49 - Mindful

An hour had passed.

By this point, Liz and Michael were sure that Van would resign, or get fired. What happened next, however, completely took them by surprise.

Van and Anne exited together, Anne sporting a relaxed, satisfied smile.

"What!?" exclaimed Michael and Liz in unison.

"Mom, we're done there!" Anne announced as she left the storage area, Van at her side.

"Ahh, I see," Liz replied nonchalantly as she turned to face them.

"Ahh, I see!? Mom, he just completed a task that would have taken us over fourteen hours!" Anne was visibly amazed by her mother's calm reaction.

"Well, the son of a workhorse is bound to be a workhorse too, I suppose. Anne, this man's full name is Van Hellix Jr.—your mom's old traveling companion."

"HOLY SHIT, SERIOUSLY!?" Anne's shout startled the nearby patrons.

'Woah, what a reaction...' Van thought, slightly bewildered.

"Dude," Anne said as she spun around and grasped Van by the shoulders, "that guy's my hero!"

"He is...?" Van asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically at Marcy, who responded with a playful smile.

"YES! To think he survived over four years with people like my mom and dad, armed with nothing but his willpower and a big-ass sword. DUDE!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" Anne shook him excitedly.

Van gently grasped her hands as she shook him, stopping her.

"You didn't ask," He started, "Besides, what is it that you like about him so much?"

Anne looked up, as if searching for the answer in the ceiling.

"I take after my mom, joining the warrior classes. A bunch of magic-less misfits who are considered the bottom of the barrel. That's why I have immense respect for someone who never gives up, even against the impossible! He was like a C Rank facing THE DEMON LORD without any special skills! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?" Anne exclaimed with fervor.

'Ahh, so I'm famous for being an underdog,' Van thought with a wry sigh.

'At least it's somewhat flattering. Most would assume I was just dead weight...' He mused silently.

"And from what I saw at the warehouse... You're easily E-Rank material! And you're still so young!" Anne pointed out.

'So, that's considered E-Rank nowadays? Back in the day, it would've been D ~ C Rank at least. Standards must have risen with the frequent dragon attacks,' Van contemplated. 'Well, E-Rank it is then.'

"Yeah, my dad trained me," Van responded.

"Whoa... So he must be incredibly strong now, right?" Anne asked, her eyes wide with curiosity, her mother also looking expectant.

"Hmm," Van hummed, checking his status window.

STR: 999 (+30,361)

"I suppose,"

'I haven't really tested what over 31,000 points in strength can do when pushed to the limit... And perhaps, it's best if I never have to,' Van pondered, closing his status window.

"Anyway, Mom," Anne turned to Marcy, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Can Van and I hang out?" she asked eagerly.

"Well, since you've finished all your chores... Yeah, go ahead," Marcy consented, catching Van off-guard.

"Wait, Marcy, about the quest—" Van began, but Anne was already pulling him eagerly away from the counter.

"Shh, relax for now. The quest can wait. You've been a big help today, so there'll be some extra coins for you when you get back," Marcy assured him, as Anne led Van out of the guild.

'She.. Really is much softer from the old days. She's so much nicer than I remember,' Van thought as he and Anne vanished into the streets.

Meanwhile, Liz, who had been serving other patrons, looked perplexed.

"How... What... That guy... Did he do something to Anne or aunt Marcy...? I need to talk to her and—"

Liz began, but Michael was too caught up to hear the rest.

'That bastard...!! He must've took advantage Anne in the storage room... And is somehow blackmailing auntie..!!' he fumed internally, already imagining Van masterfully stealing her heart as the two were on their own.

Confused and irate, Michael approached Marcy just as Van and Anne exited the guild.

"Aunt Marcy!" he exclaimed, his emotions clouding his judgment.

"Michael, STOP!" Liz whispered, her voice tinged with urgency.

"What's the matter, Michael? Why are you not serving our clients!!?" Marcy questioned sharply, her stern tone making Michael shrink slightly.

"Uhm... It's just... We've been working so hard... W-why is it that Van and Anne got to leave ear—"

"HUH!!? ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY DAUGHTER'S HARD WORK!?" Marcy interrupted, her voice booming across the guild hall and silencing Michael mid-sentence, drawing the attention of everyone present.

"Ahh, that kid's in trouble..." murmured a D Rank Adventurer, watching the scene unfold.

"Even if I felt I was treated unfairly, I wouldn't dare talk back to Marcy..." whispered a B Rank Adventurer, shaking his head.

"N-NO!! I wouldn't dare... It's just that they left after just one hour and—" Michael attempted to explain, his voice timid, but Marcy's imposing voice cut him off again.

"THAT'S BECAUSE THEY WORKED HARDER THAN YOU COULD EVER DREAM, YOU MISERABLE LEECH!! NOW, STOP COMPLAINING AND GO HELP YOUR SO-CALLED GIRLFRIEND!!" Marcy's commanding voice boomed, her stature as imposing as ever—a testament to her past as the formidable S Rank Former Adventurer, Marcilla.

