65 - Not, See

As Van approached the guild, he couldn't help but notice the large crowd gathered around it. Their faces were a mix of curiosity, but some, especially the older folk, bore expressions of resentment and anger. Among the crowd, a few adventurers stood out, their gear marking them as professionals.

'Oh?' Van thought, his eyes scanning the scene. 'What's this commotion about?' he murmured under his breath as he casually approached the group. 'Is it about Varlog and the boy?' He wondered, thinking of Liliac.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out from beside him, followed by a tap on his shoulder. "Van! Where the hell have you been?"

Van turned his head, immediately recognizing the voice. "Anne," he said, meeting her gaze as she stood close to him.

Across the square, Michael and Lizzy watched from a distance, their expressions darkening as Anne left their side to approach Van.

'Again, that guy…!' Michael thought, his brow furrowing. 'We tried asking Anne what happened when they left the guild, but all she said was they finished early and hung out until the alarms rang… But that's got to be a lie! And what's with that armor he's wearing?' His fists clenched tightly at his sides. 'He's definitely up to no good. I have to protect them!'

Lizzy, standing beside Michael, frowned as her thoughts turned inward. 'I know how Anne feels about Michael... I know they aren't on the best of terms. But still, I somehow expected her to be on my side when I told her what happened at our house...' She sighed, recalling the events with a sense of frustration. 'But then…'


"Ahh... He did that...?" Anne muttered meekly, her gaze dropping to the ground.

"I mean, he didn't mean anything by it to me... He just wanted Michael out of there. But he ended up hurting his feelings so cruelly. You'd understand, right, Anne?!" Elizabeth said, her voice almost enthusiastic, as if seeking validation.

"Oh..." Anne responded, and Liz noticed her shoulders loosening. "So... He didn't mean anything by it... Like, you and Van are not... close, or anything?"

At first, when she said it, I thought she was concerned for me...

"What!? NO! He's just a brute and a womanizer! I'd never go near him!" I snapped back, almost too swiftly.

... But I couldn't have been more mistaken.

"Oh... So, you're not close... I see." Anne murmured, her eyes still downcast. I could see the relief flooding her face, her muscles relaxing. I could tell... Anne likes him. I just... I just couldn't comprehend what in the world she saw in him.

'What...!?' I thought.


"My mom told me you ran out on her!! And then stole some armor and LEFT!! Where did you go!?" Anne almost yelled, crossing her arms in frustration.

'Oh... So she's berating him...!' Michael thought as he overheard her sharp tone, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. 'So... Anne! You can see who he really is, like I do, right?!' Michael's excitement began to rise, thinking she was finally seeing Van for what he believed him to be.

'Wait... But... Ran out on MARCY?! How did he...?' Lizzy's mind raced as the realization hit her.

"Sorry. I just needed to... Uh, check up on my dad. Haven't heard from him," Van replied coolly.

"Where DOES your father live...? I thought you were staying with Lizzy and her mom..." Anne questioned, her voice still filled with suspicion.

"Oh..." Van paused, briefly glancing at Lizzy before answering. "Neither of you have to worry about that. I have my own place starting today." His words caused Lizzy's eyes to widen in surprise.

'Woah, really..? I tried preparing myself to having to live with him every day until the Academy starts... But I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore...' she thought, though she couldn't quite shake the slight tinge of frustration creeping in. '... But why does it make me feel so... UGH!' Lizzy internally growled, nearly stomping in place.

Meanwhile, Michael felt an odd sense of relief seeing Lizzy's anger seemingly directed at Van... yet also an unsettling frustration.

'Liz... That bastard's not worth your anger...! Why are you getting so upset that he's moving out...?!' Michael's mind began to spiral as his gaze shifted from Lizzy back to Van. 'Did he... Really... Do something to either of them?! To Lizzy too, that night he was staying with her?!' His fists clenched tightly, teeth grinding as his thoughts ran wild.

"Oh... I-I... wasn't really worried..." Anne's booming tone dropped several decibels, her voice growing softer. "But... maybe if you didn't have a place... you could... uh... crash... you know... with... m-me..." Anne stuttered, a deep blush coloring her cheeks.

Van let out a playful chuckle, raising an eyebrow as he studied her reaction. "Hah, am I that handsome you wanted me around?" he teased, his voice dripping with amusement.

