chapter61 It's getting bright

Just now, everything had been his beautiful fantasy, but reality was extremely unfavorable for them. Four men stood on the wide open space in front of the villa. Three of them held weapons in a triangular formation, facing different directions, with solemn expressions on their faces. The man surrounded in the middle wasn't very tall, had dark brown skin, and short hair that clung to his scalp. He was holding a petite woman hostage, with a pistol pressed against Scarlett's temple.

The man's arm was wrapped around Scarlett's neck, using her as a shield. Scarlett's hair was disheveled, her face covered in dust, and her fair skin bore many scratches. She was trembling slightly.

The four men saw Asher's figure leaping over the wall and immediately reacted, shouting before they even turned around, "Drop your weapon, or she dies!"

The voice was slightly stiff, coming from the man beside him, who had a tattoo of a blue kitten on his heaving chest.