Journey to Monument Valley

The gleeful cackle that escaped the ancient crone's mouth stopped their scolding before it really got started. She finally straightened her head."You have courage enough to fly with Eagle child. I just wish I would be here to see the world resulting from your work. Alas I'll have long since turned to dust when that happens. There is one last bit of wisdom I would share with you. You will never overcome the darkness completely for there can never be light in the absence of darkness, therefore vigilance must be constant."

"Okay. Thank you for the information on how I can get rid of it. As for the rest I'll try to keep it in mind. Why call me Eagle child?"

"You will know soon enough." with that she apparated away.

Radar immediately apparated back to his apartment to cross reference the name in his computer.

The name was listed as a resident of the Navajo Indian Reservation in the Monument Valley area. He pulled up and printed off everything he could get from every source.

Sirius, Beth, Harry and the rest of the detail headed back to the house to debrief. They wore Harry patience thin making him repeat what Morgana had said so they could extract every nuance. After two hours Harry finally lost his temper. "What do you mean how did she look when she said, train you must folding time itself? She looked like an old hag! I have exams to study for I've had enough of this bullshit. Sirius are you taking me back or am I finding my own way?"Glaring at the adults.

Sirius looked at the emerald eyes that were so furious and promptly caved. "Let me grab my keys." As they went out and climbed on to the motorcycle he thought about what to say but decided to wait until Harry was calmer. Twenty-five minutes later when Harry climbed off the bike and removed his helmet in front of the gym acting as a temporary dorm.

Sirius spoke. "I'm sorry kiddo, sometimes the people around you forget that we're the adults and you're just a kid. We're concerned for you and O'Shanahan's demand to meet you kind of freaked us out. Being on the receiving end of a prophecy like you were kind of pushed us over the edge."

"You think? I got the name of a person to help. Let's take things one step at a time, isn't that what you've always taught me. Step one get rid of the damned horcrux, then worry about turning me into a kick ass wizard and whatever other damn prophecies have been made about me. I need to go study if I ace my Latin final I might pull my grade up. Later."


"Yes, I remember you and Beth are gone; her to Geneva for the latest talks and you to meet with the Navajo guy about me So I'll see you all for the concert Tuesday but then not until after finals."

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too. Even when you act like an idiot and piss me off."

"We good?"

Harry finally let go of his annoyance and reached out to hug his godfather. "We're good."

Sirius' portkeyed from Dulles to Flagstaff late on Wednesday. Thursday morning he left on his motorcycle heading north towards Monument Valley. He had the directions Radar had given him just before seeing Beth and her security team off to Geneva the day before, he didn't envy them they were on an eight and a half hour flight from Baltimore to Geneva.

Beth didn't have enough magic to be safe with a portkey for that distance and rather than draw straws the entire team opted to fly with her. It was one of the little things that made Beth trust her detail.

Sirius gassed up in Kayenta and carefully followed his directions to Indian Rd. 42, when he finally found the correct address he turned in. It wasn't what he was expecting, an older mobile home type trailer and a hogan, but then again he hadn't really known what to expect. He went up to the door of the trailer and knocked not sure if anyone was even home this time of day. After a moment an elderly woman answered the door, "May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for, sorry if I mispronounce this, Yiska Walker Azee'tsoh Dine'e."

"My husband is not here he is at the council offices. My husband in general prefers to be known as Yiska Walker, you must be a wizard to know him by that name."

"Yes, a seer on the east coast Morgana O'Shanahan, gave his name as someone who can help me, or more specifically my godson, with a problem."

"Come in. You may wait here until he returns."


As he waited Sirius sat and reviewed the notes about the ritual Sri and he had created. It was scary. Part protection, part of the horcrux ritual itself to separate the soul fragment, part destruction of a soul ritual. He had always subscribed to the school of thought that said the darkness or lightness of magic was 95 percent intention because you could kill with a wingardium leviosa but even to him this was borderline. To need to persuade another person to help was hard, he was willing to stain his own soul doing the ritual but another's, it troubled him. It had troubled the few healers that Winry had found as well, so much so that they had refused any part of it which was how it ended up he was here.


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