72 - Magus Veil, Part 3

"So, you're into Lala, right?" Magus asked abruptly, draping an arm over Fohrd's shoulder.

Fohrd stiffened, his gaze darting away as a blush crept across his face. Sweat beaded at his temples. "I-I don't know what... you mean... I just... uh... like being around her, is all."

"Come on, come on!" Magus whispered playfully, giving him a friendly shake. "It's written all over your face, man. You don't even need to say it."

Fohrd looked down, his shoulders slumping under the weight of Magus's words. "What... What do you want, Magus?"

Magus tilted his head, studying him. 'Is he really that sensitive to teasing?' He thought, amused but curious.

"Relax, buddy," Magus reassured him with a light pat on the back. "I'm just gonna set you two up, that's all."

"W-what!?" Fohrd whipped his head toward him, excitement bubbling to the surface, quickly overshadowed by overwhelming anxiety. His voice cracked, his words spilling out in a tangled mess.

"Nononononono! It won't work! I-I mean, sure, the thought might've crossed my mind at some point, but... me and L-Lala as a c-couple!?" Fohrd visibly trembled, his imagination running wild—romantic walks, awkward dates, and... holding hands.

"Holding hands!" he gasped aloud, as if the mere thought was scandalous. "Noooooo, it'll never work out!" he wailed, shaking Magus off like a wet dog.

Magus chuckled, effortlessly catching him again. "Aww, come on! You'll be all lovey-dovey! Hand holding, sweet kisses—"

Fohrd's expression shifted mid-frolic. A flicker of something darker passed over his face, too quick for Magus to catch. "Besides..." he murmured, voice quiet and resigned.

Magus raised a curious eyebrow. "...?"

"Miss Brimmen... s-she..." Fohrd swallowed hard, his voice dropping to a near-whisper. "Doesn't she... like you?"

Magus exhaled, dragging a hand through his hair. 'Ah, I guess she does hug me a lot... but seriously, friends hug each other. He sighed inwardly. Man, what a pain it must be to be a virgin, worrying about every little thing like this.'

"I'll admit," Magus began, releasing his hold on Fohrd and stepping back, meeting his hesitant gaze. "I know I've got some... influence on girls. Surely, you've noticed that too?" he muttered, watching as Fohrd flinched slightly at the words.

"But," Magus exhaled, "It's on me to decide how to use that... talent. And I never, not once, saw Lala that way. It's not like I need another doll or..."

"A... doll?" Fohrd repeated, confusion sharpening his voice. "What do you mean by that?"

"A-ah, forget it. Just a figure of speech." Magus raised his hand between them, brushing the comment aside with practiced ease. "Anyway," he continued, recovering quickly, "as far as Lala goes, I know girls, and I know she doesn't think of me like that. Honestly, I feel more like her older brother than anything else. So, don't worry—leave it all to me. You don't even have to lift a finger!" Magus grinned, his tone light.

'It's true. I'm THAT charming—she'll listen to me. I'll persuade her to be with him. And besides, Lala isn't like all the others. We're friends. Friends work differently.' He rationalized.

"I... don't have to do anything?" Fohrd repeated slowly, unease creeping into his voice. "I don't know, Magus... This doesn't feel right."

"Why?" Magus snapped, sharper than intended, "This is the least I can do for a friend. Sure, I might be all-powerful and irresistible," he added with a smug grin, "but it's not like I'm heartless. Just trust me—sit tight, and she'll come running to you," Magus assured, waving dismissively as he turned on his heel to leave.

'...It's the least I can do for someone willing to be my friend.' He smirked to himself as a new idea began to form.

'Maybe... maybe I'll even bring him along when Van and I go on the Demon Lord journey. He'd get along with Van, I bet.' The thought drifted easily as he imagined Van and Fohrd sitting around a campfire, awkwardly discussing the weather and other mundane things. The image made him chuckle—two guys, totally out of their element, but strangely at ease with each other.

"B-but... I-I'm not strong enough to protect her—" Fohrd stammered, pushing out the doubt that had been eating away at him.

"YES, YOU ARE! JUST KEEP QUIET AND WAIT~!" Magus called back with a cheerful tone as he strode off, waving dismissively.

Fohrd stood there, conflicted but ultimately folding under the weight of Magus's confidence. Despite his doubts, he decided to place his trust in Magus's hands. For now.

Then, a familiar message prompt blinked before Magus's eyes.


[Goddess Varolia advises you to stay out of this. It will not go as you plan.]

Magus's lips curled into a sly grin. "You're saying that, but here you are... watching it all unfold. Aren't you curious too, oh mighty Goddess? To see how I'll use these skills... like this?" His voice dripped with mischief as he chuckled under his breath.


[Goddess Varolia sighs. It is up to you how you wield the you've been granted. She can only advise.]

"Well, I appreciate your... insight." Magus gave a mock bow toward the empty air and dismissed the prompt with a flick of his hand. "But I've made up my mind. I'm gonna get my friend some well-deserved ass." His grin widened as he turned away, his gaze now drifting toward his passives—two, in particular, catching his eye:

Passive: Godly SubmissionDescription: Any girl of your species will want to submit herself to you at the SLIGHTEST show of assertiveness, aggression, anger, or persuasion from your end.Passive: Godly CharmDescription: You will charm any girl of your species simply by existing. More charming than any male nearby.

