66 - The War

Before long, Van circled back and landed in front of the guild, gently lowering Anne to the dirt ground.

"There you go," he said softly, letting her stand.

"Thanks..." She glanced around, stretching her arms. "No one's here. I half-expected that annoying leech to be here with Lizzy, at least."

'Michael, huh?' Van nodded, sighing internally.

"Maybe they're inside," he replied. "Anyway, let's head in. I was on my way here too." He turned toward the guild.

"Uh..." Her murmur made him pause and glance back. "What's wrong?"

"...I only came here because Lizzy asked me to," Anne said, hesitating slightly.

"Ah, I see. If it's not urgent, don't let me keep you." He waved her off, about to continue.

"Wait," she called after him.

"...?" Van turned again.

"Do... do you have anything to do this evening?" she asked cautiously.

"I've got to pick up a house contract from someone who's supposed to stop by the guild soon, and a few other errands... for my dad," he said, scratching his head. "Why?"

"W-well... I'm kinda hungry, haha," she said awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Would you... I don't know... want to grab something to eat? I-I mean, together..."

Van turned to face her fully.

"Sorry. My day's packed, and I want to get settled into my new condo as soon as possible," he replied flatly.

"A-ah... I see... Yeah, that's cool." She tried to meet his gaze, fidgeting slightly.

'Of course... of course he avoided me.' She sighed internally. 'Here I am, complaining about Michael being clingy, but I'm doing the same thing. I barely know Van, and I'm already acting like we're close enough for a date.' She thought back to how people always mocked her behind her back for lacking charm or any seductive qualities.

"...But I could probably go out with you tomorrow," Van said, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"...W-what?" Anne's head snapped up in confusion, as if she hadn't heard him clearly.

Van repeated, "I've got a lot to do today, but tomorrow should work. Me and my dad travel light, so after we settle in, I don't see why we couldn't grab something to eat. If you're cool with that."

"W-what... I-I don't..." She murmured, taken aback by his casual attitude, her eyes widening slightly.

'D-... Did he just... say yes?' she wondered, her mouth slightly agape, unsure of how to respond as a blush crept up her cheeks.

'... Right, social anxiety,' Van noted, watching her closely.

"Ah, never mind," Van said lightly, waving her off. "I can't ask you to wait until tomorrow night without eating, right?"

She tilted her head, confused by the remark.

"Forget it. You seemed a little out of it, so I made a joke," he added with a small shrug.

Anne stood there silently, her heartbeat beginning to steady as she grasped the situation.


"...I put a lot into that joke. You're supposed to laugh now," Van said awkwardly.

A light scoff escaped her lips.

"You really suck at trying to lighten the mood, you know?" she sighed, folding her arms with a smirk.

"...." Van scratched his head, unsure how to respond.

Relaxing as she sensed his awkwardness, her smirk widened, her confidence returning. "Asking me not to eat until tomorrow... You've got some nerve," she chuckled.

"We'd better go to a good restaurant then," she concluded confidently with a smile as she turned and walked away.

'...Haah... Well, looks like tomorrow's booked,' Van sighed as he turned and entered the guild. He sighed again, this time deeper, sensing the presence lurking behind a nearby dumpster. 'Really, dude...?' he thought, rolling his eyes as he pushed through the guild doors. 'Oh well. Some people just learn the hard way. God knows I did.'

Meanwhile, behind the dumpster...

"That... bastard!" the boy muttered, teeth clenched in seething anger.

'I waited here while Lizzy went back inside the guild because I was worried... But I never saw Anne look like that!' His thoughts raced back to the moment he saw Anne ask Van out. 'He... he definitely did something to her!'

His fist tightened as rage bubbled inside him. 'Anne's always been fierce, unrelenting, brave! For her to be reduced to this... he must've done something! But... the reason I didn't jump out is because I... I can't do anything to him. He's too strong!'

His mind replayed Van's encounters with the adventurers. 'He even managed to escape from those adventurers... He has to be getting help. Maybe he and his father are working together... That's gotta be it!'

'Someone underhanded like him can never be truly strong! Real strength lies in friendship, bonds, and trust!'

But the bitter truth gnawed at him. '...Right now, I'm not strong enough. I can't stop him.' His resolve hardened. 'But I will. I'll borrow strength from someone who can. Even if I have to sell my soul to that bastard... I'll do it to save her.'

