Sirius and Harry's Return


Those stiff reports you've been sending need to stop. I hold no anger towards you for believing I betrayed James and Lily and I hope you hold none towards me for my suspicions about you. It's over we move on from here. I hope the job is working for you. The information on what Dumbledore did with the Potter seats gives me that much more ammo when it comes time confront him.

I hope you like the phone I find it a very useful muggle tool, even if it was a pain to engineer. I also have sent one to Amelia and Andy. That should make things easier for the three of you to stay in touch.

I've sent you some photographs of Harry and my vacation on Palau. The awesomely gorgeous woman in some of the pictures is the future Duchess, I met her and I finally got what James meant when he talked about Lily. What's even better is, I love her and she's great with Harry. She's not magical, she's actually a squib half blood with good connections. My mother would be rolling in her grave but I know Prongs would be cheering me on. I hope we can redevelop the trust that we used to have. I know it's hard since we have to do it long distance, but some day I'll be able to come home to England until then Moony take care of yourself you old wolf.


Ted Tonks grinned at the puzzled look on his wife's face as she opened the gift from the duke.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It's a cell phone they're the newest thing among muggles. You can talk to people on the phone from almost anywhere."

"But muggle electronics don't work for wizards."

"Look at the letter Mom maybe it will tell us something."

Andromeda opened the letter and read aloud, "Andy, I know you probably have had a lot going on with taking over the Black seats, but I thought you might enjoy a little piece of the future. I modified some cell phones to work for wizards. You have one of the first three in the U.K. I"m sure you can guess who have the other two. I hope to clear my name soon and hope to introduce you to the wonderful woman I've met and plan to marry. Tell Nymphadora there will be a job for her at the wedding. In the meantime take care and best wishes. DeSable"

Andrews Air Force base December 25, 1988

Sirius smiled as he said goodbye and Happy Christmas to the crew and pilots. It had been a long boring flight. The crew had taken pity on Harry though, they had pulled him up to the cockpit and explained all the instruments, Harry seemed to have found a new ambition he wanted to become a pilot. As they left the plane they looked for Beth but she was nowhere in sight. Sirius felt a prickle of unease he cleared his throat and was pleased that Harry tired though he was caught the hint and slid his hands to his sais. Sirius slid his hand not holding his cane to his waist holster for his wand. Suddenly they were surrounded by fifteen men.

"Mr. Black?"


"Come this way a car is waiting."

"Where's Beth? I thought she was going to meet us."

"We will take you to her. Someone is waiting in the car."

Despite feeling very uneasy Sirius and Harry both nodded, and followed. They kept their hands close to their weapons but didn't draw them. When they reached the limousine one of the men opened the door, they heard a voice say, "Join me."

They stepped into the car. Sirius instantly recognized the man waiting in the car. "Mr. President you honor us."

"Do I? Or am I here to trap you?"

"The thought has crossed my mind sir. But you have come yourself not left it to the WIS, that would seem to indicate thoughts other than entrapment. What I'm not sure of is are you wishing to extract a father's revenge or to reassure yourself of my intentions towards your daughter. My intentions towards Beth are simple to do everything in my power to see to it that she has everything she needs to be completely happy for the rest of her life."

"How do you propose to do that? You're a wanted convicted criminal in a quarter or more of the world."

"Sirius isn't guilty! He can't control what those people in England did. They didn't give him a fair trial and they didn't bother to check my parents wishes. Sirius loves me and takes the best care of me. He would do the same for Beth, he would die before letting someone hurt her." Harry stopped when Black gave him a look, not threatening but as he was reminding him not to undermine their position by giving information away.

Roderick Stevens was a very powerful sorcerer, his power was comparable to Great Britain's Albus Dumbledore. He deliberately drew his magic to the surface. In his experience it was easy to get a sense of other people based on their response to his drawing magic. Cowards cringed, suck ups would immediately start trying to flatter him, and people that were stupidly brave and antogonistic would get foolish and try to attack him. To his pleasure the man in front of him did none of those things. The boy's reaction was even more telling. Both of them tightened their jaws but said nothing. He held his magic for a moment then slowly let it ebb away.

Sirius said, "I am aware that I am not a pristine candidate from a father's perspective. If you wish you may question me with veritaserum as to my guilt or innocence with regards to events in the UK. I am well equipped financially to look after Beth and any children we may have. I have knowledge of the dark arts but have never used them. I keep the promises I make. I respect the power you can wield sir, but who Beth marries is her choice not yours. I ask you to give me a chance not for my sake but for hers."

Roderick was silent and just looked at the man in front of him. He was brave but not to the point of foolishness. He was capable of inspiring loyalty and not just from the child beside him. He was plain spoken he said what he thought without apology but carefully chose his words. Rick glanced out the window they were twenty minutes from Nic's. Rick turned his attention to the boy. There was a quiet strength there, despite the lack of years the boy had a composure that was rare in people three times his age. He was looking to Black for guidance but it was done not from a position of dependence rather it seemed that the boy viewed himself as a partner ready to help in whatever way was needed. A man that could teach a child to be that way was a rare find indeed, perhaps Beth had not done badly in her choice after all.

Beth had opened gifts with her mother, brothers, sister in law and nephew. Little Taylor asked who the other presents under the tree were for and why wasn't Pop-pop there with them. It was far from the Christmas she had hoped for this year. The presents she had gotten for Harry and Sirius were sitting under the tree reminding her of her failure. God she was depressed. Nic came up behind her and laid a hand on her shoulder. She turned and half smiled at him. "Sorry, I don't mean to be a party pooper."

"Sorry we couldn't get him, them here for you." Nic told her as she headed to the kitchen; he noticed that a limo was pulling in. He moved to where he could get a better view. He saw his father stepping out of the car. He quickly moved out the door, "What are you doing here?"

"I want to spend Christmas with my family. Is that so bad?"

"Depends, can you treat us, especially Beth as if we're your family rather than your underlings?"

" I am ready to make apologies. In fact.." He stepped away from blocking the limousines door. "I think they're highly overdue."

Sirius stepped out of the car followed closely by Harry.

Nic froze. "That is some apology, Dad. Let's go see Beth."


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