chapter68 shopping

That day, Scarlett ultimately failed to show proper hospitality by taking Asher to taste the local snacks of City C. By the time she came to her senses, it was already afternoon. Her mother called, asking where she was and mentioned that she had bought prawns for dinner. Scarlett was completely naked when she answered the phone, feeling anxious and trying to sound natural. Once her mother hung up, Scarlett sighed in relief and looked at Asher beside her. "Why do I feel like we're having an affair?"

Asher's tail swished against her leg as he raised an eyebrow and smiled, "An affair? How does that feel?"

Scarlett covered herself with the blanket, feeling odd. "If my mom finds out, she'd probably grab a knife and come after us."

Asher chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't let her harm you."