Family Matters

 "I want to show you some places just to get a sense of your taste, because they're far smaller than you said you wanted. But if you like them it will give me a idea of what to look for and we can avoid another day like this one." She took Beth to four other houses that were smaller and close by. Beth liked two of the houses. Ronda declared it was a start.

Beth called her section secretary at the State Department to see if there was an update on Sirius' permissions. She then called her brother to check if he had heard anything.


"Hi Nic any progress?"

"Well Matthias and Silverton have signed the stay of extradition so if he gets here he's safe from summary extradition. He'll get his trial here which will lay the ground work for an ICW trial which is where the British trial will get overturned. I've talked with Torie Collins she is one of the top family law attorneys. She has filed to keep Harry here with you as a co-guardian. She says it really hurts her case that Sirius basically kidnapped Harry from England. He didn't wait for the wills to be read. I pointed out that Dumbledore sealed the wills before they were read and pointed out what Dumbledore gained if Sirius was jailed. She agrees that it gives her just enough leeway to keep Harry from being sent back to England. But the progress we've made does nothing towards your goal of having them here by Christmas. Sorry."

"It's alright, its not your fault." 

"How goes the house hunt?"

"Like crap." 

"Sorry to hear that." 

"What's a matter Nic am I cramping your style?"

"Not really, I just wish something was going well for you. How's your stomach?" 

"A little queasy, not bad the potions for the ulcer are helping." 

"Beth I was wondering about Christmas do you want me to arrange for everyone to spend the day at the condo rather than go to the castle? And what do you want to do about Dad?" 

"Part of me wants to ignore the day because Sirius and Harry aren't going to be there. It was going to be our first Christmas together," Beth felt her eyes fill with tears because of her disappointment. "Damn it. I'm worse than a faucet. Would you mind if we had it at the condo? I' don't want to set foot back in the castle until Dad has come around."

"No problem, can I ask you to make arrangements for a brunch in the morning, a tree, and then dinner?" 

"Yes, I'll take care of it." 

Later that evening, Beth tried to call Sirius but he didn't pick up his phone. She wondered why that was. 

December 24, 1988

Roy Mustang wasn't happy when he received a summons from the castle late Christmas Eve. He had just finished the meeting for security for the first family of magic about tomorrow. It was going to be nice for the WIS wizards a day of short shifts since all the family but the president would be in one fairly secure location. He felt slightly sorry for the President because he was going to be alone at the castle. Maryanne having communicated the troubles to her other sons and them siding with their sister. The boys, Michael's wife Sonia, and the one grandson Taylor would still see their father because they were spending tonight and tomorrow night at the castle, but Christmas day proper wasn't including the President; mostly at Nic's insistence. Roy was concerned for Beth. She was very down because she had failed to get the clearances for Sirius and Harry, and what was worse she hadn't heard from him.

Roy finally arrived at the door to the presidents office he wasn't sure why he'd been summoned.

"Roy, glad you could make it."

"Of course Mr. President what can I do for you this evening?"

"I...I want to thank you for the men you recommended they've worked out well."

"Just doing my job Mr. President." Roy observed the signs of unease in the other man. "But I don't believe that's why you summoned me."

The President half grimaced half smiled. "Astute as always. Your perspicacity in this instance far exceeded my own." he swallowed some of the fire-whiskey he held in his hand. "Tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Black and the boy arrive at Andrews. I plan to bring them to Nic's at noon."

"So that's why he hasn't called and Beth can't reach him."

The President nodded.

"That's quite the apology."

"Think it will work?"

"Possibly, why the change?"

"I finally read your report."

December 25, 1988 United Kingdom

Amelia smiled as she watched Susan open a package that had arrived from Harry the day before.

"Auntie, there's two presents in it. One for me and one for you. And there's letters."

"Really open yours first." Inside Susan's present was a tasteful seed pearl necklace and matching earrings. Amelia then opened hers and found a phone like the one Sirius had used in Japan and an instruction guide. She unfolded the letter.


Happy Christmas and all that. I got hurt very badly when I got back to Indonesia so my memories of the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours in Japan are sketchy at best. I have sent you, Andy, and Remus wizarding cell phones as Christmas gifts I had Gringotts organize the calling contracts. I met someone while I was rehabbing/vacationing on Palau she has contacts that may make things much easier for us in the long run. Harry and I look forward to updates from you and Susan.

de Sable

Remus opened his Christmas gift, it felt odd. He had always received a gift from Sirius every year, but in years past he had always burned it unopened. This year he was opening it.


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