The boy stood from his hiding spot, determination burning in his eyes as he began walking away. 'I'll turn to his good side. As much as I hate it, I know he's powerful. He has people under him, he's a summoner... And even though we've been enemies since kindergarten, I have to... for them.'

The faces of Anne, Lizzy, and even Melanie (Lalyn's daughter) flashed before his mind.

'Bernard Von Brayle...!!' [REFER TO CHAPTERS 19 - 21]

As Van walked into the guild, he couldn't help but think, 'Man... Marcy is going to kill me. I bolted on her, stole this armor from the guild, disappeared for a day, and then made a scene in front of the guild before running off with her daughter. I'm definitely getting chewed out...'

...Or so he thought.

Instead, he was met with Marcy gently, repeatedly patting him on the back, a proud, blissful smile on her face as she hummed joyfully. Van could almost see flowers floating around her as she did it.

'...Is she high?' he wondered, confused.

"Very well done, Van Hellix," Varlog said, approaching from the side. "Quite well-mannered. How inspiring!" he added with a proud look, though not nearly as warm as Marcy's.

"...You handled it well, Van," Amoria murmured weakly, offering a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Adequate performance... Meatshield Junior," Lalyn mumbled, standing to the side, her silky white hair falling over half her face as she looked away.

"H-huh?" Lizzy looked up at her mother in confusion. "What are they talking about, mom? Is it because he ran away from those adventurers?"

'Ahh, right...' Van realized. 'I'm used to it with Varlog, but these three girls all have irregularly high perception stats, buffs, and blessings... I forget they're all S-Ranks, at the top of their fields, boosted by Magus's overpowered blessings. They must've heard everything me and Anne talked about—minus Amoria's kid...'

'Though they could've chosen not to listen. Bunch of eavesdroppers, you lot. Set an example for your kids! And is this really something that warrants this much of a reaction!?' Van internally scolded, sighing in resignation as Marcy kept tapping his back, gently but firmly.

"I stole your gear, Marcy," Van said flatly.

"It's cool~ It's really cool~" she responded with a warm, cheerful smile. "You brought everything back, haven't you~? Then it's cool~ Just keep being you, Vanny-boy~ You can keep the gear; it's on the house~" She nodded joyfully, causing Amoria to flinch at her closeness.

'What the hell did I do to make her like this!?' Van wondered. 'All I did was talk to Anne for a bit. Is she really this happy over such a small exchange? Is her daughter that much of a recluse? Is it really that bad? Michael flocks around her all the time; shouldn't she be patting his back too!?'

Meanwhile, Lizzy stared in shock, her mouth nearly agape as she watched her fierce, unrelenting, and terrifying Aunt Marcy gently patting Van's shoulder like a proud mother. 'JUST WHAT DID HE DO!?' she thought, bewildered.

Lalyn glanced at Amoria, briefly scrutinizing her tense posture before shifting her gaze back to Van.

"Either way, now that we're all here, we need to talk," Marcy said, giving Van one last pat on the back before moving behind the counter. "Liz, you're heading to the Academy in four days, so you need to hear this too. Just be discreet about it," she instructed, her tone firm. Lizzy nodded in acknowledgment.

"...Lalyn, where's Mel?" Marcy asked.

"Studying," came the simple reply.

"Alright. Just be sure to brief her," Marcy sighed, her eyes briefly shifting to Lalyn before refocusing. "Amoria?"

'...Odd... They didn't tell Van to brief his father...' Lizzy noticed as she observed Van's casual posture. 'Are they just that certain he'll do it?'

"The Demonic Advisor and his assistant arrived at an... opportune time," Amoria began, her voice trying to maintain a tone of indifference, but the discomfort was clear as she addressed Varlog and Yilla. "The Goddess sent me a vision— the Dragon King is searching for something in the Capital. The vision was vague, but I'm sure it's connected to the Royal Academy."

"Ah... Is that what this is about? The Royal Academy, you say? I might have an idea," Varlog gently interrupted, drawing the group's attention.

"...Do you know something about it?" Lalyn asked coldly, her voice sharp.

"Well, since we are at peace, I believe it's safe to share with you..." Varlog began, his tone deliberate, instantly drawing everyone's focus.

"I have strong reason to believe it's connected to why we, the Demonic Realm, started our war on Varolon," he murmured, his words snapping everyone to attention. Marcy's fist tightened, Amoria's gaze sharpened, and Lalyn subtly gripped the staff concealed in her robes.

'Woah...' Van thought, his eyes widening slightly. 'Even I don't know that one...'