Personal Touches

"Harry's a little under the weather, but he wanted to be here. Last week you said you would look into venues what did you find out?"

"Well I have good and bad news. The bad news is I was right ninety-five percent of my preferred venues are booked solid. The good is that yesterday my favorite cater called to tell me he suddenly had an opening the fourteenth the bride found her fiance in bed with another woman and canceled the wedding.

Rob told me her reception site was the Galleria at Lafayette which means it certainly has enough space but that site lacks a certain elegance that I think you and Beth are looking for. That said, Rob can offer us another option he has an exclusive contract with the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore which also has enough space and I suspect would be more to your liking but it has it's limitations it's only available after 5 p.m.

As far as wedding sites there's three choices the one the bride that canceled her wedding was going to use Grace Chapel, which I think has restrictions you and Beth wouldn't like, there's the lighthouse garden by pier 5 in downtown Baltimore which would involve renting a tent but has space enough for all your guest list and then the final option which frankly is my favorite but also has limitations.

Duchess of Pintail, she's a 124' yacht, and get this she berths at pier 5, which we could use if one hundred thirty five guests or fewer commit to coming. She would not be available for long, there's an evening dinner cruise so we would have to be done and clear of the boat by six. My vision is this we do the wedding on a leaving at three thirty cruise, while post wedding pictures and what not are being done on the boat cruise we offer cocktails and horsd'ovuers. We come back to the pier have limos to take the guests the ten or so blocks to the museum where we have dinner and dancing. What do you think?"

"Possible, I definitely like the yacht idea. I'd like to see the places you've mentioned. What do you think Harry?"

Harry nodded. The three of them went out to Sirius' car and headed to Baltimore. Sirius drove so Bonnie could take notes and read the reminders she had written for herself.

"So how did shopping for the dress go?" Bonnie asked. "And did you all decide on a wedding party? And have you contacted a pre-marital counselor yet?"

"Beth found a dress. It has fleur de lis lace medallions all over it. She looks gorgeous in it." Harry said.

"Harry was shopping with Beth, Lia, and Maryanne while I dealt with some business. Beth said she and Lia would make final decisions on the bridesmaid dresses and flower girl dresses on Friday. Harry hand her the wedding party list. The counselor is expecting us Thursday evening for the first of four sessions apparently we're supposed to take an inventory? Anyway. We stopped and looked at invitations didn't really like any thing so I transfigured some paper and came up with something. Beth likes it will it do?"

Harry handed Bonnie the invitation Sirius had created.

Bonnie looked at the transfigured invitation. This was why she loved working with magicals they could come up with the most unique things. "Definitely. What's the coat of arms about?"

"It's mine. I'm technically His Grace, Duc de Sable, Count of Montange Noire, Viscount of Black, Baron of Blackmoor, Margrave of Vale de Sable Foret and those are just the titles I remember there are at least four others. It's mostly a lot of responsibility and annoyance. Hence my habit of keeping things casual. But I figure using the coat of arms is appropriate in this instance."

Bonnie nodded. "I've checked with reputable the DJ's I know they're booked. Which means live music, I have a couple of choices there. I was thinking for the wedding itself there's a young couple that play cello and guitar that I think would be a good fit for the wedding. I still need to check with the bands that play the kinds of music you mentioned on your surveys for the reception. Have you thought about your officiant?"

"We've asked Silverton Richards, and he's agreed. Beth is going to ask a friend of hers to sing and I've asked a cousin of mine to do the readings."

"I'm impressed. You've not only taken care of your assignments you're ahead. I still haven't found a photographer. The former bride had good taste for video but crap taste for a photographer. I booked the video guy. I'm still looking for a photographer. I wasn't impressed with her choice of florist either but I talked to a friend of mine and she is only doing two other weddings that day, both of them pretty small and early, therefore she's willing to do yours as well.

 I'm going to suggest that we reserve a block of rooms at several hotels in downtown Baltimore. You've mentioned fleur de lis and your invitation has one on the cover and again the liner paper has them is this sometime you'd like to see carried through the whole wedding?"


"Okay I'll keep that in mind."


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