Meeting with Morgana

Sirius was relieved that things with Harry's roommate had been smoothed over so quickly. He looked around the suite and noticed in Harry's suite all the glass everything from computer monitors, mirrors, and picture glass there was no intact glass he asked Carson. "Is it like this throughout the building?"

"We actually think the strikes hit this side of the building this floor the damage is the worst centered on this suite everything here the suites on either side, the ones above and below so nine suites are like this, farther away it's only windows and the electronics. The surge pretty much melted surge protectors shorted them out and what not. Heaven help the kids that didn't back up their computers."

"What's the school going to do?" Sirius asked as they moved to the common room.

"Insurance will cover a lot of it, we break for four weeks in three and a half weeks. If we can come up with some interim solutions we'll be fine."

"Well if money will help, I have deep pockets. Computers for instance. Harry's will be replaced by tomorrow. But I might be willing to gift the school with say one computer for every eight students affected."

"That's very generous of you. I'll pass your offer along to Rebecca and Jason. Harry seemed calmer when you both came back."

"Yes he mostly needed reassurance. He wants to step up the treatment for his condition. But I'm still hunting for the right person for the procedure. When we lost Sri on Bali it cost us more than we knew."

"Sri was his doctor on Bali?"

"Yes, she died on December 17."Sirius confirmed.

"Has Harry talked about that with you?"

"Not really he's been focused on adjusting to life here. He's remarked about missing Hadi a time or two but like I said he been focused on the here and now, he tends to be proactive not retrospective."

"I think I'm concerned. I'd like to meet with him during the next few weeks."

"I don't know. I'll ask him, He's got enough pressure I don't want to put him under more."

"Well I'm concerned because you say he's pushing to have a life risking procedure when you haven't even found a doctor you're comfortable with. He has shown clear signs of depression so I think you need to push a little with this."

"I hadn't looked at it that way. But I want you to try to see what I see. Yes Harry knows the risks of the procedure but he has his eye on the benefit. He has lost a lot but he focuses on what remains and isn't afraid to reach out and make new connections. His grades are good and he's meeting his responsibilities. He excited as hell about the babies my wife is carrying, so no I'm not worried if from time to time he shows signs of being depressed. I'd be more worried if he didn't. He's down today, but last night he dreamed about his mum's murder. If that's not a reason for a down day I don't know what is. Harry did mourn his friends that died on Bali and he has at times questioned why he is alive when they died but he hasn't lost himself in grief. He has continued to move through it so I would appreciate you letting him; instead of trying to drag him back into it by making him talk about it."

" As you wish."

"Is there anything else you need from me? Or was your phone call just a procedure being followed."

"Mostly procedure, Harry wasn't very responsive to anyone this morning and he didn't sleep after the strikes last night. But he seems to have perked back up with your visit. Thanks again for the generous offer on the computers I will let Jason and Rebecca know."


 Sunday afternoon of the weekend following Harry's nightmare, Beth's whole security team entered a park in Washington DC that was a wizards only. Winry was on edge, not that anyone else on the team was much better. Consulting Morgana O'Shanahan, the most feared witch in WIS, made them all nervous.

When Sirius, Beth and Harry got there they slowly wandered to the picnic table where the meeting was to take place. Just as the clock tower of a nearby church began to chime ten there was a loud crack, and the elderly witch appeared.

Sirius stepped forward ready to be polite when Morgana glared at him and said, "I didn't come for pleasantries, no matter how pleasant time could be spent with a fine looking wizard such as yourself." She gave him a leer that made him recoil in horror and Beth glare angrily. "I came for the boy, come here boy."

Harry stepped forward and looked at her with all the concentration she was looking at him with. After a couple of minutes Morgana's head tilted to the side until her left ear was almost touching her left shoulder.

"Such a sideways view eagle child. How did...ah a world rocked sideways by your mother's death. So you are the one to face darkness, not just the black of night but also the dark that masquerades...Train you must, folding time itself, the twelve must teach you but only you can lead...First you must be freed of that which ties you. Contact Yiska Walker Azee'tsoh Dine'e of the Navajo Nation."

"He will see the darkness and together with the protectors he will free you to live in light. Air will always lift and sustain you, you have only begun to grasp it's power. You must know yourself, it is from that knowledge your power will flow."

"Play the mystic seer much? World rocked sideways? The twelve? The protectors? Pfft. You look more like a muggle's idea of what a wicked witch looks like than a normal person..."

"HARRY!" came mortified shouts from Beth and Sirius' throats. That similar thoughts had crossed their minds would never be admitted but still she was here to help.


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