73 - Magus Veil, Part 4

"Woah…" Van muttered, leaning in as his elbows pressed against the table. His gaze sharpened as he locked eyes with Amoria. "She actually did it?"

Amoria exhaled slowly, gripping her cup tighter. "If you go back to the graveyard and walk a few hundred meters past Magus's grave, you'll find her name. Lala Brimmen. The date on the stone reads over twenty years ago. She hung herself in her room..." Her voice faltered, lowering to a near whisper. "And I'd bet my life on it... while that rope dug into her skin, she fully believed... she was making Magus happy." The words lingered in the air, followed by a heavy silence.

Van shifted in his seat, "Amoria," he began softly, drawing her attention back to him. "If you know all this... and you know how dismissive your Goddess is toward humans... And, lets be honest; her borderline psychotic approach to it... Why do you still follow her?"

Amoria's lips pressed into a thin line before she let out a slow, tired sigh. "She keeps me safe... gives me strength. My skills and blessings are given due to my devotion toward her," she murmured, "But more than that..." She paused, as if gathering her thoughts. "I needed something to hold on to after he died."

Her gaze drifted, "I'm not a good person, Van. I used to think I was, back when I was younger. I believed that if I followed my faith—if I prayed to her and obeyed her teachings—I'd be pure... blameless."

She looked directly into his eyes now, her voice more deliberate. "But meeting you... made me realize I'm not as pure as I wanted to believe."

Van's brow furrowed, and he shifted slightly at her words, though he said nothing.

"You radiate... this vile aura," she continued, her voice soft but unwavering. "It's the very thing she warns against—through scripture, dreams, and prayers. At first, as you know, I tried to avoid you... even after you saved me that day." She dropped her gaze again, her tone dipping into something bittersweet. "But despite everything... I fell for you... Even if it was... fleeting."

The silence between them stretched on.

Van lowered his gaze, his jaw clenching slightly. "..."

Amoria inhaled slowly, her breath trembling as if steeling herself to continue. "After Magus died... I had no choice but to believe in her again. I had to." Her voice wavered, barely keeping itself steady. "I have to believe that all of this—everything—means more than just entertainment to the gods." Her words turned bitter, the sharp edges of doubt bleeding through. "It has to mean more. It can't just be some... cruel joke."

"Alright, I get it. You don't have to explain yourself... Continue," Van nodded.

Amoria gave a small, shuddering exhale before continuing. "...After Magus found out—standing there in the crowd outside Lala's room, realizing she was gone; recalling he had told her to kill herself prior... he broke. He ran, sprinting through the academy like a madman, desperate to find Fohrd... But when he did, Fohrd wouldn't even let him speak. He pushed him away... told him he'd rather face the bullies again than have anything to do with Magus. He blamed him... blamed him for Lala's death, saying the last time he saw her, she was with him."

"And the others..." Amoria continued quietly. "Male students caught wind of it—they grew curious, started questioning Fohrd about why he and Magus weren't together anymore. By then, Fohrd had stopped hiding it. He was done with it all."

Her voice dipped lower, "That's when Magus found himself surrounded by enemies... and by dolls, as he called the girls. Because that's what all of them were to him by then."

Van shifted in his seat, his expression tightening as he absorbed the story.

"By then..." Amoria murmured, her gaze growing distant.

Van leaned in slightly, bracing himself. "...He turned... Uglier."


"Please, Headmistress. Make it happen." Magus bowed deeply, his voice heavy with urgency as he stood before the older, now confused woman seated at her desk at the Royal Academy's peak.

"Let me see Van Hellix. Please." His words came firm, his head still lowered in deference.

'It's been so long... I just need to see him again! That's what this is—checking up on my best friend of ten years!' he thought.

The headmistress's expression softened. "Ah... Magus, I..." She hesitated, struggling to find the right words. "Even as headmistress, there are limits to my influence within the city. And Van Hellix... he's in the custody of the Royal Guard's First Battalion. That is far beyond my reach. I am deeply sorry, but..."

"NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Magus's voice erupted suddenly, startling her into silence.

"I need to see him!" He took a step closer, his desperation spilling into every word. "I'm here, living my dream life, but he's over there, probably training like hell. I have to know he's okay—I have to see him!"

The headmistress exhaled slowly, clearly pained. "I understand, dear... I do. I'll try—perhaps I can arrange a status report—"

"NO! THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Magus roared, slamming both palms onto the desk with a sharp crack, sending papers fluttering.

