A Warm Welcome

"How would you feel about asking Silverton Richards to perform the ceremony?"

Beth thought for a moment, "He could do it but I don't think he's married anyone in years. But I think I'd like that. He's been a friend of the family for years, and he's the one that encouraged Nic to become an attorney."

"Well he impressed me the day I met him, and I thought I'd like it if he did the ceremony. I realize we'll be limited in what magical rituals we can incorporate but I do want to include at least a little, a bonding sash for instance."

"Sirius I can deal with a bonding sash but I don't have enough.."

"power to do much I know. I know you aren't a witch and I'm fine with that, I love you because of who you are, because of who I get to be when I'm with you, so don't worry that you don't have enough power for a full on Wizarding bonding ceremony."

They spent an hour at a stationary store looking at invitations. Beth saw many she wouldn't mind but Sirius frowned at all of them. They left in time to get to John's in time for dinner, without having found one they could agree on.

When they got to John's, they went in. He greeted them and said, "Food is hot so let's eat first and we can talk after." After dinner were Sirius and Harry politely cooperated with John's subtle interrogation the four of them slowly moved to the living room.

On the way Harry said, "Was it you who gave Beth the name of the Stuart-Cavanaugh Academy?"

"It was." John said smiling.

"Thank you, it looks more interesting than the schools that Sirius and I have looked at so far." Harry said and then covering his mouth he yawned. "Sorry."

On reaching the living room, Sirius suggested to Harry, "Settle down on the chaise by the fireplace kiddo. The rest of us will sit and talk over here." Harry nodded and he removed his shoes before curling up on the chaise.

John smiled and said quietly, "Cute kid, he has good manners too. But I'm kind of surprised my cats haven't come to see us."

"That's probably my fault." Sirius confessed. "Cats don't like me much I'm afraid."

"Do you dislike them?"

"No I like them just fine, for some reason they don't like me at all though." he said fighting a smirk.

"I suppose we should talk about what my expectations are if you all decide to stay here."

"Probably." Beth said with a grin.

"I was thinking you'd pay the equivalent of the house payment in rent, and the utilities,but I'd continue to cover the homeowners insurance and the community dues. But you'll have full access to the community pool and gym and whatnot."

"Sounds fair the community dues also pays the security right?"

"Yes. I'll reprogram the security system so it will have whatever access code you want and all make sure the security company comes to you if something comes up. Other than that take care of the cats and be comfortable."

"How will the security company feel about working with my personal security?" Beth asked.

"It should be fine although I still don't get how a negotiator at your level warrants round the clock security, I mean it's not like your the President's family. But what I really want to know is how you two met because I've never even heard of you Mr. Black and I know how tight security is around Beth, even if that detail has always been a little strange. The new detail is much better by the way."

Beth smiled ruefully. "That mandatory vacation last month. I decided to really get away. I ditched my security. The old detail got replaced because of it; my father was not happy. I met Sirius and Harry at the resort I went to." Beth paused and glanced at Harry. He had fallen asleep, but he had company; three cats had placed themselves around him. "Look," she said.

Both men looked over. Sirius wished he had a camera.

John smiled. His cats must have decided they liked the boy because Belle who was usually standoffish had curled up in the hollow created by Harry's bent legs. Grimalkin, slut for pets that she was, had actually draped herself over his hips and even RK was curled up near Harry's head. "I still want details Beth. I don't know if you realize it Sirius but Beth here has a reputation at the department of being a bit of an ice queen probably for looking through men as if they aren't really there. Men who made plays found themselves ignored. Several of us figured out that she's a good friend but is resistant to men with agendas and instead of making plays for her, we settled for friendship. So how did you do it?"

"Harry. I owe the little marauder all the credit. I used to focus so much on being a parent to him, that I was a little slow to move in on Beth. He introduced us. He maneuvered our first real date and he put us together."

"Beth? You let a kid maneuver you?"

Beth grinned sheepishly at her colleague. "Yup, looked into those seemingly guileless green eyes and fell right into his trap. Mind you it's a very lovely place to be, everything I've ever wanted in fact. But yes we were set up by an eight year old.

"It looks good on you. You're calmer more centered. You used to worry more or so I've heard, from the office scuttlebutt. But I've also heard that you've been sick to your stomach a lot."

Beth winced slightly. "Yes well there's a reason for that."

"Is that reason also related to the wedding in six weeks?"

Beth blushed furiously.

"Congratulations. I'll keep my mouth shut. Not that I'd be at the office to gossip anyways."

"Thanks John."

"Yes thank you John. For dinner and conversation, a place to call home for two months. Hopefully by the time you're back the real estate agent will have found a place for us. We should probably take Harry and head back to Nic's." Sirius said.

"I leave Saturday evening next week so come over that morning and we'll do the security system. I appreciate you doing this Beth.

She smiled and went over to Harry. "Harry. It's time to go."

Harry slowly blinked awake. He noticed the cats around him. He stroked the one laying on him. It immediately started to purr and go boneless in his lap. The one by his legs moved to sniff his hand, then it to started to purr. He stroked its head twice before he noticed the third cat. The first two cats were sleek and beautiful the third one looked as if it had been through wars. Harry tentatively extended his hand to the third cat it sniffed his hand and then ignored him. "What are their names?"

John grinned. "The cinnamon abyssinian is Belle, the ragdoll in your lap is Grimalkin, and the other one is RK."


"It's short for road kill. It refers to how I got him. I was walking in a park and was on my way home when I saw this stray cat get hit by a car. I was surprised when I got close to discover the poor thing was still alive. So I carefully picked it up. It was still alive when I got home so I grabbed my keys and took it to the veterinarian. It was just after Margot and I broke up so I guess I felt a little like he looked. I told the vet that I'd foot the bill that he should try to save him. We were both astonished that he survived. He lost his eye and has a permanent limp but he kinda rules the roost and these ladies," he petted the two purebred cats, "let him."

Sirius came over. All three cats instantly got up, arched their backs and hissed. "Time to go kiddo."

"Thank you Mr. Shepard. It was nice meeting you."

"Tell you what Harry. Since you're going to live her and take care of these guys while I'm gone you can call me Uncle John. Mr. Shepard is my father."

Harry glanced at Sirius and got a nod okay. "Okay, thanks for having us and dinner and all. Goodnight."

"Goodnight and thanks for dinner." Sirius said.

"Thanks John I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Your welcome and I'll talk to the security company tomorrow."

"Do you have one of their cards I can give my detail?" Beth asked.

"I'll bring it in the morning."

"Good enough. Thank you for dinner, goodnight."


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