
As I left the luxurious villa, a sense of warmth lingered from the unexpected hospitality. Despite Thalira's aloof demeanor, her actions had been undeniably kind. I stepped out onto the grand driveway, the imposing gates looming ahead, and realized I hadn't paid much attention to the route we had taken.

The sprawling estate seemed like a maze, and my unfamiliarity with the area started to dawn on me.

I glanced around, hoping for some sign to guide me back to the university campus. The neatly trimmed hedges and the immaculate lawn provided no clues. With a resigned sigh, I began walking down the driveway, hoping to find my way back to a more recognizable area.

The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the opulent grounds. As I reached the gates, I pushed them open and stepped out onto the street, looking around to get my bearings.