A Promise Made, A Promise Kept

"I wasn't convinced when I left that I wouldn't be tried in the court of public opinion and get lynched just so Dumbledore could control Harry. The day before he died James had a premonition and he made me promise to take Harry and run if something happened to him and Lily. Technically in addition for accessory to murder of my best friends, I'm wanted for kidnapping in the U.K."

Sirius shuddered and drew in a deep breath. "The kidnapping charge is arguable. I know I'm first on the list as Harry's guardian in James and Lily's wills. However Dumbledore used his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot to seal the wills before they could be read and named himself guardian. I've been tried in absentia with 80 % or more of the evidence being hearsay not fact.

The true secret keeper has undoubtably been blackening my already Black name while I've been gone. I recently made contact with someone trustworthy in a position to help me clear my name in England. Harry's pen pal is her niece. But it's still to risky for me to go to the States."

"Wow, if it weren't for the fact I've heard dad swear about Dumbledore and the isolationistic practices of Britain's magical society I would be shocked...It just sounds so... Wow."

"If hearing all of this has made you change your mind I'll understand."

Beth heard the misery in Sirius' voice. She considered for a moment. She shook herself, Sirius said he was innocent. He adored Harry and was a fantastic father. "I believe you and I believe in you. You're not getting out of marrying me that easily. Are you willing to have the U.S. try you? I have enough connections I could probably get you a trial."

"I'd be willing to try. My biggest concern is Harry. I would need guarantees Albus Dumbledore would not ever be able to get control of him that he would be protected, that James and Lily's wills would be unsealed and enacted not just Harry being put into Albus' hands because he's the Defeater of Grindelwald. Supreme Mugwump, Chief Warlock and all that crap."

"Well I'll go home and get the ball rolling. I'll contact you when I get it set up."

"I have a better idea you go home and get the ball rolling. Be prepared for a rough road, any security squad worth it's salt will be very unhappy with the mention of my name. I, my precious treasure, will call you everyday, and if things go to hell on your end know that you always are welcome in Harry' and my corner of paradise. In fact I like the idea of introducing you to Sri and Liana and their family. They're the closest thing to family I have now and I know they will want to meet you. Bali is beautiful and I think you would like it there."

"I'm sure I would but I still need to get back because of my job."

"I hate your job because it takes you away from me. But you like it, so I'll live; especially since I'm between jobs at the moment and managing my money can be done from anywhere."

Beth smiled at him. Then snuggled into his side to sleep. The next morning was spent packing Beth took all the petals from the roses that Sirius had given her and put them in a bag. Sirius shrank her dress until it looked like it would fit a doll Beth carefully wrapped it and the vase and placed them in her case using all her other clothes as padding.

All of them were downcast when they got to the airport for Beth's flight home. "Harry, I'll miss you but Sirius promised you both will be calling everyday and hopefully I'll see you soon. And promise as soon as those engagement photos are done you'll express mail them. I can't wait to show them to Mom."

"I promise I'll do them as soon as we get home and I can get into my darkroom. I'm gonna miss you." His lower lip trembled. Beth gave him a last kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Safe journey Beth. I don't care what time it is call as soon as you're home okay." Sirius demanded.

Beth nodded and then planted a very passionate kiss on him letting him go only when they announced final boarding for her flight.


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