Anne's face turned an even brighter shade of red before she forcefully shoved him. "You're uglier than a bowl of spoiled prunes, you damn bastard! WHO WANTED YOU AROUND!?" she cried out, her voice cracking as Van chuckled at her flustered state.

Just as she was about to smile despite herself, Lizzy glanced to her side and noticed something was off—Michael was gone.

Oh no...

"STAY AWAY FROM ANNE, YOU BASTARD!" Michael's shout rang through the square, causing a few adventurers huddled in the crowd to turn toward the commotion. He charged at Van, shoving him hard. But to Michael's dismay, Van stood completely still, unaffected by the push, while Michael stumbled backward, losing his balance and falling flat on his back.

"Ahh..." Van let out, slightly surprised by the unexpected attack.

"YOU DUMBASS, THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Anne shouted, glaring down at Michael.

Michael, however, completely misunderstood her frustration, thinking she was yelling at Van. "Yeah!!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING TO ANNE!?" Michael thought, eager to seize the moment and show his bravery. 'What the hell... I've been training magic and swordsmanship every day just to protect Liz and be strong, but he didn't even budge when I pushed him...!!' His thoughts spiraled in frustration as he struggled to get back on his feet.

"N-NO, I WASN'T YELLING AT VAN, I WAS YELLING AT YO—" Anne began, but her words were cut off by one of the adventurers in the crowd.

"HEY LOOK! THAT ARMORED BASTARD TRIED TO ASSAULT THIS GIRL!" someone shouted, immediately fueling the chaos. The false narrative, unintentionally sparked by Michael, spread like wildfire through the crowd—thanks to Van's cursed [Untrusted] passive skill.

In an instant, the once curious, slightly agitated crowd turned hostile. Their gazes snapped toward Van, and the adventurers, along with many who had been inside the guild, rushed outside to join the mob, intensifying the already tense atmosphere.

The sudden mass exodus of adventurers from the guild left Marcy and Amoria in shock. They had been focused on managing the adventurers' initial fury, trying to prevent them from attacking their guests....

... Varlog and Yilla.

"Oh my, what do you think is going on outside?" Varlog asked, his voice calm but curious, as he stood behind Marcy and Amoria with Yilla.

"YOU TELL ME!" Marcy barked, her frustration evident. "Is this one of your tricks, DEMONIC STRATEGIST?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Marcy, enough..." Amoria said softly, standing beside her at the counter. "You don't know he's done anything."

Varlog stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm, they looked rather angry when they left... So something more upsetting than our presence must've drawn them outside."


She froze mid-sentence, eyes widening in sudden realization. The recognition dawned on her at the same moment it did for Amoria, Yilla, and Varlog. They exchanged knowing looks.

In unison, they all said one word:


They all nodded in agreement, as Marcy growled under her breath.

"DAMN IT, THAT HELMET-HEAD'S PASSIVE AGAIN!" Marcy muttered in frustration. All of them turned to the exit and began walking there in unison.

'Why...' Amoria thought as she glanced at the two demons, her brows furrowing. 'Why would "Van" be the first thing they'd say? They said it so naturally, like it was obvious... It almost completely flew over my head... Did Marcy not notice...?' Her eyes shifted from the demons to Marcy, uncertainty clouding her thoughts.

'Just... what ties does Van have with them...?' Amoria's anxiousness began to swell, a creeping feeling that didn't escape Varlog's sharp observation.

'Ah... we might've made a mistake...' Varlog realized, sensing her growing unease. 'She's sharp,' he thought, casting a brief glance back at Amoria, recognizing that she was beginning to put the pieces together. 'I really am growing old...' Varlog sighed.

Meanwhile, the scene outside was spiraling further into chaos.

Lizzy stood behind Michael, watching as he raised his fists in a mage's stance, ready for a fight. She was utterly confused—and irritated.

'Wait, I dislike that guy, but to say HE ASSAULTED Anne...?!' Lizzy thought, narrowing her eyes in disbelief.

"Michael, STOP! It was just playful banter—" Lizzy tried to reason, her voice carrying through the crowd. But Michael cut her off, turning to face her with a determined expression.

