Accidental Magic

"I was dreaming of that night, except this time it was more than flashes of green light and a high laugh. I think I truly remember what happened. I felt so angry...I wanted to take him apart with my bare hands. Dominic touched me in my sleep. Next thing I know I'm waking up and I've got Dominic in a submission arm hold and if I had had a sai I probably would have been slitting his throat. And there's glass everywhere and my ears are ringing, after echoes of the thunder or so I'm told. He's yelling at me in Italian. A couple minutes later Mr. Ingalls opens the door and gets us our shoes and has us shaking glass from the blankets putting stuff so it won't get wet because of the rain blowing in the windows and we go to the common room for the rest of the night."

"How is Dominic this morning?"

"His shoulder is sore and he looks at me funny." Harry stopped outside one of the stalls and reached out to pet the nose of the horse that extended over the stall door.

"I can imagine; so what do you think you should do?"

Harry was quiet for several minutes."Apologize. Maybe tell him about my dream." He stroked the horse's nose some more. "Sorry Mishka no apples today."


"Yeah she's one of Michael's. She's the one he taught me on."

"Ah. How are you feeling?"

"A little... alright more than a little sick. I don't know if my headache is from lack of sleep or from ...magic."

"Funny you should say that. Sensors near here went off but when investigators showed up they were unable to identify what magic was done or by who. How did all the windows get broken? I was told by the workers that a storm blew out the windows and the electronics in the building."

"Sirius think about something, physics tells us that if the glass was blown out by the storm the glass should have been inside the building because the force that made it break came from outside. Did you notice where most the glass clean up is happening?"


"We both know I have been getting stronger, I went from doing almost no accidental magic to doing..."

"Several bouts in the last few months including apparition." Sirius sighed.

"I think my dream last night was the impetus. I've got to get rid of this horcrux. I'm getting stronger and I'm scared it is going to make me implode or something. If what it takes is an appointment with Winry's crazy then we should do it soon, this weekend or next as long as it's soon." Harry gave Mishka one last nose rub, before leading the way back to his dorm.

Sirius trailed behind Harry and thought about what he said. Broken glass was a common form of accidental magic, but a whole buildings worth? Harry remembering that night could definitely power some very powerful feelings and potentially magic. He frowned he needed to pick George's brain.

When they got back to the dorm, Harry approached Dominic in their room where he was trying to do clean up. Sirius and Carson followed discretely. "Can we talk?"

The older boy looked at Harry searchingly for a moment then nodded.

"I wanted to start by saying I'm sorry."

"You were asleep. I don't blame you but I do have a couple questions.

"Go ahead."

"Carson told me you have reasons for bad dreams and that what you did was because of your defensive training."


"What is it that gives you such bad dreams Harry? How and why do you train?"

"I train in mixed martial arts. I train because.."Harry closed his eyes. "I train because I am a target, the terrorist that killed my mum in front of me when I was fifteen months old wants to kill me too. He tried and failed that night but he'll be back to try again. I don't know when and I don't know why but I know he'll be back."

Michael and Varun stood shocked they had been coming through the bathroom to ask Dominic a question and had heard Harry's statement.

Dominic was surprised. He knew that terrorism happened what diplomat's child didn't. But that this boy younger than him had been touched by such evil at such a young age was shocking. Harry definitely had reason for nightmares. "Do you remember it?"

"Had you asked me yesterday the answer would have been only pieces, my dream last night had me reliving that night. It was a stormy night too. I was too small to fight back then, when you touched me to wake me for a second I was thrown back to that night and I had just watched my mum's murder, I wanted to fight that bastard. You just got in the way. Sorry."

Dominic gave a wry smile to his roommate. "Well if it happens again there isn't any way I'm waking you up. Got it?"

Harry smiled back. "Got it."

"Think you can teach me some of those moves?"

"Sure no sweat, or should I say no sweat on my part."


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