Planning for the Future

"Me too. I have something to tell you, but it's the sort of news that should only be given in person so don't ask."


"What do you and Harry want for Christmas?"

"To be there with you... away from here. I never realized how much Harry and I depended on all of them. They gave us so much and at the moment it hurts to go through those moments when you see something and you think I should tell Sri that and then you remember that she's gone. Or when I crack a joke and expect Liana to try and smack my head but nothing happens. It's just hard. I've been through it before so I know it passes but Harry was too little when James and Lily died so he doesn't remember. It's hard for me watching him go through this."

"I can imagine. I was thinking of going shopping for presents today. Any ideas?"

"He'll need warmer clothes and warm pajamas everything we have is tropical weight. I started thinking; we're going to need a place to live. And Harry's going to need a school and I have no idea what's there. I just keep coming up with more stuff I'm going to have to deal with."

"Stop. I will take care of some of this I was planning on talking with a real estate person today so they're going to want a budget and financial info to start. I will get you and Harry three warmer outfits each and one set of warm pajamas, but to do that I need sizes. And if you want me too,"

"Your house budget is up to five million US, I'll get Gringott's New York to transfer funds to an account at Bromley's there in Washington. I'll authorize you to draw on that account, first thing tomorrow morning. If you find a house you absolutely love that's more let me know. As far as house goes plenty of room, pool would be nice, it would be better to be muggle rather than magical. OF course you'll need wards but with Harry, damn I guess I'll have to put off working on a magical computer in favor of figuring out the wards. As far as sizes I wear men's large for sweaters and the like. I'm a thirty four waist, thirty six length. I wear a sixteen and a half neck and thirty five sleeve. Harry wears a boys twelve."

Beth sat there in shock Sirius had to be kidding, "Did you just say my house budget is...Five million dollars?"

"Of course. That should be enough right? Or is it that you don't think we're ready to get a house together? Ah here's Harry."


"Hiya, kiddo. How you doing?"

"I don't know. I miss Hadi. I kinda wish I was in school because it would be something to do."

"Well I'm working on getting you and Sirius here. I suppose I'll have to look into schools too. Is there any no ways I should be watching out for?"

"No choir requirement, I sing like a bull buffalo."

Beth chuckled. "Don't you mean a bull frog?"

"Frogs sing prettier than me. Why do you think I chose to learn guitar and cello? I like music but I have to work at it."

"Okay no choir. Anything else?"

"Languages, they've gotta have Latin. Japanese would be nice too. Beth I... Am I really going to be with you soon?"

"As soon as I can make it."

"Will it be safe for Sirius?"

In that minute Beth realized how affected Harry had been by Sirius' fugitive status. It made her mad that such a young boy had to be aware of such things. He had definitely learned to be aware, to plan for them. Both he and Sirius, they both cared for each other, looked out for each other. Harry for all his privileged life style didn't take security for granted, it was terrible that he had been denied that basic tenant of childhood. He wasn't the only child that was true of but he was the only one she personally knew. "As safe as I can make it."

"Okay then. I'll let you talk to Sirius. Night Beth."

"Night Harry." Beth waited for the two minutes it took Sirius to get the phone back from Harry and wish him goodnight. "He sounds a little better."

"Getting out of the house helped, he's no longer being overwhelmed by memories from all directions. It's helped a lot him having something to look forward to."

"Hope always helps. You kinda blew me away with that budget. And I didn't get the sizes down."

"Harry boys twelve, me thirty four waist, thirty six inseam, sixteen and a half neck thirty five sleeve, men's large. What do you mean you got blown away by the budget I gave you?"

"I knew that you and Harry were wealthy, I mean Palau Pacific Resort isn't a budget hotel and the two of you stayed in a suite but that you just roll that huge of a figure off as if it is nothing just kinda made it more real."

"I.. I guess I take money mostly for granted. The figure I gave you for a house budget represents what I make in a year between businesses I own and investments since I inherited the Dukedom in Alsace. I figured that would be a good baseline. I'll probably make twice that next year as Wizarding cell phones take off. I've invested pretty heavily in companies that are expanding in the cell phone market. Harry's income would be similar but for the chunk the foundation eats. The Potters unlike most of the Blacks believe in noblese oblige as result a huge portion of their income is given away. Doesn't stop Harry though he's actually increased the Potter income from investments last year."

"Wow. I'm stunned."

"How bout I let you go so you can call your cousin before it gets to late. I'll call tomorrow, Love you Beth."

"I love you. Rest well." Beth got out of bed and looked for her address book so she could call Jack.


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