"Don't worry, LIZ! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SCARED...!" he declared, his voice softening as if to reassure her. "I'm... here for you two!" His gaze lingered on her, causing Lizzy to narrow her eyes at him, almost in pity.

Meanwhile, Van stood there, utterly bewildered, second-hand embarrassment seeping in.

'Poor guy...' Van thought, shaking his head slightly. 'Amoria was right, maybe I did go too far back at her condo... But believe me, kid.' His eyes landed on Michael, and his thoughts continued. 'One day, you're going to look back at this moment, and you'll cringe so hard, you'll want to die. Talking from experience here...' He sighed, forcing a smile as if to hold back his own cringe.

"YOU DUMBFUCK, I WAS TALKING TO YO—" Anne began to shout, her frustration aimed at Michael, but Michael, suddenly emboldened, cut her off, finding courage from seemingly nowhere.

"ANNE, STAY AWAY! I won't let him hurt you anymore!!" Michael roared, his voice filled with misplaced conviction.

The crowd erupted, spectators cheering Michael on as if he were a hero stepping into battle.

"That kid..."

"Yeah... So young, yet so brave. He doesn't seem to be much, but his bravery shines through..."

"He'll be someone who leads people. I can tell. He'll... grow really strong someday."

"Damn, I'm almost proud. Our capital does produce the best of the best, huh?" The spectators murmured amongst themselves, looking at Michael with newfound respect.

"So... WHY IN THE GODDESS' NAME IS THAT SCUMBAG MAKING THAT EXPRESSION!?" one of them shouted, pointing at Van. Van, biting his lower lip and puffing his cheeks in exasperation, folded his arms as he watched Michael. The second-hand embarrassment was hitting him hard—he silently thanked all that is mighty and pure that he wasn't Michael in that moment.

"You bastard... Mocking me after daring to touch her... I won't forgive you!" Michael growled.

"HE TOUCHED HER!?" an adventurer shouted, the words sending shockwaves through the crowd, riling them up further.


'T-... There's no stopping this dumbass...!' Anne thought, visibly flinching at Michael's loud declaration as she nervously eyed the agitated crowd.

Van took a deep breath and exhaled in resignation, looking at Michael.

'Jesus, kid... If you're worried about looking good around these two, rest assured. I'm not into minors, and I don't stand in your way. Heck, when you calm down a little, I'm ready to be your wingman, considering this colossal fuckup you've just made.' He sighed inwardly, 'I'm Uncle Van and all, so I just wanted to protect these girls' mental health; or something like that. And considering you've been a drain on one of them, I acted with that in mind, but...' He thought back to Marcy's words.


"She's my kid, not yours. Got a problem with that?" Marcy had said to him, her tone firm.


'... I was just being delusional. Fulfilling some desire to be worth something,' Van concluded with a sigh. 'Like Varlog said, maybe I was desperate to be needed, so I went out of my way to do those things for them.' He let the thought linger before nodding to himself. 'But I don't need that anymore, because after all...'

A warm smirk crept onto his face as he conjured the image of Alicia in his mind, 'I found my heart.' He opened his eyes again, gazing at the fuming Michael, the even-more-confused Anne, and the bewildered and embarrassed Lizzy.

'Either way, I need to get to the guild. I want to check where Varlog is... Ugh, I should've asked that piece of shit Nickelson where he was.' He thought, glancing at the crowd.

'But damn. Marcy and Amoria must be swamped dealing with these hot-headed bastards... It's going to be tough getting anything done...' An idea began to form in his mind as he looked down, a spark of amusement flickering in his eyes.

"What's all your problem!? He didn't do anything!!" Anne shouted, trying to calm down everyone's hostility towards Van.


"I swear, you're all just a bunch of retar—" Anne snapped, but before she could finish, a sound cut through the turmoil.

A laughter.

It echoed ominously, coming from Van just as Marcy and Amoria pushed through the crowd, their heads popping out to witness the commotion.

"Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm...." Van chuckled menacingly, sending chills down the spines of a few onlookers. Before anyone had realized it, he had already slipped his helmet back on, hiding his face behind the dark, imposing visor.

"I sense... evil coming from him...!" a B-Rank Runemaster uttered, his voice trembling slightly.

"Van...?" Anne called out, narrowing her eyes in curiosity. Her tone was laced with concern as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Van erupted into laughter, his arms sprawling out dramatically as he looked up toward the sky.

