James Potter's Final Wishes

Remus nodded as he finished it. Lily's will was exactly what he would have expected. He passed the will to Amelia to read. He opened James' will. Unlike Lily's will James' was written in his own hand. A feeling of nostalgia lightly tinged with grief swept over Remus. Shoving it aside Remus read James' will.

I James Tiberius Potter, Earl of Gryffindor, Viscount of Riderscroft, Baronet of Hogsmeade being of sound mind and body declare this to be my last will and testament revoking all previous wills and codicils. All estate taxes not to exceed two and three quarter percent and administrative fees not to exceed half a percent of the total estate value per year will be paid by my estate and I waive the right to these fees on behalf of my heirs.

To my good friend Remus Lupin I leave 10,000 galleons a year. Sorry it can't be more but ministry strictures on werewolves being what they are. This way you'll be able to afford that new potion. To Sirius Orion Black I leave my Bachelor's Apartment in London floo address "stag's loft" on the condition he share it with Remus and half my shares of Zonko's Joke Shop. To our secret keeper, Peter Pettigrew I leave half my shares of Zonko's Joke Shop and Blackthorne cottage on the outskirts of Hogsmeade.

To Albus Dumbledore as the leader of Order of the Phoenix and for the use of the Order I leave 400,000 galleons conditional on his return of my invisibility cloak to the Potter estate said cloak can be identified when touched by it's rightful owner as it was spelled to by Ignotus Pevrell. To Frank and Alice Longbottom and my godson Neville I grant the deed to Jasper Commons Magical Horticulture. I was truly honored to be named Neville's godfather and I give this to encourage the earth elemental magic gift I sense he has.

To my greatest treasure, my wife Lily Victoria Evans Potter I leave the Cottage in Godric's Hollow, and a widow's pension of 60,000 galleons a year and my wedding ring. My son, Harry James Potter inherits the remainder of my estate including:

Gryffindor Abbey and its lands, Potter Manse and its farms, Riderscroft Manor, Thistle cottage, and all lands owned by the Potter family but held in trust as part of the Foundation for the Betterment of Wizarding Society, all personal property not otherwise assigned (See attached list), all stock in Cleensweep Broom Company, Thompson's Wizarding Trunks, Flourish and Blott's, Daily Prophet, Hylands Apothecary, Twillfit & Tattings, Three Broomsticks the content's of the Potter Family Vault #504(see attached inventory) the contents of my personal vault #725 (See attached list).

I name Templeton Peck, the Potter family barrister, and Ironclaw of Gringott's Bank and Goblin Trust as co-executors. In the event of my death Lily Victoria Evans Potter has custody of my son and control over the seats in the Wizengamot, Hogwarts Board of Governors, St. Mungo's Board of Governors, and the Chair position of the Foundation for the Betterment of Wizarding Society.

In the event she is deceased as well, Harry James Potter will be placed with the following people in the following order Sirius Orion Black his Godfather, Alice Louise Symthe Longbottom his Godmother, Minerva McGonagall, then Filius Flitwick under no circumstances is he to be placed with his maternal relatives Petunia and Vernon Dursley. Harry James Potter's Guardian will have a stipend of 400 galleons a month for Harry's health and welfare.

The seats and his finances will be managed by agreement among his trustees made up of his Guardian, Ironclaw or his chosen successor, and Templeton Peck. As the last Potter, Harry James Potter will inherit a great responsibility and according to the end of line clause (Wizarding Constitution year 1672) when he becomes an adult at 17, he will take on the full duties as Head of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter.

To prepare him for this he will receive access to the various vaults on a time line, #1020 Access at age 5 monthly stipend 25 galleons starting age 1 #817 Access at age 11 stipend 1000 per quarter starting age 1 #725 Access at 15 no stipend, #504 Access at age 17. At age 15 he is to be given guidance into his future role in the Wizengamot, As he will take his place in the Wizengamot at 17 rather than the usual age 25.

This is my last will and Testament

James Tiberius Potter

Witnessed this the 27th day of October, 1981 by

Franklin Oliver Longbottom

Albus Brian Percival Wulfric Dumbledore



Remus finished reading James will and frowned. Albus knew James wishes but he had sealed the wills. It was callus and selfish of him, but he thought about the difference having a place to live since he knew Sirius wouldn't need the loft and had probably only been left it because he would let Remus live there thereby getting around werewolf ownership laws.

The difference that the money and the Wolfsbane could have had made for him. It made him want to howl in fury. Then it struck him in his will James told who his secret keeper was. Albus knew that as well. Growling he handed the second will to Amelia, and to distract himself he said to Grimjaw "Steward?"

"Yes His Grace has seven large properties between France and England and his ward has several more. He has requested that I hire a steward to visit his properties and those of his ward. The steward would also be expected to keep current of events that would affect His Grace's interests here and in France. He is aware of your affliction and is aware that due to ministry regulation you are limited to travel here in the UK and France,due to your dual citizenship."

"I think you will find what he has written into the contracts quite advantageous. Four days off surrounding the full moon and a supply of wolfsbane every month, room and board and any required travel expenses and a salary that is generous certainly enough to replace those...clothes. You will keep in touch with Mrs. Tonks as she will be voting His Grace's interests with the Wizengamot and on the Hogwarts board. Lord Malfoy will be put out that he no longer controls two seats on that board."

Andromeda meanwhile had traced the family heritage back to Charlemagne and was sitting somewhat stunned. "He is a duke Remus."


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