Wedding Plans

Sirius sighed as he entered the guest bedroom at Nic's condo, Beth's eyes met his "Long day?"


"Anything I can do?"

"Dunno. I'm just worried about Harry. Have you noticed? By seven he's lethargic, no appetite. I mean he gets hungry, but halfway through a meal he stops eating. He doesn't sleep well and the headaches he's been getting. He was too warm as I tucked him in, I'm afraid tomorrow he'll be running a fever. It reminds me of when he was a baby and we were on the run. I don't know if it's the curse in his scar or if it's depression because of what happened on Bali or if it's just a cold, or possibly all three.

"And now this school... He really wants to go. He's even been pushing to be more than a day student, he says it'll be good practice for Hogwarts. I was a little too frank with the school counselor. Which translates into me needing to find a mediwitch or wizard that also has muggle world credentials that is willing to take an above average oath about secrecy for Harry's protection.

"Then there's you and the baby. If this baby is magic then I need to be feeding you wizarding energy which means I emit and that's bad for Harry. And our wedding. I'm just struggling to know what's best right now."

"Tell me about the school."

"It's got a challenging curriculum, it's probably about three levels more challenging than his school in Bali. But he was top of his class there and he sometimes seemed to coast despite being two grades up, so the challenge is probably a good thing. The dorms would probably be okay because they have someone available on each floor. I think what concerns me the most is Harry is going to be two years younger than his room mates and he's never been...but he has. When I was on my trip and when I was in the hospital... They have just about any sport that Harry's ever expressed an interest in. They have football, water polo, fencing, archery, gymnastics, swimming, diving, rowing and more besides. They have a school paper and yearbook where his photography could be recognized. They even have an orchestra he could play cello with."

"Any security concerns?"

"A couple but I could easily put together ward stones like we had around the house in Bali and I could find a room or two to create as panic rooms for him to take care of the magical and I could make some suggestions to tighten the rest up. I need to find Harry a new sensei, he's going to have to get better to the point he's the weapon because the school has a no weapons policy meaning he won't be able to carry his sais."

"Technically he shouldn't carry them now; they would be considered a concealed weapon. He would need a permit. While such permits can be obtained by adults, I doubt Harry could get one.

How about tomorrow morning we talk the security team. Winry can give us names of some healers. Rachel may be able to give us names of martial arts instructors. We can talk with Harry a little more before making a final decision on the school. What else is on the agenda tomorrow?"

"I meet with Bonnie Barnes and we talk venue for the wedding. We're with her through lunch tomorrow. So we'll meet you at the Blue Duck Tavern at lunch. Harry said something yesterday about the lace of your gown having fleur de lis in it I was thinking we could have that be a reoccurring pattern in the wedding." When Beth nodded her agreement he continued. "I also want your opinion on an idea. I transfigured this. I thought if you liked it I could make more." He handed her an invitation type card.

The card's exterior was dark chocolate color card stock it had a half circle catch cut that was covered by a gold fleur de lis where it overlapped. She opened it. It was lined with a delicate pearl essence blue paper that had cross hatching and fleur de lis in a slightly darker but still light blue. In the center was a four by six heavier cream parchment that displayed a coat of arms and over the coat of arms was a vellum sheet that in chocolate brown ink was an invitation to their wedding. The parchment and the vellum were attached to the card's exterior by a delicate gold organza ribbon. Beth fingered the card, "Is the coat of arms yours?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"If this was what you had in mind no wonder you disliked all the ones at the stationary store. This is perfect."

Sirius smiled. "Let's get to bed, you and our little one need your rest."

Bonnie smiled as Sirius and Harry greeted her at her office. "Good morning. How are you?"

"Good." was Sirius' answer.

Harry gave a very lackluster "Okay."


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