Dinner Plans

"Maybe you all should come over for dinner tonight and we could discuss it. I could pick up some Indian on my way home. I'm a little surprised to hear you're getting married though, when's the wedding?"

"Valentines day."

"That soon huh?"

"Yes. And what time for tonight?"

"Seven thirty. I have to work a little late tonight. This New York trip is real inconvenient but should help me in the ranks we're not all as well connected as you. Too bad I'll likely miss the wedding. Food preferences and tell me about this son to be."

"Harry's a scary brilliant, athletic and caring boy; that we're having trouble finding a school for. As far as food vegetable koorma, dahl, aloo gobi, and biriyani surprise me and Sirius and Harry aren't picky."

"Public or private school?"

"Private by preference."

"Have you ever heard of the Stuart-Cavanaugh Academy."


" It's a very exclusive and advanced school. I heard about it from the Italian Ambassador, his son attends there. I've met his son he must be around Harry's age, he's another of those frighteningly brilliant children. Just an idea."

"Thanks. See you tonight."

Beth returned to her office and during her lunch hour she hunted down the number for the Stuart-Cavanaugh Academy. She called.

"Stuart-Cavanaugh Academy. Heather speaking, how can I help you?"

"Hi my name is Beth and I am looking for a school for my son. He's very intelligent and..."

"Beth was it? The Academy is very rigorous in it's entrance standards. What's his previous education?"

"He attended a private school in Indonesia. He's actually not my son yet, he's my fiancé's ward. I know he's fluent in four languages, he and my fiance intelligently discuss the stock market pages every morning at breakfast. He likes martial arts, foot- sorry soccer, he plays guitar and cello, and he's amazing with a camera."

"Sounds like he might meet our criteria then. We start back on January 11th. I'll send you a packet giving you information and I'll schedule you for the entrance tests on January 4th if that works for you."

"What kind of tests?"

"We test for many things. In general we don't accept any students with less than 60% immediate recall we find that the students with recall less than that don't do well in our classes because of the pace and the amount of self study involved. We look for learning disabilities, we have students that have them but make a point to test for them so teachers will know the students strengths and weaknesses. We test for learning modalities. As well as testing for knowledge and previous education."

"Harry likes languages, what languages do you teach there?"

"We offer many languages including Latin and Greek."

"Call Benson's courier service ask them to pick up your information and bring it to Beth O'Neill at the State Department have them bill it to me. Thank you for your help Heather."

"Your welcome."

Five hours later Beth and Hawkeye exited the State Department Building that housed Beth's office. They were met by Sirius and Harry. "How was your day?"Beth asked.

Wearing matching frowns they both shook their heads.

Beth smiled sympathetically. "Well today was a good one for me, and I got a lead on a non-magical residence were we could maybe live for two months and possibly a school for Harry." She grinned when they both perked up. "We're going to have dinner with John Shepard, he own one of the condos in one of the state department's secure complexes. He's being sent to New York for two months and needs someone to watch his house and cats. He also gave me the lead on a potential school. Here's the information packet."

Harry immediately dived into it.

Sirius spoke up, "When do we need to be there for dinner?"

"In two hours. It will take approximately thirty minutes in this sort of traffic to get there."

" What should we do for the rest of the time?"

"I thought we could maybe stop at a stationary store and get ideas for invitations."

"Sounds good. I was wondering if you have a preference as to who performs the marriage ceremony?"

"I hadn't thought about it."

"In England Albus Dumbledore can marry people as head of the Wizengamot, he's like a judge. Is that true here in the States as well that judges can marry people?"

"Yes. Why?"


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