A Bond Forged

She was twelve years their senior and if she was completely honest with herself she held the same prejudices against the Blacks as many of the Wizarding world that they were arrogant, wealthy snobs. They were ancient, noble, and rich and rubbed everyone's noses in that fact. And the rumors of dark magic books and items in their well protected mansion were legend.

After Sirius fled Great Britain his cousin Bellatrix, had been caught red handed torturing to insanity another auror and his family that was both respected and noble, Frank Longbottom and his wife. There had been no reason to believe the Blacks were anything but black. Now she was confronted with the fact that Sirius was loyal to James. That Albus Dumbledore, the nearly universally liked wizard, wasn't all he seemed and that the darkest wizard that the United Kingdom had ever known wasn't as dead as he seemed. "I need a drink."

"If you see about switching with someone for your next shift I'll buy you a firewhiskey or maybe two."

Amelia sent a patronus message and asked Kingsley to take her place with Albus as she wasn't feeling well.


After slamming back two fire-whiskeys and getting some lunch, Amelia started to process again. "What about Harry? How is he? Where is he?"

Sirius pulled out his wallet and pulled out two photos one was a formal portrait of Harry in his school uniform. The other was him with his two best friends after their last football game. "This is Harry." He passed them to her.

Amelia looked at the photos, the boy in the picture clearly was James Potter's son. He had black short spiked hair that if it were longer would look like his father's tousled locks. He had bright green eyes and wire rimmed glasses. On his forehead was a scar that reminded her of a lighting bolt. He wore a happy grin in both photos but neither one moved. "Non-magical photo's? Muggle sports?"

"Yeah. That Halloween Harry got hit by three very powerful spells one of which was an AK. He's still affected by two of them; one of them was put on him by his mum to protect him, the third from the damned Dark wanker. The one from Voldemort feeds on magical energy around Harry. He was sick and getting sicker those first months after we left the UK. We were traveling by magic, staying hidden by use of spells, and staying in magical enclaves. When he kept getting sicker I took him to St. Michael's in Jakarta, I was afraid if it kept on I'd lose him."

"It took a little over six weeks for the healer to figure out what was wrong. So Harry and I live like muggles, I do magic at my job during the day but come home and live in a magic free environment at night. It has helped. As a baby Harry did accidental magic daily usually metamorphic in nature. After that night he didn't do any until he was five, he still doesn't do much, I can count the number of incidents on one hand. Most of his considerable magical core is used keeping the third spell from doing whatever it was designed to do. We live as muggles because it means Harry won't burn himself out, trying to fight it."

"Is there anything that can be done about the third spell?"

"We didn't even fully identify the spell until November 1985. It's rare and as black as magic gets. Sri, Harry healer, is still searching to see if there is another way to free him of it other than the one method we've come up with so far."

"Why wait?"

"Because to get rid of the third spell we have to stop Harry's heart allowing him to "die" and then do a brief ritual to get rid of the spell then restart his heart and we have to do all of it within four minutes.


"That doesn't even come close to what I said when Sri and I first discussed it. We are waiting until after his birthday this year to discuss it with him and we probably won't actually do it until after his ninth birthday. That should give him two years to adjust to having his magic active before starting school."

"How can you talk about stopping his heart and be so calm?"

"I don't have a choice Amelia. Harry will never be able to claim his heritage as long as he has the third spell on him, and this is the only way we've found to do it. I have to be positive that we'll be successful because anything else and I would give up. When I lost James I lost the only family I had that gave a damn about me, and if I hadn't had Harry that night I probably would have done something phenomenally stupid and wound up dead or worse. I have to save Harry because he saved me.

"He is such a fabulous kid Amelia. He looks like James but he's his mother's son. He's incredibly smart, an outstanding athlete, his heart is so brave and caring. He's also incredibly ambitious but he's willing to work hard for what he wants. When I asked him what he wanted me to bring back from here you know what his answer was, a new friend." Sirius chuckled. "I asked him if a pen pal would do, cause I couldn't come up with another way to grant his request. James and Lily would be so proud of him. I know I am.

"I miss him, this is the longest I've been away from him since that night. Would you like to hear his voice? I think Liana's grandson's birthday party is probably going on so Harry won't want to talk long but that way you'll be able to tell anyone who asks, you verified he was alive."

Amelia nodded not knowing how Sirius would achieve this miracle since Japan was far away from Indonesia. To her surprise he pulled a rectangular object out of his pocket it had a pad of buttons he pushed after a minute she recognized it as a telephone but she had never seen one not attached to a wall let alone one that would work in an area of high magic.

Sirius cast a quick mufliato around their table then he put a charm on the phone that would make the sound a little louder so Amelia would be able to hear whatever was said easily. The phone on the other end rang three times before Liana picked up.

"Bapak Black's"


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