chapter62 decision

After the bullet was removed, Asher fell asleep on the ground. Scarlett also lay down on the hard concrete, nestling beside him with their fingers intertwined. The nearby corpses didn't scare her; they looked no different from pieces of wood scattered across the ground.

As the sun slowly moved from east to west, the shadows of the trees grew long, then short, and then long again. Asher's external wounds healed quickly. He slept on the ground until mid-afternoon. The bleeding stopped, scabs formed, and he felt much better. The blood on the ground had turned brown, and he frowned slightly, patting Scarlett's back. "I'll take you to the house outside to rest first, and I'll handle this."

Scarlett buried her head in his shoulder, mumbling, "I don't want to be alone."

"I'm afraid you'll have nightmares if you see too much," Asher said softly.

Scarlett didn't reply but held his arm tightly.