Unsettled Dreams

"I don't know. I think maybe the building got a double strike all the glass on the floor is blown and," he glanced at the computers, "most of the electronics. Here's your shoes shake out your bedding and grab any papers put them where they'll stay dry. Make sure your closets are closed so your clothes stay dry. We'll see about the rest of it tomorrow." An hour later when he checked the boys in the common room most of them were asleep, except Harry Potter. "You okay Harry?"

A negative shake of the head, followed by a surreptitious wipe of the eyes.

"Want to talk about it?" Another negative. "Want me to stay?" No answer at all just more eye wiping. He noticed a bit of blood on Harry's pajamas. "Did you get hurt? Let's take a look." He pulled the collar to the side he spotted a couple of glass shards neither very big near his shoulder blade. "Let's get these out. Was Dominic hurt? You two were the only ones out of bed when I checked."

"He had a cut on his cheek and a little glass in his palm, I helped him take care of it. Mr. Ingalls I... I hurt Dom tonight, I didn't mean to but I..."

Mr. Ingalls had fourteen years of experience as a floor parent at Stuart-Cavanaugh. He wrote poetry and short stories while the students were in class. He was a widower that loved children but because of a case of mumps in his twenties he would never have children of his own. He had kept a close eye on this boy, the youngest member of his floor, and the boy was usually so self possessed that to see him like this was slightly disturbing. Harry looked up at him with emerald eyes awash with tears. "How did you hurt him Harry?"

"I woke up and I had him in a hold with his arm twisted behind him."


"I was dreaming...about"

"About what?" He asked as he cleaned the two small wounds left from where he removed the glass. To his surprise the boy started sobbing in earnest. He made up his mind Harry wouldn't go to class in the morning he would be sent to Carson. Harry's small confession to having twisted Dominic's arm was enough to guarantee that. He tried to soothe Harry into sleep but the boy just sat in his chair shuddering whenever the thunder was heard from outside.

The next morning classes were canceled while the school tried to sort out what had happened and to assess the damage. Carson talked with Mr. Ingalls to try and figure out why Harry was so upset he put a call into Sirius to ask him to come to the school and meanwhile he talked with Dominic to see what the other boy had to say.

"Dominic, Harry told Mr. Ingalls he hurt you last night is that true?"

"Sort of."

"How can he sort of hurt you, either he did or he didn't." Carson said.

"Alright he did, but he wasn't awake when he did it."

"What do you mean he wasn't awake?"

"Mio dio. Look he was having a bad dream, I woke up because of the lightening it was rattling the windows. I look at Harry, he's having a bad dream. Tossing turning muttering something, I touch him on the shoulder. Next thing I know I'm kneeling on the floor with my arm twisted behind me and glass is exploding and my ears feel like bursting from the noise. I know one thing, if Harry has another bad dream I won't try to wake him up."

"Bad dream huh?" Carson thought about Harry's history and was inwardly surprised this hadn't happened sooner.

"Mr Carson how come Harry did that?"

"Dominic that's a question you should ask Harry, but I'll say this he has many things in his short past that is the stuff of nightmares and I suspect the hold he put you in was based on his defensive training."

The Italian boy nodded thoughtfully before leaving the room.

Sirius pulled up to the school, he hadn't planned on coming here today but between the call from Carson Beckett this morning and magic sensors near the school going off last night and WIS needing answers he didn't have a choice. The sensors were the biggest mystery investigators last night couldn't find any witnesses last night and so had merely obliviated the memories of their presence. He was surprised there was a veritable army of workers around Harry's dorm. He stepped off his motorcycle. He noticed someone in a school uniform. "Can you tell me where I can find Carson Beckett?"

"Inside third floor."

"What happened?"

"You mean the windows?"

Sirius nodded. "Building was struck last night probably by three to four simultaneous lighting bolts blew out almost all the glass and pretty much fried most the electronics in the building. Electricians are checking the wiring even as we speak."

Puzzled Sirius headed into the building when he was alone he quickly pulled out his wand to check for magical residue he tapped his wand to a small memo book so the readings as he walked through the building would be recorded. He tucked his wand so it was in his hand but along side his cane so it would be mostly unnoticeable then he continued until he found Carson Beckett and Harry.

Sirius entered the third floor common room. Carson was sitting with Harry, who looked like he hadn't slept. "Hey kiddo. I hear you had a scary night last night."

"Sirius!" Harry raced to Sirius but stopped just shy of bowling him over and burrowed into his side.

"Harry how about you and Sirius go for a walk when you get back we'll talk over things."

"Okay." As they left the building Harry seemed to beeline to the stables.

"So kiddo what happened?"


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