Nightmares and Thunderstorms

Harry was tense as he got ready for bed. He hated stormy nights when he was younger a night like tonight would send him running to Sirius for the night. He couldn't do that now even if he wanted to, so he did what he felt was the next best thing he fished out his cell phone.

Sirius had just finished the dinner dishes when his cellphone rang. It was a little late for casual calls. Beth had headed to bed already, of course the babies made her tired and the commute to the office was a bad one hence the late dinner hour. "Black."

"Hi Sirius."

"Kiddo. Isn't it a little late to be calling?"

"Probably, but it's storming bad here at the moment."

"Ah. How are classes?"

"Hard but good, Professor Vincent is pleased with how my final science project came out. I'm glad I got it done early. I got an A on last week's humanities paper, Dom was horribly jealous."

"What did he get ?"

"A B+. How goes the great doctor hunt?"

"Poorly. I almost think we should go ahead and arrange a meeting between you and Winry's crazy."

"Sorry to be so difficult. How do you and Beth like the new house?"

"Now that we're all moved in you mean?"


"None of that you nut. It was bad enough when you only used four."

"You speak six, including one I don't."

"Yeah and by the time you're done with school, you'll speak how many? Including Gobbledegook which you are supposed to start work on this break."

"I don't know maybe ten? Who knows? The house?"

"The house is great we got the wards up last weekend including the dampening ones on your room I've insulated the heck out of the wiring and electrical systems to the point even a super powered surge shouldn't short things, so things will be good for you and the babies. How did the math test go?

"Aced it. Are Granddad and Grandmother coming to the end of trimester orchestra performance?"

"Probably, Uncle Nic too. Sorry we didn't make it to last weekend's swim meet and that you didn't come home. How did you do?"

"S'okay, Michael enjoyed me getting a walk in his shoes for a change. We spent a lot of time after the meet with his horses. I think I'm actually getting the hang of riding. As to the meet, I got two seconds, a sixth and on the relay we got third. Coach says that it was a respectable finish since most everyone has two years on me."

"Anything I need to know? You've got three and a half weeks to trimester's end, are your grades solid?"

"A- to B+ in humanities, A to A- in social studies, A+ in math, A in science, A- to B+ in composition, A in critical thinking, B in Latin, A in Gymnastics; not that that's hard. The teacher keeps trying to talk me into going out for the team. I don't think so. A in intermediate orchestra. A in cotillion."

"Your mum and dad would be proud. I know I am."

"Sirius how come I'm always so...antsy when it's stormy?"

"Probably because you subconsciously remember that night."


"You're sounding more relaxed and sleepy now how about you try and get some sleep."

"Alright. Love you Sirius."

"Love you to kiddo."

At midnight the storm intensified. Dominic woke up when a near by lightning strike rattled the windows. Then he noticed the windows were continuing to rattle. "Hell of a storm." He looked over at Harry. His roommate was tossing and turning, sweating and mumbling no. He went over and touched Harry's arm.

There was a brilliant flash of light, an nearly ear shattering boom that was echoed a split second later by the sound of shattering glass, even as his senses tried to take in the sensations he felt his arm being wrenched up behind him while his body was forced to its knees. "Che cosa! Il mio dio Harry! Che cosa sono voi che fate!?" [What the hell! My god Harry! What the hell are you doing?]

Harry abruptly awoke. To his surprise he was standing in broken glass his roommate was on his knees on the floor in front of Harry. Harry was holding him with one arm twisted behind his back and if he had a knife it would probably be being held against Dominic's throat. Cold rain was being blown into the room from the broken window. Harry instantly released his friend. "Dominic. I...I'm sorry.. I didn't.. I was dreaming... Are you alright?

They heard noises out in the hall. Mr. Ingalls, their floor parent opened their door. "Are you boys okay? Crud the glass is broken in here to. I'm going to grab your sneakers out of your closet can you shake the glass out of your blankets and bring them to the common room."

"What happened?"


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