"brrrRRAAAAAAAKA-MONO-GAAA!!! DOITSU NO KAGAKU WA SEKAI ICHI!!!" he bellowed with a menacing cackle, his voice echoing across the square.

"IS THAT...!?" one of the spectators whispered, their eyes wide in shock.

"SO MUCH EVIL... IT HAS TO BE... DEMON TONGUE! HE'S CASTING A CURSE!!" an A-rank mage exclaimed, the sudden realization causing gasps to ripple through the crowd.

'Uhm, you sure...? It sounds like some dumbass gibberish he made up on the spot; like how Father always did to make us laugh... It sounds... almost exactly the same...' Anne thought, narrowing her eyes at Van's exaggerated theatrics, a small pang of nostalgia hitting her unexpectedly.

"Oh, I recognize that one," Varlog mused to Yilla as they observed from the guild.

"Ah, yes. The 'Ah-Ni-May' relaxation technique, number 51... The 'Joh-Joh Nahtsee,'" Yilla said calmly, the two nodding knowingly at each other.

"He must've thought of something. Seeing as he's so calm," Varlog remarked as he took a deep breath. "Let's sit comfortably until he gets here, dear?"

"Yes, Master Varlog. I sense it won't be long now."

Meanwhile, outside, both Anne and Lizzy stood frozen, their expressions confused, as Michael mirrored the wariness of the surrounding spectators. Everyone stared at Van, trying to predict his next move.

'...What is he doing now...?' Lizzy thought in resignation, watching Van's exaggerated movements with growing confusion.

"Wait, everyone!" Amoria called out, but her voice was drowned by the noise of the crowd. "That's not demonic tongue, it's—" She started, but stopped when Marcy tapped her shoulder, prompting her to pause.

"Marcy!? We need to stop them before anyone gets hurt!" Amoria urged, but her words faltered as she noticed the serious expression on Marcy's face.

"Amoria," Marcy began softly, "you want to make amends for what we did, don't you?" Her words caused Amoria to lower her gaze in thought. "Then... let's start with putting some trust in him. For real this time," Marcy said, her tone serious.

Amoria hesitated but eventually looked at Van, her worried gaze shifting as she decided to follow Marcy's advice, choosing to stay quiet.

"Yesss," Van's voice boomed, "I have ASSAULTED THIS GIRL HERE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" His laughter echoed as he pulled Anne into his arms in her confusion, causing her face to flush red.

"YOU BASTARD!" Michael roared. "LET GO OF HER!!!" He screamed, charging forward.

"MUAHAHAHAHA!!!" Van continued laughing theatrically as he held Anne close, pretending to have taken her hostage.

"VAN, STOP! LET GO OF—" Anne stammered, her face flushed as she glanced down at his hand encircling her waist. Her blush deepened, but she didn't resist.

'Oh, did she catch on to what we're doing?' Van thought with a satisfied grin.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLISH ADVENTURERS!" Van began loudly, and then, in perfect English, he added, "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught..."

"CAPTAIN... JACK... SPARROW!!!" Van concluded dramatically.

In the next moment, Van lifted Anne into a princess carry. Her surprised shout echoed across the square.

"VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNnnnnnn~" Anne's cry trailed off as Van bolted with her in his arms, leaving a thick cloud of dust behind them. The crowd erupted into chaos.

"He took Anne...!! No...!!" Michael gasped, his eyes wide in shock. An adventurer patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry, kid, trust your adventurers!" she said with a confident smile. "We'll get her for you! He'll never get away!" Her words eased Michael's tension slightly, causing him to relax, if only a little.

"HE TOOK HER AS A HOSTAGE!" one adventurer screamed, rallying the others. "GET HIM!" The mob roared in unison, weapons and armor clanking as they began the chase, kicking up a dust trail that could be seen from the guild entrance.

As Van darted down the street, weaving through narrow alleys and leaping over obstacles, he couldn't help but grin under his helmet. He felt Anne fidget in his arms, her face flushed from embarrassment.

"Van! What are you doing?!" she asked, trying to maintain her composure despite being carried. "Put me down! They're going to think you're actually kidnapping me!"