She then grabbed Michael by the shirt collar, spun him around, and sent him stumbling back towards Liz with a firm push.

'I should have known it would come to this...' Liz thought with a resigned sigh as she watched Michael hobble back.

"PICK UP THE PACE!!!!" she shouted, causing every adventurer in the room to flinch and look away, her command spurring Michael to recover his pace instantly.

'Aunt Marcy... as merciless as ever...' Liz mused internally.

'So... Why does she favor that guy so much...!? I've never seen her show such partiality to anyone but Anne or father. It can't just be because he's Van Hellix's son!' Liz thought, continuing to do her work after helping Michael emotionally recover.


"Let's head to the pool," Anne suggested as they stepped outside the guild.

"What? A pool...?" Van asked, puzzled.

'How does she know about pools...?'

"Oh, yeah. I forgot you're not from the capital. It's a place with lots of clear water where people come to swim and relax. It was my father's idea," she explained.

'So that harem bastard capitalized on ideas from our world, huh? I suppose I'd do the same if I had the influence,' Van mused internally.

Anne grabbed Van's hand, leading him through the bustling streets of the Capital. Van glanced at Anne's cheerful demeanor.

'Look at her. All business before, now so carefree,' he observed.

"Come on!"

'I guess there's no harm in this. A day at the pool with my niece,' Van thought, letting out a small chuckle as he followed her lead.

They moved past the checkout and approached a grand pool surrounded by grass and lively people. Even mages were creating waterslides for others.

'This... it almost feels like I'm back in my own world,' Van reflected, taking in the scene.

"Come on!" Anne urged again.

"Ah, you go ahead," Van said, halting.


"You probably have friends here you want to see, right? I'll find a spot to relax," Van reasoned.

'Amoria told me to mingle with these kids, but that's not really my scene. I'll just keep an eye on her until she's ready to leave,' he thought.

"Eh, not really," Anne replied, looking away.

"Not really? Are you being bullied perhaps?" Van's voice grew stern.

"No! If anyone dared touch me, I'd tear them apart! Who do you think I am!?" Her voice boomed with defiance.

"Alright, so what's the issue?" Van pressed.

"Just... Look, just hang out with me, okay? Or maybe you don't want to...?" Anne asked, her gaze averted, a hint of shame in her voice.

'What's all this about...?' Van pondered.

It was then he heard Anne's name mentioned in the crowd. Curious, he utilized the entirety of his 517 points in perception, eavesdropping on chatter around them.

Van overheard a gaggle of girls whispering amongst themselves with derision.

"Hey, look; it's Anne..."

"That workhorse actually brought a guy with her..."

"Is he gay, since he's hanging out with her—or should I say, him? Hahaha," one sneered.

"I bet she paid him to come just to show she's not some closeted butch lesbian..."

Then, he caught the chatter of a group of guys around the same age group.

"Anne is so freaking hot... If she wasn't so tomboyish, I'd totally hit on her."

"Honestly, even if she was more feminine, I'd steer clear. Have you seen her mom!? She'd annihilate you for just looking her way!"

"That guy's in for a world of pain..."

'...So it's this kind of harassment,' Van realized, watching the teens with a mix of anger and disgust, then turned his attention back to Anne, who clicked her tongue impatiently, waiting for his reaction.

"Look, I don't have time for this crap! If you don't want to hang out just say it straight!" Anne exclaimed, turning to walk away in frustration and anger.

That's when Van moved behind her and swiftly lifted her onto his shoulder, her legs dangling in front of him, secure in his arm.

"V-VAN!?!" Anne gasped, her voice tinged with embarrassment as onlookers turned their heads.


Varlog: "Van, can you provide an example of being mindful towards one's peers?"

"Is this supposed to be a lesson, Varlog?"

"It is. Suppose Her Majesty tells you she is tired. How would you act to show mindfulness and consideration?"

"I'd leave her alone for the day...? Is that the response you're looking for?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, still hopelessly inept at social cues..." Varlog sighed, shaking his head as he rubbed his temple with a weary hand.


"Whoa, that guy seriously has a death wish..." some murmured.

"Lifting Anne like that, he's just asking to be hit!" a few of the guys commented, while the gossiping girls fell silent.

Without another word, Van strode toward the pool area with Anne still hoisted on his shoulder.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!? P-PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!! LET ME DOWN!!!" Anne protested, her voice tinged with both alarm and embarrassment as she squirmed in his grasp.


Varlog: "Let me explain further. While listening to someone's request is a part of being mindful, simply acquiescing to their demands all the time can actually be a form of cowardice or even disrespect. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I... Don't quite understand."

"Haah..." Varlog sighed, his expression one of slight exasperation. "

Consider this scenario: Suppose my wife invites you to dinner and you decline, as she did. When she insisted that time, and invited you again, ignoring your initial refusal, was that inconsiderate of her?"

"Obviously... Hmm," Van murmured, pausing as he pondered the implications of his response.

