An Unexpected Encounter

He didn't have a choice however the spell required a mage class or higher witch or wizard preferably one with strong healing magic for the destruction aspect. And usually only fifteen mages or so were born every generation worldwide meaning only one or two might be a healer. Albus and Grindelwald's generation had been the first in centuries to be marked as having two high arch mages born to it. Most generations lacked a high arch mage at all. Only the founders era had had more.

That was one of the things that had marked the founder's era. Four arch mages coming together to create the first school of magic. Beaubatons had been founded two generations later by an arch mage inspired by the founders, Durumstrang by a group of seven mages, most subsequent schools had followed Durumstrang's example. Sirius himself was only a sorcerer class wizard. James, Lily, Remus and, as much as he hated to admit it, Severus Snape and his former cousin Trixie all had been or were stronger than he was, being Grand Sorcerer level wizards.

As he read through it he found that Walter had added a page of notes suggesting that Harry have protective glyphs and wards inked onto his skin that could be activated after his "death" to prevent the horcrux from being able to repossess him when he was resuscitated; that that might allow a quicker resuscitation. The notes included details of the wards and glyphs he was suggesting. Sirius found himself smiling, in the thirteen weeks they had been in the United States Beth's team had become good friends to both himself and Harry.

The proposed changes in front of him were proof. There was no criticism or debate just helpful support. The team would have cheerfully attempted to help with the ritual but like himself, they were only sorcerer class wizards. Stronger than 75 percent of wizards but lacking that last bit of strength to put them high enough to help. He looked up as he heard a truck drive up and stop.

Yiska Walker noticed a motorcycle parked outside his home as he pulled in with his truck. That was odd, Jenny and he seldom had visitors. As the second highest ranked member of the Azee'tsoh Dine'e Clan, or the Big medicine clan, he was respected and somewhat feared so they seldom had casual visitors. He hurried inside. Jenny was calmly standing at the stove making supper. In the living room stood a young man.

The spirits whispered wizard to him. " You are?"

"Sirius Black. I was given your name by a seer, Morgana O'Shanahan. She said that I, we should come and seek your help."

Will you eat with us?"

"Only if it isn't an imposition."

"You will eat with us then we will speak of this help you seek."

Sirius was slightly off balance because both the old man and his wife hadn't asked questions beyond the first, he knew their names because of Radar's file. They acted as if he was both there and not there and it struck him as odd. After dinner Yiska said, "We'll talk in the hogan, I don't talk of medicine in the house." When they entered the hogan Yiska lit a fire in the fire pit and three kerosene lamps. "Sirius Black, why do you come to me?"

"I come seeking your help to free my godson from an evil spell." Sirius was feeling torn between being completely open with the old Indian in front of him and flipping out because of the weight he felt. He wasn't sure what it was or why he felt it it was just there.

"What is this spell and why was it placed on your godson?"

"I have a file here to give the particulars. However I require an oath of secrecy, not for myself but to protect my godson."

"An oath is a sacred thing."

"As my godson's safety is to me."

"An oath to do what exactly, white men have used such oaths to steal and cheat the Dine'."

"I want you to oath not to share the contents of this file with anyone without my express permission."

"Very well,I Yiska Walker Azee'tsoh Dine'e, solemnly swear on my magic never to reveal to anyone the contents of Sirius Black's file to anyone without his express permission."

Sirius handed him the file it was three inches thick. Yiska started to read. Shortly after midnight he closed the file as he struggled with the urge to vomit. "Do you know why I became a healer Mr. Black?"

"No sir."

"I fought Grindelwald's followers and then I fought with many of the Dine' that had no magic against the Japanese. By doing so I committed many acts of which I am deeply ashamed, I tarnished my soul. I have spent more than forty years working to balance those acts of shame. It took me a long time. This.."he tapped the file, "is so.."

"Close to an atrocity that you aren't comfortable with it. I've heard that from the healers I've found that are powerful enough to help; most all of them are too afraid."

Yiska frowned, the man before him seemed almost heartbroken. "Do not put words in my mouth I have not yet said. Why would you wish to do this, and how does your godson feel about it?"

"I wish I didn't have to do it, I wish that Voldemort never attacked Harry and his parents that night. But as Sri used to say if wishes were fishes we'd all live in the sea. I have to deal with what is. Harry was born a wizard but thanks to the spells on him he can't live as one. To live around magic is like giving him a slow acting poison courtesy of that thing Voldemort put in him. Unfortunately him coming into his magical core means he needs to be schooled in magic.

Diametrically opposed needs don't you think?"Sirius paused and pinched the bridge of his nose fighting tears. He wondered what words he could use to persuade the old healer; the man had been a solider surely he understood that desperate times called for desperate measures.


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