Van's laughter echoed as he leaped over a crate, never slowing his pace. "Relax, Anne. This isn't the first time I've outrun an angry mob. Besides, they'll all be too focused on chasing me to realize what's really going on."

She blinked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"All of them are chasing us now, right?" Van glanced down at her with a smirk, effortlessly dodging an adventurer's wild swing as they entered an open square. "That means your mom and Amoria have a bit of breathing room back at the guild."

'So now I could get through to them to check where's Varlog without interruptions...'

Anne's eyes widened. "Wait... You did all this just to draw them away from the guild!?"

He chuckled. "Something like that. Those hot-headed adventurers need something to focus on, and I figured this'd be perfect."

Anne's mouth hung open for a moment as the realization hit her. "Ah..." She stopped mid-sentence, a blush creeping over her cheeks as she glanced up at him. 'He's doing all this... just to help Mom and Aunt Amoria?'

Despite her initial protest, she found herself not minding the situation as much. 'He's... different from before,' she mused, sneaking a glance at him. 'He seems... freer... Did something happen? She paused, shaking the thought. 'Wait, more importantly...!!'

As the chase continued, Anne noticed something strange. "Wait, how are you outrunning A-rankers and B-rankers like it's nothing?!"

Van glanced down at her, an internal sigh escaping him. Oh, right. Secret identity. Fuck.

"My... uh... dad passed down a speed skill to me," he said, his face hardening as he tried to keep it together.

"Huh... Skills can be transferred? That doesn't sound right. Sure, talent for skills, but I've never heard of actual skill transfer…" she said, watching him carefully as they darted between streets.

Van stumbled slightly, stuttering, "Uh... oh, you wouldn't know. It's a special skill, called Speed 4 All. It's a transferable speed skill, but I had to, uh... eat his hair to get it."

"R-right…" Anne responded, wincing internally at the odd explanation, but choosing not to dwell on it.

Her heart raced, but she quickly pushed the thought aside. "Wait, if they're after you, you can drop me and make your escape! Aren't I slowing you down?" She said the words, but her body made no effort to squirm free.

"I need to drop you off at the guild. That's where you were headed when we saw each other, right? And Speed 4 All isn't affected by weight. Real handy." He kept his voice calm, his face hardening so much, it turned into iron.

"O-oh, right…" Anne said, narrowing her eyes slightly as she studied him. 'Something tells me this bastard's got an iron face behind that mask.'

"Haha..." Van chuckled softly as he looked ahead, running with Anne in his arms.


"Von Stroheim FUCKING SUCKS, MAN! HE'S A NAZI!" Van shouted in frustration.

"You suck even harder," Magus retorted sharply. "You just fail to understand the genius of German science! BRRRAAAKAMONO-GAAAA!!! DOITSU NO KAGAKU NO SEKAI ICHI!!!"

"Pfft. So stupid," Van muttered. "You and your 'Ah-ni-may' stuff. I tried that JohJoh crap all those years ago and that anime about that dude who got powers from eating some macho-man's hair (lol), but that was still tame. I could only handle it until the Nazi dude showed up in JohJoh, then I dropped it. Why would you even cooperate with a Nazi!?"

"You know what, I'm done talking to you," Magus snapped. "You barely know anything about anime, sticking to your stupid real-life TV shows and stupid real-life movies. Captain Jack Sparrow wouldn't last two seconds in Stroheim's range. He'd be toast."

"In your dreams. There's no one smarter than Captain Jack; he'd have PREDICTED THE ATTACK 5 HOURS BEFORE IT HAPPENED!" Van replied confidently.

"NO, HE WOULDN'T; VON STROHEIM HAS 5,000 IQ! JACK WHO?!" Magus mocked, throwing his hands up.

"STROHEIM IS A NAZZZZIIIIIII!" Van shouted back, exasperated.

Magus rolled his eyes as Millina approached, overhearing their conversation in English—a language unfamiliar to them.

"Magus, what are you two even talking about?" Millina asked, her confusion evident.

"Ahh... don't worry about it," Magus said dismissively.

"Just some nonsense."

"Just some nonsense." Both Van and Magus responded in unison, turning around to face Millina and the other girls, who had been listening in.


'... Really...' Van thought, his expression softening as he lowered his gaze.

'Just a bunch of nonsense.'