"Ahhh, do you see the point now?" Varlog asked, his eyes bright with anticipation as he watched Van think it over.


"What do you mean, what am I doing? Didn't we come here to hang out?" Van replied flatly to Anne as he strode confidently into the pool area, bypassing the mocking group.

'T-they're looking...!!' Anne's thoughts raced with alarm as they neared the water's edge.

Just then, Van smoothly shifted her into a princess carry.

"W-WAIT...!! I'M STILL WEARING MY SHIRT...!!" Anne exclaimed, her face flushing with embarrassment as she covered it with her palms.

"Look at me, Anne," Van instructed firmly, prompting her to lower her hands and meet his gaze.

With a mischievous smile, Van looked into her eyes just before he leaped into the pool with her in his arms.

"No wai—blubebrblrubrkbru," Anne sputtered as they plunged underwater.

"Is he out of his mind...!?"

"That guy must be crazy..." The onlookers murmured among themselves as Van and Anne surfaced.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!?" Anne yelled, pushing him against the pool wall, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Van responded by playfully splashing water in her face with a gentle flick of his hand.

In a flash of anger, Anne raised her fist and swung at Van, who caught it effortlessly with his palm.

"Didn't peg you as the sore loser type," Van teased.

"Tsk... Coming here with you was a damn mistake...!!" Anne snapped, dousing Van with a forceful splash that sent water flying in the form of a small wave, before turning to swim away furiously.


Varlog: "Well? Did you notice?"

"Yeah, I noticed, Varlog. The fact she kept inviting me... It made me feel... Good. Despite how I refused the first time," Van admitted, smiling faintly. "She was doing that on purpose?"

"Exactly! Her first aim was to get you to dine with us, since we both like having you around. She persisted because she was considering your feelings, even after your refusal."

"And you need to understand, even if you might not admit it... You need to feel loved, Van. Wanted. It energizes you that others show their need for your presence even if you refuse theirs. Many individuals in this realm say one matter, but mean another. We are all a part of that group, regardless of how some claim they aren't; those are merely liars or inexperienced ones." Varlog said gently.

Van remained silent, his gaze dropping.

"The reason I tell you of this is because you are going to be interacting with Her Majesty. I expect you to extend the same level of courtesy that my wife had bestowed upon you to everyone at the castle," Varlog advised, placing a hand on Van's shoulder.

"And more broadly, I hope to see you grow into the remarkable individual I know you're capable of becoming," Varlog added, looking earnestly into Van's eyes.

"Alright, Varlog..."

"I promise," Van responded, nodding slightly.


'And I'm sure... That this girl needs someone to treat her as an equal more than anything,' Van thought as he splashed Anne again, his splash noticeably stronger than hers.

"I've faced tougher water droplets than that splash. Come on, give it your all... Or is that all you've got?" Van taunted, watching Anne reel slightly from the force of his splash.

'...She comes alive when challenged,' Van reflected, remembering her fiery determination back at the storage house.

"TSK..." Anne clicked her tongue, clenching her fists under the water.

"She's going to kill him!" some onlookers whispered.

"YOU BASTARD...!!! YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!" Anne shouted, hurling water at Van with all her might, creating a wave that momentarily shadowed him.

Van watched the towering splash head towards him.

'Now, that's what I'm talking about...!' he thought, bracing for the impact.

'This ought to knock him over... I should get out before this draws more attention—' Anne thought, but then Van countered with an even stronger splash.

"N-no way..." she muttered, stunned by his return volley.

"YOU WON'T BEAT ME, BASTARD!!!" she screamed, throwing herself fully into the battle, oblivious to the crowd as they traded splashes vigorously.

Eventually, Anne was splashed out of the pool, but she quickly leapt back in, her face lit up with excitement, ready to strike back.

As the hour passed, her energy began to wane.

"I'm not done... Bastard... Hahaha..." she chuckled, her splashes growing weaker as adrenaline surged through her veins, one last time before her strength faded.

Just as she began to sink, Van swiftly caught her, lifting her into a princess carry.

"...Wanna go take a break?" Van suggested gently, smiling at his exhausted niece.

She met Van's gaze, letting her body relax with a deep sigh.

"Sure... Hahaha..." Anne chuckled, resting her head on his arm as he carried her out of the water.

'Man... That was a blast,' she thought, feeling a sense of contentment as Van scanned the area for a spot where they could sit and recuperate.

"You know... She actually looks pretty cute all curled up like that..."

"Is that really Anne...?"

"That lucky bastard... I wish I had thought of that!" the guys murmured among themselves, while the girls clenched their teeth, their envy barely concealed.

'Those guys.... As much as I'm happy my niece's image is improving... I feel bad for the poor company she has to deal with daily. No wonder she was so defensive earlier.' Van thought with a sigh.

'Well, don't worry,'

'Big uncle Van's here,'

'....And he doesn't have any towels... I suppose we could borrow some from there, maybe...?'