The Potter Wills

November 25, 1988

Grimjaw Trollslayer looked at the wizard and two witches in front of him and wondered why the duke would choose them as his allies. He sat there quietly watching to see if they had patience, if they spoke before two minutes had passed he would know they did not. His Grace needed patient allies because impatient ones could easily get His Grace and Lord Potter killed.

Wizards in his experience wanted immediate gratification, humans were never patient creatures and had always wanted instant gratification but in wizards this trait was magnified somehow. When His Grace had been young he had been one of the worst of his kind. Alphard Black had been patient and understood order, he had taught his heir order but life, life had taught His Grace patience.

After three minutes of staring at each other across a desk Amelia spoke.

"Grimjaw I know that you are the goblin in charge of the Black and Potter accounts. I know that the goblins have not accepted the Wizengamot's ruling that Sirius Black is a Death Eater and is an accessory to murder and kidnapper. I met Black in Japan four months ago and he gave me reasons to doubt it as well. He mentioned you. I was hoping that you could supply me with a copy of the Potter wills."

"Alas Madame Deputy I cannot supply you with a copy that would be a treaty violation."

Grimjaw waited to see if she caught the subtlety. She didn't but the werewolf wizard did.

"Grimjaw would it be a treaty violation for you to show me a copy of the Potter wills in your files?"

"It would not." Grimjaw nodded at his assistant. He looked closer at the werewolf. "You would be?"

"Remus Lupin."

"Ah, you would be the one His Grace wishes to be Steward over his properties here and in France. I recommended to him to get one, his father's house elf major domo isn't sufficient, the poor thing is old and the stress of his position is driving the poor little fellow to senility."

"Why do you refer to Sirius as His Grace Grimjaw? The Blacks are mere viscounts." Andromeda interjected.

Grimjaw handed Andromeda Tonks a family tree one that went back further then any she had seen growing up. Grimjaw's assistant handed him folded documents. "the Potter wills" he handed them to Remus.

Remus opened the smaller of the documents.

I, Lily Victoria Evans Potter, of Godric's Hollow Wales, declare this to be my will, and I revoke all prior wills and codicils that I have made.

Article I

All estate taxes, together with administrative expenses shall be paid out against the principal of my estate, not to exceed three percent and waive on behalf any attempts to recover those expenses of behalf of my heirs.

Article II

I give all tangible personal property except the contents of my vault 1005 that I own at my death, to my husband James Tiberius Potter if he is living. If not I give it to my son Harry James Potter to be held in trust at Gringott's the cost of moving and storage of said property will be paid by my estate as a just administrative expense.

I leave the contents of my personal vault 1005 to Harry James Potter to be place in his trust vault #817 at my death, access to said vault to be granted when he turns 11.

Article III

I name James Tiberius Potter as my executor if he for any reason is unable to fulfill this role, I name Ironclaw of Gringott's Bank & Goblin Trust and Alice Louise Symthe Longbottom as co-executors.

Article IV

In the event of my death while Harry James Potter is a minor, custody resides with his father James Tiberius Potter. If he is also deceased or otherwise incapacitated custody goes to the following people in the following order: Sirius Orion Black, Alice Louise Symthe Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick. Under no circumstances is he to ever be placed with Petunia Marie Evans Dursley.

Article V

In the event Harry James Potter is orphaned, with the deaths of myself and my husband James Tiberius Potter the responsibility of the financial trusts will be held by his Guardian and Ironclaw or his chosen successor until Harry James Potter comes of age.

I, Lily Victoria Evans Potter, signed this will August 10, 1980.

Lily Victoria Evans Potter

On this date August 10, 1980, we witnessed Lily Victoria Evans Potter sign the foregoing document and act as witnesses that she is of sound mind and of free will and that these are her own intentions.

Sirius Orion Black

Alice Louise Symthe Longbottom



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