The headmistress flinched, her renowned S-Class composure shaken by the sudden burst of aggression. Normally, such disrespect would have earned immediate consequences, but as she locked eyes with Magus... something shifted.

She trembled, overwhelmed by the weight of his presence. [Godly Charm] had long since ensnared her will, bending her judgment to his sway. But now—this outburst—this bold, commanding force... it shattered the last of her resistance.

Passive: Godly Submission

Description: Any girl of your species will want to submit herself to you at the SLIGHTEST show of assertiveness, aggression, anger, or persuasion from your end.

Yes. Once again, those passives of his took hold, wrapping around the headmistress like invisible wires.

"There is..." she whispered, swallowing hard. "Nothing in the world I want more than to help you... truly. My heart aches for your pain. I remember times when I, too, longed desperately to see old friends... only to find them just out of reach." Her voice softened as she leaned closer, patting his shoulder with tenderness.

"But..." she continued, swallowing her tears, "this is beyond my ability. The kind of access you're asking for... It's far beyond my authority. Only someone of the highest stature could grant something like this."

He clicked his tongue in growing irritation.

She sniffled as tears welled in her eyes as she looked at his troubled state, "I am so, so sorry, Magus... I've come to know you well over this year, and it breaks my heart to see you in so much pain... I think of you as my own son, and to know I can't do anything to ease it... I can only... I can only offer myself... If it will ease your pain..."

"I see..." Magus inhaled deeply, grounding himself as he looked at her... but what he saw wasn't the tearful woman speaking words of sympathy. He didn't see those eyes that desperately sought his gaze, those lips pursed for his anguish...

Instead, a faceless puppet stared back at him, her strings threaded into his fingertips. Her lips moved, but no words came out.

Because he knew.

He knew that no matter what she said... None of the words she said to him had any meaning to them.

Behind her, the silhouette of Lala hung suspended like a grotesque marionette. A rope wound around her neck, and as Magus twitched his fingers—just slightly—her lifeless form jerked into a dance. Even in death, she obeyed his will.

'I told her to kill herself... and she did it,' Magus thought bitterly, his gaze shifting back to the puppet-like headmistress.


Something inside him tore loose. But the wire that snapped wasn't attached to Lala or the headmistress... it was tied to the fragile threads of his reason.

'There's no reason it wouldn't work on you too... you fucking puppet.'

"Then…" Magus's voice lowered, slow and deliberate, as he leaned in. The headmistress froze, her breath catching—not in fear, but in a rush of unwanted excitement that tightened her chest. The subtle thrum of arousal stirred within her; her thighs pressing closer together as she listened with growing anticipation...

... And then, Magus finally spoke; "I'll hate you forever…"

Her face blanched, the warmth draining instantly as dread took hold. She forgot to breathe.

"If you won't let me see Van Hellix…" Magus whispered, "If you can't do that for me… I'll hate you forever."

Her heart twisted painfully, her eyes widening as she stared blankly in the air of her office. "I'll curse you, every day I wake up... And every night before I sleep. Until the day I die," he whispered, leaning just a breath away from her ear, "And more than that..."

He then murmured, his voice barely over a whisper, "I'll never touch you."

Magus's words lingered as he began to walk away, but the headmistress's trembling voice called after him.

"Wait…" she whispered. Magus paused, his hand on the doorframe.

"I'll… I'll do it." Her sniffles filled the room as tears welled in her eyes. "I'll get you an audience with the king and queen… Only they can grant what you're asking." She looked at him, desperate as water drippled from her eyes; crying carelessly, as if she'd returned to her youth "Just... Please... Don't say those things again. Don't tell me you won't touch me… Please… I'll do anything you want...!!" Her voice cracked as she lowered her head, crying into her gown.

Magus turned back slowly, his expression softening into a twisted smile as he strolled toward her.

'...Jackpot,' he thought as he stood right next to her seat, his fingers grazing her tear-streaked cheek.

"Good girl," he cooed, his voice smooth. "I'm proud of you."

Relief washed over the headmistress, her hands clasping his, grateful for even the smallest trace of affection.

[Goddess Varolia questions whether Van Hellix is worth the trouble…]

[... But finds your new attitude refreshing.]

'Hmph, what 'new attitude'...? Magus thought, a flicker of disdain flashing through his face. 'Psychotic bitch. This is just a means to an end.'