Decoys and Deceptions

Sirius fought with the urge to flee. That voice it was familiar, it was British. Shit..."I can give you two. It would cause an international incident and I wasn't James and Lily's secret keeper." He paused and waited for a sign the words had sunk in. When he heard a gasp, in a move he'd learned in silat class with Harry, he pivoted and knocked the wand away from his body and pulled it away from Amelia Bones.

Amelia mentally kicked herself. 'You had the drop on him why not incarcerous him or something, idiot why listen to his words and let him get the drop on you. Now you're facing a death eater with no wand to defend yourself with.'

"I'll give you your wand back, and I'll give you a wizards oath not to hurt you and to tell you the truth, all I ask is that you listen and hear me out. Okay?"

Hesitantly Amelia nodded. Sirius nodded and handed her her wand, "Okay, I prefer not to do this here, but here goes." He took out his wand, "On my magic and my life I will not harm Amelia Bones and I will tell her the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as I know it."A golden glow showed his oath was active. "I'm in charge of security for the Indonesian delegation, so I need to get back to my hotel and check in with my team. Can you come with me, or are you due somewhere?"

"My next shift as a guard to Albus isn't for four hours. I'll follow."

Sirius led the way to the hotel, although he was nervous to have an armed Amelia Bones at this back. He led the way to the Imperial suite, and as they entered the hallway leading to the suite a man intercepted them . "Surya what's up?"

"The president is lunching with the Burmese delegation trying to work out what to do about the wizard pirates that are creating problems. He sent word that it's likely to last through the night so he is forgoing tonight's formal dinner. I think he's also trying to get some allies to stand up to the high council regarding you."

"Great." Sirius said sarcastically. "The last thing I want is to be on Albus Dumbledore's radar. I don't think he knows I'm here, and I would prefer to keep it that way."

"Who is she?"

"Surya Pranoto I'd like to introduce Amelia Bones. She's with the British Delegation."

Surya laughed. "You play with fire my friend. Ms. Bones, a pleasure. I'll leave you two to talk."

"Thanks, Surya."

Sirius led Amelia to the sitting room in the suite that he was using as his office. " Just tea or lunch too?"

"Answers first. What did you mean you weren't James and Lily's secret keeper?"

"Exactly that. I was too obvious of a choice. James, Lily, and I decided I would be a decoy and that Peter would be the secret keeper."


"Peter Pettigrew, short chubby guy started balding in seventh year, slippery rat and covert Death muncher who has undoubtedly used Death muncher contacts to further darken my already Black name. Indifferent wizard but more clever than I gave him credit for being.

"Of course between Lily and Harry it backfired on him. He handed James and Lily's location to Voldemort only to have him die, well maybe not die exactly."

"What do you mean, maybe not die exactly? You-know-who is dead his body was found in Godric's Hollow."

"Yeah well, he might be disembodied but he isn't dead."

"I'm not sure I believe you, but you can explain that later. Why run then Sirius, if you weren't the secret keeper?"

"Two reasons: Harry and, I want you to think about this one before you answer, I wasn't sure I'd be given a trial. Which goes back to my first reason in a roundabout way."

"Why would you think that Sirius?"

"Amelia you've always been a straight arrow kind of person, but how many people at the ministry are like that? What is my family name and what do most people think when the hear the name Black? Who's in charge of the Wizengamot? If he tells people something they believe it, but I think he's not as white as he's painted. He's frequently states it's for the greater good, but my question is who is he to decide what's the greater good.

Does his greater good respect the rights of others? I mean come on, Grindelwald claimed he was acting for the greater good of the Wizarding world, and he was a megalomaniac. I'm not saying his intentions aren't good because I think they are but I am asking what price he's willing to pay or more exactly what price will I or Harry pay for his greater good. The day before they died James told me that although he trusted Dumbledore with many things, he didn't trust him with Harry. He made me give a wizards oath that if something happened to him and Lily, I'd take Harry and run.

"That night I wanted to hunt Peter down and I probably would have tried to kill him but for my promise to James. I ran into Hagrid at Godric's Hollow. Dumbledore had sent him. Hagrid is part giant therefore is spell resistant. Dumbledore told Hagrid to take Harry to his aunt and uncle's. Amelia, Lily's sister is an irrational, insanely jealous squib that the last time she saw Lily attacked her and her husband is even worse.

They fear magic. Also when I got to Gringott's that night Dumbledore had sealed the wills and named himself guardian. Ironclaw knew the contents of the wills; once I gave an oath to prove I didn't betray James and Lily, he was fine with me taking Harry since he knew I was listed as primary guardian.

"Furthermore, think about the 'trial' that I was given because the Wizengamot wanted to seize the Black assets. I mean what sort of trial is it when the accused isn't even allowed to speak in their own defense and all the evidence is based in hearsay. Thank Merlin for goblins is all I can say.

"Earlier when I said Moldyshorts isn't as dead as we all wish he was, I was telling the truth. My stupid kid brother found out he'd done some extremely black magic so his soul is anchored to the living plane and unless his anchors get destroyed he doesn't die. Reg died trying to destroy one of the anchors."

Amelia looked at the man that she had despised for years. The whole auror force had called him traitor because they had made the assumption he was James Potter's betrayer. James Potter had been the golden boy of the auror force, his father had been an highly respected and decorated auror before his death. As such, many of the older aurors took a parental interest in James when he became an auror. Many of them couldn't understand how James could have such a strong relationship with Sirius Black.


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