"While I'm curious how that elven beastmaster counts as part of my species…" Magus muttered, narrowing his eyes at the two skills. "These abilities don't have to be so... one-dimensional," he resolved, his gaze lingering as if daring the nature of the passives to defy him. "If I'm assertive enough, Lala will submit, right? That means she can 'submit' to the idea of being with Fohrd. And with [Godly Charm] backing it up, everything will fall right into place."

He inhaled deeply, his heart twisted at the thought of manipulating her, but he squashed the discomfort. "It's for a good cause. It's for a good cause..." he repeated, more to himself than anyone else.

[Goddess Varolia sighs at your blatant denial, urging you once again to embrace these skills as intended; for yourself. You are not equal to anyone. Indulgence is your privilege as the Hero.]

"DENIAL," Magus said aloud, mocking her words with exaggerated disgust, his face twisting theatrically. "I'm not in denial! And this IS me enjoying the skills—just in a way you didn't expect! Ever heard of QA testing? That's exactly what this is!" he barked, throwing his arms toward the sky as if challenging the heavens themselves.


"...Ma'am," Magus added in a softer, more formal tone, realizing he was pushing the limits of familiarity with the deity.

[Goddess Varolia scoffs. 'Do as you wish,' she replies.]

'It will work,' Magus reassured himself with a nod. Without another word, he disappeared into the hallway, determination fueling each step.


"Oh?" Van murmured as he listened to Amoria. "He fancied himself a matchmaker?" His brow arched slightly.

"Well… he wanted to keep them happy. Especially Fohrd—for the company," Amoria explained.

"I see…" Van muttered, his gaze drifting to the side, as if weighing the story in his mind.

After a brief silence, Amoria tilted her head. "Aren't you going to ask... why I'm telling you all this?"

"No," Van said, firm and measured. "I want to hear it all. I need to understand everything about that bastard—and why he took off. And I figure... you wouldn't be telling me this little teen romance story if it wasn't important."

A soft breeze whispered through the open window, stirring the stillness between them.

Amoria gave a faint, somber smile at his words. "Alright… then I'll continue."


Later, he pulled Lala aside, finding a quiet corner for the two of them.

"So, what's up, Magus...? Bringing me somewhere private like this..." Her tone danced on the edge of suggestion, but Magus powered through, as if he hadn't noticed.

"Ah, just... uh..." He scratched his chin, his confidence faltering slightly.

"It's about..." he trailed off, avoiding her gaze as a sudden wave of anxiety gripped him.

'Damn it...! Just do it! Why the hell are you nervous around her? She's just another girl...! Just... Just tell her to be with Fohrd...!' Magus's heart slammed against his ribcage, each beat growing louder. Sweat trickled down his temple, and his breath felt shallow, his body betraying him at the worst moment.

Unbeknownst to him, another passive skill quietly took effect:

Passive: Godly InnocenceDescription: Whenever you're sad or shy, any girl of your species' maternal instinct takes over, and she will immediately want to pamper you with a domineering, bold presence. This extends to sexual activities as well, so prepare...

"It... It's about—!" Magus finally stammered, forcing the words from his throat. But before he could finish, Lala leaned in with sudden, deliberate grace, cupping his face and guiding his head downward.

Her lips pressed softly against his.

"..!!" Magus's eyes widened in stunned disbelief, his breath hitching as her warmth spread through him. The unexpected tenderness in her kiss left him dazed, struggling to process what had just happened.

She pulled back, her face flushed a deep crimson, though her eyes remained steady and calm. "Magus... I had no idea you were so shy... It's kinda cute~," she whispered, her voice teasing but sincere.

'What... What the hell just happened? I-I thought she didn't see me like that...!' Magus's mind reeled, scrambling for an explanation as his gaze darted to the side—and then he saw him.

Fohrd stood in the distance, his face twisted in quiet resignation. Slowly, the boy turned, his shoulders sagging as he walked away without a word.

'No... NO! No!!' Magus's stomach twisted in panic. The sight of Fohrd leaving shattered whatever composure he had left. Desperately, he shoved Lala away, almost too forcefully.

"A-Ah!" Lala gasped, stumbling backward, confusion flickering across her face.

"Why did you do that!?" Magus demanded, his voice frantic. "You're like a sister to me! And Fohrd—Fohrd likes you! You should be with him!"

Lala blinked, caught off guard by his outburst. "Ah..." She glanced away, a troubled expression crossing her features. "I... I can pretend to be your sister if that's what you want... I won't judge you. But... I can't... be with Fohrd."

"No, no, you don't understand!" Magus exclaimed, almost pleading now. "It wasn't supposed to be like this! We're not supposed to be like this! We're just friends... And Fohrd—he likes you! He just saw us! You have to go to him! Fix this... Please!"

