
June 2, 1988

Indra Budiono looked up when he heard a knock on his office door. Sirius Black was standing at his door. "Sirius, just the man I wanted to see."

"So I heard. What's up?"

"The ICW conference next month, I've been asked to have you lead a seminar about muggle police techniques and how they can be applied by aurors. It will also involve a couple of shifts of bodyguard duty." he saw Sirius' face cloud up ready to refuse. "I know, what about the Brits and their allies. This years conference is in Tokyo, Japan no extradition treaty. If they try anything it creates an international incident since you'll be an official part of he Indonesian Delegation. Besides if anything starts there we can demand a veritaserum trial and get the bogus trial they did without you thrown out."

"And if they try to kill me on sight?"

"Leave Harry here. If they want him back they'll need you, after all your home is a veritable fortress without looking like it. Magically speaking that is."

"It's risky. Harry is supposed to test for his next belt and has a football tournament while that conference happens."

"Sirius how many times do Sri and I have to tell you. You need a"

"Life beyond Harry. I've heard and I've dated."

"Harry needs time without you hovering, let him get in trouble for a change."

"Fine. I'll go but I'm doing grave shift for bodyguard duty. I'll lead the seminar, but I won't attend any others in fact I intend to hole up in my room when I'm not on duty."

"Agreed. Although it's a shame, this would be a golden opportunity for you to make acquaintances and combat the insanity that the British have said about you."

"I get it. I just don't like the idea of going somewhere where I know at least a quarter of the people around me want to arrest me. Call me crazy that way."

"But you'll come?"

Sirius nodded.

July 15, 1988 Bali, Indonesia

"Okay Harry behave for Liana. Liana you have all the conference information and my cell number thankfully that last bit of tinkering makes it able to handle being in a large concentration of magic and I have the hand crank charger I am never more than a phone call away."

"We will be fine Bapak Black, leave or you'll be late for your portkey from the ministry."

"What do you want me to bring you back Harry?"

"A new friend."

"Okay, not sure how I'll manage that, but...a pen pal maybe?"

"Okay, safe journey Sirius."

"Good luck on everything while I'm gone. Stay out of trouble I want to stay handsome and gray hair isn't handsome."

"You're going to miss your portkey!" Liana scolded.

July 15, 1988 Tokyo,Japan

The Indonesian delegation entered the hotel. Sirius left the other aurors to guard the President of magic to check into the hotel. The receptionist greeted him cheerfully.

"Good day how can I help you?"

"Ms. Higarashi, I'm checking in the Indonesian delegation."

"Of course. You are in the west tower the Imperial suite on the fourteenth floor your delegation also has the eight rooms in the hall before you get to the suite. You are Bapak Black?"


"Kurosaki-san, the head of hotel and conference security will meet you in the suite and brief you on the security that has been set up for the congress conference. Have a nice stay."

"One last question, where is the United Kingdom delegation staying?"

"They are in one of the other hotels, Bapak Black.

Giving an internal sigh of relief Sirius said, "Thank you." He had to get through two weeks then he would be back on Bali with Harry.

July 24, 1988 Tokyo, Japan

Amelia Bones got the shock of her life when on a whim she choose to attend one of the many seminars being offered at the ICW Congress Conference. There giving a informational briefing was Sirius Black wanted criminal, accessory to murder, and kidnapper. How could the ICW allow a wanted man like him to give a seminar to law enforcement? She didn't really listen as she sat and tried to plan how she could capture him. After the seminar ended she edged up behind him while he talked to various aurors who had attended the seminar.

"Urahara-san, I recommend if you want to learn more about DNA evidence and muggle forensics that you read Criminal Forensics it's a easy to understand book regarding how muggle police use it to identify criminals and prove their guilt."

The Japanese auror thanked Black with a bow and headed away. Taking a quick look around to be sure they were alone,Amelia slid her wand from it's holster and quickly took three steps to get behind Black before he could turn to face her. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't reducto your spine and kidneys and leave you to die traitor."


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