The Fidelius Charm

November 24, 1988

Amelia Bones had never been more uncertain in her life. Her life in the four months since the ICW conference was unsettled to say the least. She had carefully and clandestinely pulled all the evidence that was used in the "trial" of Sirius Black and he was right the only verifiable "facts were he was James' best friend and he had taken Harry Potter with him. His facts about what had happened after the murders but before he fled with Harry however proved to be true.

Which left her in a position of no longer trusting the main leaders of the country, and gave her a list of many people whom she would be watching with a much more jaundiced eye. She had cautiously approached the goblins about getting access to their documentation regarding the Potters, they were hesitant as it might be seen as a treaty breach. It didn't help that she didn't know which goblin to make an appointment with and Sirius hadn't contacted her in anyway since Japan.

She was happy that she had at least made contact with two of Sirius' list of potential allies. She was expecting both of them for dinner that night. She needed to get home and make sure Mimsy had everything ready. As she left she checked out one of the DMLE's pensieves, because she would need it.

She got home to a very excited Susan.

"Aunt Amelia, Aunt Amelia guess what came in the mail today!"

"I have no idea."

"I got a letter and it had pretty pictures in it. It was from a boy named Harry, he said he got my name from his guardian who got it from you. It was sent muggle mail. And it had an absolutely gorgeous butterfly stamp on it."

"How about you show me after I check on Mimsy and tonight's dinner. You need to clean up because our guests will be coming soon."


A short time later Amelia was welcoming Andromeda and Ted Tonks and Remus Lupin to her apartment. "Good evening, I'm sure you're curious as to why I invited you but I ask you hold your questions until after dinner, and I get Susan to bed." So the group had dinner and made polite shallow conversation. After dinner Susan brought out her letter and shared to pictures that came with it. Amelia read the letter while Susan shared the pictures with their guests.


Dear Susan Bones,

Hi my name is Harry Potter. I'm writing you for a couple reasons. I like making friends. I have four pen pals two in Indonesia one in France and now one in England. My guardian is please that I now have a pen pal that is a British witch. He says it will help my written English improve before I come there for school. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner I expect your aunt expected me to write you back in August. I would have but my guardian got hurt when the Darah murni attacked the delagation when they were returning. He got hurt and was in the hospital for five weeks. It was only when we were packing for our trip that we found your address.

I'm writing from the sunny shores of Palau. It's beautiful here and I have enclosed some pictures so you can see. The boy in the pictures is me. I like football, martial arts, photography, and music. I go to school and am in the fifth grade. I got advanced because I'm smart like my mum or so my guardian says. My favorite subjects are economics, science, languages and math. Oh and history is cool too. I don't know what else to say. My guardian said the best way for you to write me back is by leaving a letter with Grimjaw Trollslayer at Gringotts in London. He forwards stuff to us all the time. I look forward to getting a letter from you.

Sincerely Harry Potter


"Amelia this is James and Lily's son." Remus Lupin said hoarsely.

"Yes I know. Susan darling how about you go get ready for bed."

"What about my letter and pictures?"

"I'll bring them when I come to tuck you in."

"Yes Aunt Amelia."

"What is this about?"

Amelia went to the cabinet where she had set the pensieve, and pulled it out. " I was instructed to show this memory first."

She broke the seal on the vial and poured it in. Before taping the bowl so it would show the memory above the bowl, she spoke. "I don't know what the memory contains but this is a law enforcement pensieve if the memory was altered in any way it will be fuzzy around the edges and foggy."

As the memory started to play out it proved to contain four people James and Lily Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. The group watched as Lily Potter cast the fidelius charm with Peter as the secret keeper. When she finished casting Sirius was wearing a blank expression and asking "Where are we?" Peter whispered something in his ear and his clouded expression lifted. "Well obviously that worked. I'll go around and act like a giant target and that will keep you safe Pete. Moldyshorts won't find you now James. Good job Lily." the memory stopped. It remained clear and sharp the entire time.

Remus Lupin was white and muttered, "It was Peter." several times.

Andromeda Tonks was confused."But I thought Sirius...Everyone said Sirius betrayed them but that's not possible with what we've just seen."

Ted Tonks went straight to the heart of the matter. "Who provided this memory?"

"Sirius must have..." Remus stated and started crying quietly. "He isn't a traitor."

"Good deduction. He said to give you this after you had seen the memory." Amelia handed Remus the packet. She then gathered the letter and pictures that Harry had sent to Susan and excused herself to tuck Susan in.

Remus opened the envelope.


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