
Grimgold led Ryker, Tyler, and Nadia away from the chaos through another passageway. Despite Nadia's protests, he insisted that Duke could handle himself, but he would be unable to do so effectively if they remained there. He

believed that Duke would be too distracted if they stayed, so he led the group away to a safer place.

"Where are we headed?" Ryker asked Grimgold after they had walked for several minutes into the nearby woods.

Grimgold nodded towards a small cabin in the distance, just a few feet from where they stood. "Somewhere safe, away from the chaos," he replied. "And a place where the others can easily find us."

"So we're just supposed to wait and do nothing?" Nadia asked, her question lingering in the air, clearly directed at Grimgold. However, Grimgold remained silent, his efforts to reassure her earlier seemingly exhausted.