Liliac.

[Van had only recently arrived at the capital, but he had traveled for about three months after leaving the demonic realm.]

"You also miss him, don't you, boy?" she whispered to the bone dragon, who remained steadfast in his spot, unmoving.

"You see... Actually, Varlog has discovered his location..." she admitted reluctantly.

'...What am I doing?'

At her words, the bone dragon suddenly snapped to attention, his entire body turning towards Yilla.

Feeling a surge of excitement from Liliac's enthusiasm, she couldn't help but speculate aloud, "I bet if we could find him before Varlog does, we'd be rewarded, don't you think?" With each word, the dragon grew more animated, his tail wagging like that of an eager dog.

'Stop...!!! Her Majesty ordered us to be patient...!!' she chastised herself internally.

"Apparently, Van was spotted in the Royal Capital of the humans in Varolon. But..."

'I need to calm down...!! I can't entertain the thought!! Maybe I should try some of "Ace The Venturer's" techniques for a change...? I used to think them foolish, but perhaps there's something to them...? No, NO! That approach doesn't suit me... Perhaps I should consider "The Way of The Sandler" that Van often spoke about...?' She pondered, closing her eyes to focus.

"Goosfraba..." Yilla exhaled deeply, trying to calm herself with the chant.

'That's right... Leaving in pursuit of Van would be foolish... I'm glad I listened to—' Her thoughts of relief were abruptly interrupted as Liliac nudged his head between her legs, hoisting her onto his back in a swift, fluid motion. With a powerful burst, he shattered his chains effortlessly.

"LILIAC, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! STOP!! I WAS JUST JOKING!!" Yilla shouted as the dragon burst through the confines of his cage.

Clutching tightly to his neck bone, Yilla could only hold on as Liliac soared into the sky with a supersonic boom.

"LILIAC, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO—" Her cries echoed into the distance as they ascended rapidly, her heart racing as she gripped her dragon, clinging to her dear life.