Plans in Motion

Beth suddenly realized that in was only two thirty in the morning and what exactly that meant. She felt the flush of extreme embarrassment sweep over her, followed by a wave of nausea. Winry read her expression and conjured a basin to catch the vomit just in time.

Winry picked up the phone Beth had dropped and spoke to Nic. " Beth is throwing up at the moment I'm sure she be back with you when she finished."

"She's sick?"

"Yes. If being pregnant weren't enough, she's stressed..."

"Bring her here, she's welcome even if it's... it's...tempus...two thirty in the morning!?"

One and a half hours later Winry exited the guest bedroom of Nicolas Stevens guest bedroom. She was met by Roy, Rachel, George and Nicolas Stevens. Roy voiced the thought that was on all their faces."How is she?"

"Not as good as I would like, she has actually developed a small ulcer so I'm going to get Walter to brew a course of potions. We're going to have to substitute a few ingredients from the standard ulcer potions because she's pregnant. I'm telling her to take the week off from work, the NATO update is done until January anything else is likely to be more intense than I want her doing. She's stressed because of this situation with the President, she's worried about what's going on with Sirius Black and Harry, and frankly if her ulcer gets any worse she may very well lose the babies."

"Wait a second did you just say babies, as in more than one?" Rachel demanded.

Winry nodded. " Triplets. I didn't tell Beth but she's already at risk because of her ulcer but a multiple puts her in a higher risk category for pregnancy complications. I hope just being outside the castle will reduce her stress enough that the potions will get rid of the ulcer."

"Is there anything I should do or not do to help my sister?"

George spoke "We should do everything we can to get Black and Harry here by Christmas. I know Beth was working with that goal in mind. I think maybe some distraction in the form of Christmas shopping, would be good and she needs to start the work of finding a place. So I think a goal for today is getting together with a real estate agent."

Nic nodded, "I'll file the stay of extradition today. And if Beth has those copies of that file I'll see to it that Matthais Beckley and Silverton Richards get copies of it today. It probably works to our advantage Silverton hates Albus Dumbledore and he was the Wizengamot judge in Black's case although that should have been a conflict of interest right there since he claimed guardianship of the Potter kid."

Rachel and Roy both nodded. Roy spoke, "I'll get Hawkeye to come in a little early and pull Radar from support for the day then we can get the shopping covered. I really appreciate you opening up your home like this Mr. Stevens. I nearly had a heart attack when George called me that Beth was packed and planning to leave. I haven't had a chance to be briefed on what set all this off."

"Dad did. We'd had dinner, after dinner Beth got out pictures from her trip to show me Carson, and Thomas. Dad flipped out, told her to put them away. Beth's always been a bit of a mouse when it came to Mom and Dad. Imagine my surprise when the mouse roared. Dad incendioed Beth's vacation pictures. Next thing I know Beth yells I hate you at Dad and leaves the room. I at least had a clue of what was going on I'm sure my brothers are all confused as hell because all she was doing was showing pictures from her vacation they didn't even include the ones showing Black.

"As far as the real estate agent problem, my secretary Mabel just bought a place I'll ask her for the name of her agent and I'll call Carroll Wrexmann she helped me get my place that will give Beth a couple of choices. I'll also ask Madison who the hotshot of custody cases as I know that according to Beth that is one of Black's biggest concerns. As far as opening my home, Beth's my sister and contrary to the beliefs of my father she is quite capable. She may not be able to summon or banish or conjure but she sees the heart quite clearly and has a wisdom that let's her work a magic all her own."

"Thank you in any case for sparing me the nightmare of trying to figure out security concerns and solutions for a new place in a two hour timeframe."

"No problem. Now if you don't mind I'd like to get another hour and a half of sleep." He turned and moved back to his room.

Three hours later Beth's phone woke her, "Mmm..Hello?"

"You sound sleepy love did I wake you?"

"Uhm Hmm," Beth sleepily hummed. She heard a soft chuckle.

"Beth should I let you sleep some more?"

"Huh-uhn, Didn't go bed till almost four."

"Well that almost made sense."

"Sorry, slow to wake up."

"I can tell." Sirius' voice made Beth feel like she had sipped on hot chocolate, it was warm rich and sweet. "Why were you up so late, don't you have work today?"

"Moved out. Winry told me take the week off. I've been a little sick. I found you the best lawyer and he said the Brits case had holes in it big enough for semi trucks, he's filing a stay of extradition today. He recommended that on the custody issue you sign guardian ship over to someone here until the whole custody issue could be resolved by forcing the Wizengamot to unseal the wills of James and Lily. I will call the Secretary of State today to see what he has to say about slipping you in on the sly, but it sounded as if he needed to check with the Muggle President first. How goes stuff on your end? How's Harry?"

"Harry and I packed up the house we're staying in a muggle hotel through tomorrow; the memories at the house are to much for him. I've put the house on the market. Most the arrangements for Liana's family are done. Sri's executor is one of the healer's at St. Michaels I meet with him later today I'll get Harry's medical record while I'm there. The funerals are tomorrow our flight to Guam tomorrow night. Harry is a little lost, he's really missing Hadi, Liana, and Sri. He's taking a bath at the moment. I wanted to get more details on what's supposed to happen when we get to Guam."

"I'll call Jack once we're off the phone. He's coordinating air force special forces in the Asian Pacific region. But they station the job at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam near the Bomber wing but he is a lieutenant colonel, he and his wife Sarah and their son Charlie have a house in base housing you'll stay with them until the clearance goes through then he'll see that you and Harry will get on your flight and you'll fly here to Washington where you'll be met by me and probably some aurors."

"I can't wait to see you."


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