"…I…" Lala began, clutching her chest as if steadying herself. "I care about Fohrd. I do..." Her voice wavered as she looked up at Magus, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "But… to just be friends? Magus, don't say that. Please... I... I want... I want you." Her voice broke, raw with longing. "Fohrd... Fohrd can wait. I'll console him later or... something... But I've held out for too long for you... Just let me... Have this," she pleaded, drawing closer, her arms wrapping around his neck, trembling with emotion.

"H-Held out...?" Magus echoed, his body freezing as her words hit him.

"Y-yeah..." She swallowed hard, her lips quivering. "I noticed the way you looked at the other girls. I noticed because I was watching you all the time. And... I realized..." Her breath hitched. "You didn't want a girlfriend, not really. You just wanted a friend. And I... I wanted to be that person for you... I wanted you to need me the way I... needed you..." Tears slipped down her cheeks, and she wiped them with trembling hands. "But I can't do it anymore. I can't ignore how I feel."

She exhaled shakily. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Magus... Please... Please let me be with you. Just this once."

"N-no... You... You're supposed to be with him... Not me..." Magus stammered, his voice brittle.

"If... If that's really what you want..." Lala murmured, her voice soft but desperate. "I'll be with him. I swear I will. Just... please... Just once a day. No, once a week. Let me feel you, Magus... No one has to know..."

Magus's temper snapped, erupting like a storm.

"JUST WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" he roared, shoving her backward with more force than he intended.

"Ahhk!" Lala cried out as she stumbled, hitting the floor with a dull thud. Pain flickered across her face, and she curled inward, clutching her side.


Lala's shoulders shook as sobs wracked her body. "I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." she whimpered, tears streaking down her face. "But... he's not you. He's just... not you...!"

Magus stared down at her, his breath coming in shallow bursts. And yet, as he looked at her—vulnerable, pleading—something in him twisted painfully...

... Because all he could see was a doll staring back at him. A lifeless, vacant thing with no face... only strings attached to his fingers, pulling and controlling her every move.

Magus gritted his teeth, fury bubbling beneath the surface. The strings wrapped tighter around his fingers, digging into his flesh, and he clenched his fists in frustration.

"...Hate me," Magus whispered, his voice low, brittle.

Lala blinked, her breath shuddering. "Never... Never...! That's the one thing I can't—"

The sharp crack of a slap cut her words short, sending her sprawling to the side.

"Ah...!" Lala let out a small squeal, catching herself on her arms as she hit the ground, the sting radiating through her cheek.

"I said hate me!" Magus snarled, his fist trembling at his side, clenched tight.

Lala sniffled, slowly raising herself, her hands shaking as she looked up at him. And yet, even as her nose bled and her cheek burned crimson, she held his gaze, unwavering. The invisible strings still bound tightly around his fingers, refusing to break.

"Never..." she whispered, her voice resolute, defiant in its softness.

The sight of her—bruised, bleeding, yet still clinging to him—only stoked the fury churning in Magus's chest. His palm raised instinctively, fingers splayed, ready to strike again.

"I SAID—!!!" His voice cracked with rage as his hand hung in the air.

But just before the blow could land, Magus's body faltered. His fingers curled into a tight fist, his knuckles white as he slowly lowered it, the tension in his arm draining away like a deflating balloon.

"...Fucking waste of space," he hissed, his words dripping with venom as he looked away. "Scumbag, that's what you are."

Lala gasped, her hands clasping over her heart, her expression twisting in pain—not from the slap, but from the words that followed.

"All this time..." Magus muttered, more to himself than her. "You were just another doll. Just like the rest." A bitter chuckle escaped his lips, hollow and sharp. "I really thought... I really thought you were more than a puppet."

He turned away, the weight of disappointment dragging his steps.

"M-MAGUS! PLEASE!" Lala cried after him, scrambling to her feet. "Don't walk away! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Tears streamed down her face as her voice cracked with desperation. "Just tell me... Tell me what you want me to do!"

Magus stopped in his tracks, taking in a long, steady breath.

Then, without turning, he muttered, "Kill yourself."

Lala froze, the air leaving her lungs in a silent gasp.

"W-what...?" Her voice trembled, disbelief washing over her features.

"You wanna do right by me? You wanna make me forgive you!? KILL YOURSELF. That'll make me happy." His voice turned colder, sharper. "Not that it really matters... Alive or dead, you'd still be the same puppet." The words slipped from his tongue without thought, venomous and dismissive, as he turned on his heel and rushed after Fohrd.

'At least you, Fohrd... I'll make it up to you,' Magus's mind scrambled, 'I'll take you to a brothel—heard they've got some in this city. You'll forget about her. That's how it works, right? Right!?' The frantic thought looped in his mind, as if clinging to it could undo the damage.

'It'll all work out... Somehow. We'll fix it. We can, at the very least... Go back to how things were before! I'll get these two to talk it out... Fuck, I'll make it right!'

Behind him, in the stillness of the corridor, Lala slowly lowered her head. Her movements were heavy.

Quietly, she rose, her steps mechanical, and made her way back to her room. With a soft click, the door shut behind her. The lock then turned... Echoing the empty hallway.