
John hesitated, glancing nervously at his mother. "I... I didn't think it would go this far. I was just trying to get back at Garette for what he did to me."

Joseph's mother, Wendy, whose brain only retained Garette's words about Joseph getting picked on, spoke up, "Is my Joseph getting bullied?"

Mr. Campbell, sensing the need to regain control, raised his hand for silence. "Enough. It's clear that a lot is going on. We need to focus on resolving this issue and ensuring it doesn't happen again."

Dominic, who had been watching the exchange with a cold expression, finally spoke. "Mr. Campbell, it seems to me that this situation has been mishandled from the beginning. We need a thorough investigation into who printed those flyers."

Kevin's mother, looking sympathetic, added, "And we need to ensure that the perpetrator understands the consequences of their actions. And if my son is involved in harassing the poor girl, please punish him accordingly."